She practically floated down the mountain pass. She walked tall, eyes narrowing as she took in the sights around her. This territory was unfamiliar to her in person, but she had been here before. In her dreams. In her visions. Every rock she passed, every crack against the weathered stone, she knew.

Her head tilted as a lone feather floated from the sky. It was slate in color. Expectantly, Prosper glanced to the right, towards a particular snow covered peak, watching the avian fly down into the shadows. She had seen this before. A dead leaf danced on the wind as it flew past her, and the slight sound of a tumbling rock let her eyes close. She played the scene in her mind again, waiting for the rustling in the bushes next to her to commence. It didn’t take long for the unusual scent to enter her nostrils. Still, she was silent as the raccoon shifted closer.

It was only until the two-toned thief would begin speaking, that Prosper spoke.

“Tell your Alpha to meet me on the mid-peak’s ledge.” Her tone was short, and she kept her eyes closed. She didn’t need to see the world around her to know what would happen next.

Cutie Pie paused, jaw dropping slightly. His fingers shifted, clicking together as if he were to contemplate his next words. “Who are you? And what do you know of our alpha?”

The seer, unphased, glanced her violet eyes towards him. The purple hue flashed. “If you value your life, you will not saunter, and will do so quickly.”

The words seemed to get Cutie Pie’s attention as his ears flattened. Now, who did this wolf think she was? His teeth clacked, sharp canine’s flashing. “I take no orders from canines. You want him, you go find him yourself.”

Unfortunately for the familiar, his features went unnoticed. Already the whitened wolf had turned away. Prosper let out a small chuckle, shifting her head so her braid covered her eye. Her tail lay low, just barely hovering on the ground as she made her way from the Dawnstar clearing, towards the trails that would lead to the peaks. The Alpha would know where she wished him to meet her. She had already seen the dual eyed male there in her vision.

“Oh, and Coon, or…should I say, Cutie Pie.” Proper paused, her head glancing over her shoulder as her gaze settled on the raccoon. “Tell Two Tone not to be late. I do hate waiting.” And then she was gone.

For the second time that day, Cutie Pie’s jaw slackened, his mouth agape as he stared at where the she-wolf once stood.

She had to have known Two Tone. She knew his name, and the alpha of Dawnstar to boot. It wasn’t as if the chill male went around boasting who he was to others. But, how did the wolf know his name? He was a being that never forgot a name, or a face. Cutie Pie was sure he had never met the she-wolf in his short life.

All the raccoon could do was shrug. Something had seemed a bit off to the raccoon that he couldn’t quite figure out. Her look seemed normal…but her eyes… there was something about those eyes that smaller creature could not put his paw on.

He’d have to tell Two Tone what he heard, and what was requested of him. Even with his new litter of pups, he could take some time from his new ‘fatherly’ duties to seek out the wolf that beckoned him.

Now, the question was. Where would Two Tone be?

[605 words]