b]Name: Jakahl
Age: six turns old
Nameday: still don’t understand Pernese calendar
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual (But this won’t come into play until later)
Craft: Hopeful healer (isn’t ten yet!)
Rank: Weyrbrat
Location: High Reaches
Physical Description:
Positive Trait List Ambitious, goal-oriented, confident, trusting, enthusiastic, willing to try new things, observant
Negative Trait List Self-gratifying, selfish, spoiled, over eager, calls out others’ mistakes
History: - was born six turns ago to parents, blah blah
- peaceful time, sister went on to be an apprentice healer
- decided to become a healer when he grows up, but that is liable to change
- met Tassiel. Liked him at first, then learned about Bekah’s relationship with him. Does not approve
- Why isn’t he old enough to become an apprentice yet?
Other: Anything else you want to add?