He couldn’t keep waiting. The gift Fela had been working on was taking too long thanks to her injury, and his patience itself was probably an insult to add to it. True, his entry to the infirmary had left him a little addled, but he was in much better shape than some that had crossed through before and since. He couldn’t just wallow in his anxiety anymore—especially with Fela pressuring him more and more.

Swimming above the numbweed, Sophrosunth timidly reached out. _< Er, Macuith, a moment? >_ Atop his headknobs, a small gold flit crooned her reassurances.

To say Macuith was surprised by the mental touch of Sophrosunth was an understatement. The blue dragon, who had been resting (as he was wont to do) was so startled he lifted his head a bit too quickly, pulling too sharply at some of his taut and healing skin. He ignored it. At this point, the poor blue was used to hurting in some fashion, even though it was lessening. <*Sophrosunth!*> There was no bitterness or hesitation in his words. Nothing but surprise and pleasure... Very keen pleasure, at that. At this point and time, the blue had given up on getting any additional visitors, and had generally assumed he'd been forgotten, so long he'd been tucked up in the infirmary. Forgotten, or perhaps unworthy of any other clutchsiblings time. He wasn't as charming as Thanoth, try as he might, or as beloved as Zeno, after all. <*All I have is time--what might I do for you?*>

A stab of guilt went through his hearts at how pleased his brother sounded, but he pressed on. _< Stay there, dearest. I will come to you. >_ Passing the unfinished crown to Babe, who was more than happy to keep it safe in her jaws, Soph made his way through the miniature mountain range of tents until he located Macuith. Babe continued to cling to his headknobs and gave a muffled trill at the sight of the three legged blue.

_< I believe I am well overdue to visit, >_ Sophrosunth said sheepishly. _< Would you humor your foolish brother, Macuith? >_

Macuith likely wouldn't have been able to come to Sophrosunth even if the other blue wished such a thing. Though he was on the road of recuperation, he was still not as strong as once had been, and his balance was still off kilter. To complicate matters, the healers hadn't wanted him moving much due to his extensive neck and chest burns, so his movement had been minimal indeed. Until the burned flesh had more better healed, the blue dragon was in no position to travel far. So he waited with much anticipation for the other blue to make his approach. Upon the sight of him, Macuith let out a pleased creel of delight, his eyes whirling a bright blue-green. His enthusiasm got the better of him, as he reached out his neck in eagerness, to more swiftly bridge the distance between them, burn be damned. Ever tactile, he had no wish for Sophrosunth to remain so detached. ** His compliments rained freely, even as he tried to push himself closer. If Sophrosunth had expected Macuith to harbor any ill will, the blue would be sorely disappointed. ** As if Macuith would ever turn down the chance for attention, especially from a cute dragon!

_< I never thought you a liar, >_ he teased gently. _< You have nothing_ but _good humor it seems. >_

Fretting quietly that he was hurting himself stretching out like that, Soph leaned in and let their heads touch like magnets as he closed the gap with the rest of his body, crooning. Babe crawled over them and placed the flower crown atop Macuith’s head before standing at attention. It smelled faintly of sandalwood, no doubt from one of Fela’s many perfumes.

_< Thank you, dear, >_ he said to the flit. _< Could you check on FelaMine for me? >_ Babe chirped and gave one last loving look for disappearing.

And there it was. At Macuith’s side, like he should have been so many sevendays before. Soph had always been slow to decide, but this was egregious. The guilt and anxiety remained, but it mingled with relief, love, and a semblance of hope for the moment.

_< I am sorry the gift isn’t much, >_ he said. _< Mine has made many for this spring and coming summer, but they needed to be individualized. We suffered a delay before they could all be finished. >_ He made it as casual as he could; a few holes in his wingsail and muscle hardly seemed anything compared to what his brother had. To what he had caused his brother to have. _< I thought nonetheless it might, er, make for a peace offering. >_

To say that Macuith was delighted at Sophrosunth's company was an understatement. Certainly, he had Viandarth and Menankith as near constant guests; Cynosuth also frequented him with her delicate presence, to which he was grateful. But the blue dragon had always been an extroverted soul, and had always hoped that his clutchmates, if nothing else, might care for him as he adored them. But time and distance had kept many away; some, rumor said, seemed to believe he needed nothing but peace and rest, which was far from the truth. Certainly, at the beginning, but not now, when he was more alert, more capable, and no longer so near to death. He was an affectionate creature, for all he was a flirtatious one, but just because he had Menankith and Viandarth didn't mean he didn't miss others of his clutch, or his Wing. There were holes in his heart that his lovers couldn't touch, a loneliness that wasn't satiated simply by having settled down. But Sophrosunth's time could heal one of those cuts, and the love and pleasure he radiated was clear.

*< It is a wonderful present, and I shall wear it proudly. I already was the best looking dragon in the place, but now I'll be even more stunning. >* He teased in his usual confident way, nevermind that he was underweight, covered in ugly scar tissue, dead skin, and with an ugly patch where his arm had once been. Unlike his rider, Macuith's ego and arrogance hadn't diminished due to his newfound injuries. *< How thoughtful of you to bring it, dear one. >* The blue was genuinely pleased to sort a new fashion, and his eyes whirled a bright green of joy. *< What is this talk of peace, though? Were we ever at war? >* He questioned, burrowing his head fondly against Sophrosunth's cheek and neck. *< I heard you were a resident guest as of late, and am sorry I have not been over. I haven't moved too much, unfortunately... >* He gave a small snort, and another apologetic nuzzle. *< Are you healing well? I can tell you who among the healers has the gentlest touch, if any of them get rough with you. And which ones are the cutest. And which ones can be bribed.>* He added, like it was some secret. Leave it Macuith to want to gossip.

_< Why have you any need to move when you are the axis upon which the world turns? >_ Sophrosunth draped his good wing over his brother and leaned against him. _< Has your keen eye already scouted them all? >_ he asked with amusement. _< I shoudn’t be surprised. But no, I am fine, dearest. I would not pull them from their inexorable orbit around you. >_ What pain there was could be taken stoically, until Fela fussed loudly enough to have an annoyed healer do away with it. He thought of it as its own sort of penance.

_< I...have made mistakes preceding and in the fallout of the greatest one, >_ Soph went on, a little quieter. _< I had expected something in retaliation, from someone other, if not you in your magnanimous disposition to forgive. Perhaps if nothing else, I am at war with myself. >_ He hadn’t exactly been a golden boy in lessons all the time, but Sophrosunth had a sharp mind for a dragon and had always followed instructions to a T. He had never found himself on the wrong end of something before, let alone this. _< But so long as you will have me here, I can call a ceasefire. >_

Macuith gave a small snort. * < Healers are perhaps second in number, only to riders, in the Weyr. If you have need of them, or have hurts and pains, it would be wise to let them work their magic. I am well enough now that they need not be in constant attendance, after all. >* He spoke cheerfully, though a flash of yellow in concern over his brother did swirl within his gaze. He pulled his head away, for part of a moment, so as to better try to look over Sophrosunth, as if he might need to call a healer to attend him immediately. But a desire to remain attached to his brother had him quickly forcing his head back right where it had been previously. *< I would much rather they let me be, so I might not be a further burden upon their time. >* He confessed quietly. A strange one, given how much Macuith enjoyed attention. But this was not good attention--and their ministrations often resulted in pan. Unfortunately, until his burn was more fully healed, and there was no need to scrub at the dead flesh or encourage healing, he was stuck. *< Soon though. I am looking much better, don't you think? >* Never mind that Sophrosunth hadn't seen him at his worst.

As his brother spoke, Macuith's eyes whirled a bit brighter yellow-white. He had been completely oblivious to his brothers feelings, had been unaware of what had happened outside of the infirmary. * < There is nothing to forgive. What happened was nothing more than an accident; than a bit of bad luck, and very good aim at your part. You didn't do this purposefully or maliciously. Threadfall and Threadfighting is dangerous and comes with risks-- If it helps ease your pain, I don't blame you or Yours. >* And that was true. His rider, good-natured as C'lusi might be, had different feelings at his lowest or when depression strck his hearts... but Macuith also knew that the man harbored no true ill will or long-standing anger. *< If anyone retaliates, you tell me, and I will make little work of them. >* He rumbled, as if Macuith could ever be thought of as a be a threatening beast. * < And don't worry a dollep, dearest. You're far too handsome to wear such a shroud of heaviness on your brow. >*

Soph hummed sympathetically. If he were in Macuith’s place, he too wouldn’t have wanted that sort of attention, let alone that long. _< As handsome as ever, >_ he agreed with a smile.

When his brother pulled away, Soph mildly adjusted the crown on the blue’s head so it wouldn’t slip off, delaying so he could think of an appropriate response. Menankith had promised the same, and even Cynosuth had threatened to deal with what Soph had thought a perceived obstacle. It warmed his hearts as much as it did weigh heavily on them. Perhaps he had made too much out of this. He was normally so good at simply smoothing things over...

_< Peace, dearest, >_ Soph said gently, sending soothing thoughts. There were a slurry if colors in his eyes, but he did his best to maintain positivity. _< I think only our wingleader might pass judgement at this point. If he does, we will accept it without argument. >_

He hesitated. Fela pushed. He naturally gave in without much resistance.

Issuing a sigh thorough his nose, Soph tucked his legs under him as he often did when getting comfortable. _< I must be boring you, ahah...Has anyone been telling you stories while you’re here? >_ Sophrosunth asked. _< Gossip? >_

(Sorry for slow! D: )
Macuith watched Sophrosunth for a moment, before allowing himself to relax against him. He cuddled up to the other as best he could with his injuries, and hoped the other wasn't too put off. Usually, such a thought would never enter Macuith's mind, but he was well aware enough to know he looked more than a bit of a mess, and likely smelled strongly of redwort and numbweed. * < Accidents happen. >* Macuith stated firmly. *< Threadfall is as much luck as it is lessons and drills and practice. >* Which was true. Even Macuith had made his fair share of accidents--from C'lusi's poor aim when it came to tossing riders new bags of firestone, to Macuith having caught some of his wingmates in his own flame! ** What was a missing arm or two? A bit of crisped flesh? It certainly could have been worse. Sophrosunth could have flamed his beautiful face. *< I am here, I am alive, and I can vouch for how hot you really are.> * He stated, his old, flirtatious humor coloring his eyes a bit brighter-green. There was sincerity in his words, and it wasn't just in Sophrosunth's flames.

As the other blue seemed to get more comfortable, Macuith fussed a bit, pausing to nose and nuzzle and him in amicable affection. *< You can't bore someone who is already painfully bored and lonely. Menankith and Viandarth try to keep me up to date, but they've been busy. What's going on out there? What have you been up to, besides injuring yourself? Though honestly, if you wanted to visit, you could have done so anytime without having to injure yourself first. > * He teased.

Normally one to bluster when flirted with, Soph took the comment with a small smile. If nothing else, it meant Macuith truly couldn’t be kept down. _< How much patience it must have taken to wait to use that, >_ he said affectionately, with a mental touch of the same. _< Truly you have a will of steel and a tongue of silver, Macuith. >_ At least one of them had a spine at all; if he could feel any more shame in the face of his brother’s upbeat perseverance, it would have made him more purple than blue in embarrassment. He would touch more on the sensitive subject when he meandered to it.

_< Well. Er. I am no bastion of rumor sleuthing or gossip... >_ That was more Fela’s territory, and she had her own stacking plates to worry about. _< I suppose you already know about Ichta and G’ran sharing a weyr? >_ Soph offered. Was that even gossip? It seemed logical to him, given how sweet they were with one another, but he was happy for them nonetheless. _< I believe Elzebuth has also been making eyes at some of the weyrlings, especially now that they’ve become seniors. >_ That also didn’t seem very gossipy, more just an everyday occurrence for the brown...Sophrosunth frowned slightly as he cuddled with his brother, trying to think of something worth discussing.

The blue dragon was pleased that Sophrosunth took his comment so well. The young blue allowed pleasure to radiate from him, hoping it might warm his clutchmate like a blanket. If he was meant to hold some grudge, he, for one, was failing miserable. He regretted not having use of his forearm, and the ugly burns, but he was still alive, and that was what was important. < *You did keep me waiting, brother Mine. Though I suppose it's a shame to have all this time to think of clever things to say, and that be the crowning achievement. I suppose you could say I'm 'armless...* > The blue dragon bumped his cheek against Sophrosunth's again < *Though I guess I should leave such things to Thanoth. She's the jokester. I'm much better at flirting. So tell me, hot stuff... Since we've last talked, how's your love life anyway?* > Honestly, Macuith did rather desperately want to know. Would any of his fellow clutchmates find loves or comfort under the wings of another? If nothing else, were any of them secretly yearning and pining?

Thankfully, Sophrosunth was at least trying to gossip, bless his hearts. < *That sounds about right for the two of them. I'm glad they finally managed. It's much more convenient to have your loves close at hand, after all.* > He added sagely. < As for Elzebuth, I'm not at all surprised. It will be interesting to see who winds up on his ledge in the coming months. Not that I blame him-- such beauty and magnificence surrounds us. Good on him for trying to take a bite out of it.* >

Sophrosunth chuffed and returned the nuzzle, even as notes of grey touched his eyes for a moment. He really needed to check on Thanoth next; it just didn’t seem right to when he had been so bent on avoiding Macuith. Well, none of it was right, Fela had been quick to point out, but he was making amends, starting now. He had spent enough time grieving. Now he could start sweating.

The last thing Soph wanted to do was ignore his brother’s requests for anything and everything, but...Love was an odd subject. He had never thought it difficult until the past turn, when he started getting noticed by a few greens. He supposed if there was any dragon he could talk about it with, it was Macuith—though the blue braced himself for the teasing. His brother was going to enjoy this too much, he suspected.

_< I hesitate to call any of it ‘love’, >_ Soph prefaced mildly. Very mildly. _< Merely, er...the natural...>_ Attraction? He couldn’t begin to think of himself as such. _< I have no word for it, surprisingly! But, ah. There have been some, er, overtures from a few greens, yes. >_

There we go, the fluster was beginning. All was right with the world again.

He knew Mac would demand details and forced himself to continue, _< There’s Neiveth, you remember her from our wing, yes? But she does so like to flirt, and I know she visits Elzebuth and is keen on Thanoth. Almost incorrigible, really, ahah. The other is one of the Tea group, Sahrawith. But I believe that is a side effect from waiting to rise... >_ The green had been glowing for a while now, and while Soph had no idea why she didn’t follow the urge, being around those deep purple eyes was slightly terrifying.

Macuith listened to Sophrosunth eagerly as he rested against his blue clutchmate. He considered his words, glad for the distraction. One could only spend so much time outside the infirmary before going stir-crazy, and it would be some time before he was able to fly freely again. He hadn't remembered the world being so dull as a weyrling, but after having had the freedom flight granted him, life was considerably more boring grounded. So he ate up every word Sophrosunth gave, considering each one carefully. < *It's no surprise, really. You are quite a handsome fellow. What's more surprising is that you haven't tucked someone beneath your wing or pined for them upon your ledge. Unless, of course, you have?* > He asked as innocently as he could muster. Oh, okay, so innocence wasn't something Macuith could ever claim, but he did want to know if his brother had any secrets he was willing to share. < *Have there been any greens that you've thought much of? Or any strapping blue, brown, or bronze? Or perhaps one of the Weyr's illustrious golds?* > He gently encouraged, watching Sophrosunth closely, hoping some sort of tell might be given. < *Love and lust and romance can be complicated, but it doesn't have to be.* >

He considered the names that Sophrosunth confessed. He remembered Neiveth, remember that it was her flight that he first fell into Viandarth's clutches--and Menankith's as well. < *A good natured lady, to be sure, though I would have pegged her more as Thanoth's than anyone's. I don't know Sahrawith well, but I seem to recall her being a sweet thing. Perhaps you might better get to now her when she takes flight?* > He nudged his brother gently with his good shoulder, giving him an affectionate, encouraging nuzzle. < *There is no shame in waiting, though. The best way to fall into the clutches of another, or to snatch them, is when your hearts are well in it.* > And even Macuith understood sometimes that could take time. He was no fool. Usually.

_< I, er, have not done any such tucking, >_ Soph reported. _< Not of any nature beyond this. >_ He shifted self-consciously as if this was a lie, but it wasn’t; just thinking about the past encounters were enough to make him blush. _< And that is enough for me. I have had conversations with FelaMine about prior, ah...attentions when I was younger, yes, but they do not matter now. I have found the love of my life already, and she is short, loud, and unstoppable, >_ he said with a smile. _< What indeed would compare to that? >_

He snorted softly at the idea of _snatching_ anything. Sophrosunth was much too passive to even think of hardcore decision making, let alone actually enacting them. _< Love and lust fly higher than I do, Macuith. I much prefer to stay further below as substitute teacher! Or therapist. Granted, I am certainly no better than those actually trained for such things, >_ he quickly added, _< but discussion, advising, and problem solving have always been my strongest suits. I have also picked up some meditative techniques, should you wish to learn! I believe they have been helping some of the weyrlings I’ve been visiting. >_