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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

Reply [IC RP] High Reaches Weyr
[PRP] Autumn Tactics [Zyamel & Martirae + dergs]

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Shy Mage

PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2019 4:07 pm
The day's lessons had finally ended, and the brown rider was free to enjoy the rest of her evening. Autumn was fast approaching with the sunlight beginning to dip behind the peaks of the High Reaches mountains surrounding them. The sky was a rich orange-pink, with Timor and Belior rising high in the sky. Night was falling upon them earlier and earlier, which meant Threadfall that began in the mid- to late-afternoon could easily turn hazardous for the riders who fought it. Still, Zyamel wasn't worried--perhaps it was foolish of her, but her confidence in Ven and her's abilities weren't shaken.

Not... not really. Any doubts she might have had with the passing of K'ell and Cavera had soundly been replaced by a desire to simply be better. To do better. Work harder, smarter, and be the best damned rider she could be! That had meant throwing her all into her studies and visualizations; memorizing the Holds and their landmarks, eating up every star chart she could find in the archives, and practicing with Ven and others. While she had grieved along with the rest, Zyamel refused to let fear or uncertainty win. She would succeed because that was the only thing she could do. Their success would mean less Threadfall would get through her airspace, and that meant protecting any riders below or around them; the less Thread to harm her fellows meant less of a risk to the planet and people below. There was no other options as a rider--so being the best she could be was all she could do.

The young woman was about to suggest going back to their weyr to clean up and rest before her eyes fell upon a familiar figure. Not far from where the weyrlings had landed was a smaller group of gold riders who looked to be finishing up some sort of drill or lesson. A few of the queen's spread their wings and began parting ways, which was good news for Zyamel. It confirmed they were also done for the day. Pulling off her riding helmet and goggles, the rider strode over to the dissipating group, giving polite nods to those she passed, but her track clear.

"What auspicious timing, beautiful! I wondered if we'd ever see you again now that you're really focusing on those gold rider lessons," She mused with her usual confident smirk. "Figured we'd stop on by and say hello, really make your night." She winked, flirty-humor never far from her tongue.

Venandith, who had strutted up with his rider, turned blue-green eyes on Anakumath. He crooned a pleasant greeting at the other, just as pleased with himself as his rider was. Though they were both a bit soot-covered from aerial target practice, the brown felt he had flown exceptionally well. He was certain, if it had been a real Threadfall, he would have returned fully unscathed. Anakumath. He rumbled, folding back his wings, and puffing out his chest. What a magnificent sight to behold, right? You're looking radiant as ever--surely, even the sun must shy away from such beauty. I trust you and Yours are well?

Like rider, like dragon--it just couldn't be helped.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 15, 2019 7:03 am
Failure was never an option Martirae lived with - it never took seed as more than a frustration that pushed her forward to do better. She'd been particularly tensed up ever since the same lesson that had taken their family, because that was what they had been and what the rest still were. It was a mindset she would have never lived with before. She hadn't even acknowledged it herself as a change. Hadn't noticed that Anakumath's way of seeing it had colored her own so fully.

She'd poured her fervor into continuing drills and lessons, the impending freedom that felt so close now no temptation to let up. Places where any certainty she had in her abilities had once grown were rooted up with prejudice to do it over again. To check again. Only the gentle touch of her golden love's mind against hers reminded Martirae to relax at the end of the day. Too taut and they would both snap.

Anakumath bid warm farewells and gratitude to the older golds as they headed on their way after their own practices, Martirae waving them off in turn as she unhitched herself from her straps to drop down to the sand. "We'll check over our straps," again, "and wash up before we head in," she informed Anakumath, even though she was certain the plan was already known with merely a thought. A thought interuptted as her beloved looked up past her with whirling blues and greens to someone on the approach.

She turned in time to see Zyamel's approach. "I'm sure you're just as focused on your own," Martirae answered cooly, though the faintest hints of a smile tinted the edges of her lips. "We were getting ready to check up on our gear before we put it away for the night - good company is always welcome if you wish to join us."

Venandith's posturing was met with approving looks from Anakumath, who stepped from Martirae to greet him with a bump of her head. Even if that meant getting perhaps a little sooty. A bath had already been in order, right? The sun and I are still very good friends, thankfully. It comes to admire all in the Weyr with me and tells me it is quite taken with you, dear Venandith, and why shouldn't it have been? We have been as well as we can be - busy, but that is hardly a bad thing in these trying times.



Beloved Werewolf


Shy Mage

PostPosted: Fri Sep 27, 2019 7:34 pm
“You know we are,” she agreed with a nod. “Won’t be long now before they have us up there actually putting our training to use. No time to slack, no time for distractions.” Ah, but the dark-haired woman gave a little laugh and a shrug, “At least that’s what they say. I don’t know about that last bit--all work and no play isn’t usually my style, and certainly can’t be any better than all play and no work.” Not that any of them would be this far along in their training if they weren’t putting in the effort. No, Zyamel respected Martirae’s work-ethic, but she also wasn’t blind. The entire group had been affected by the loss of Cavera and K’ell, and each weyrling had their ways of dealing and coping, but Martirae had (seemingly) hit her lessons and training a hundred times harder. While they were both busy, Zyamel felt the lack of time to visit or catch up, much less hangout for any stretch. With their lessons and schedules quite different--the young queens were now rarely with the fighting dragons--Zyamel wondered if this was their new normal. If it was, well… She’d just have to do what she did best, and try to persuade Martirae to come up for air now and then--to let her hair down and enjoy the scenery they each tried so valiantly hard to save.

“As if I’d say no to such an invitation,” she grinned. “You always know how to show a lady a good time,” she teased with laugh. It wasn’t a slight at all--she knew darn well just how good company Martirae could be. “Ven and I got so soot covered today, I’ll be shocked if I can spot any cracks in the leather. Gonna have to check it all by hand, but better to be safe than sorry. I don’t need my first set of leathers falling apart the first time we go up and really break ‘em in.” She admitted. “So what were Ana and you getting drilled on today?”

Venandith’s eyes whirled a brighter green at Anakumath’s words. If his chest puffed out just a bit more, it couldn’t be helped. The brown dragon did rather enjoy being so sweetly complimented. The sun clearly has exceptional taste, though I am hardly surprised; if its own beauty pales next to yours, than surely, it needs someone as handsome as I to help lift it up. The sun always looks ever so good on me--now I finally know why. The brown gave a small snort of amusement, before letting their conversation move to a more serious subject. It won’t be long before we meet the Enemy and put all that training to good use. I do hope it will be enough. These are the final days of unmarred hide… I suppose we must make the most of them. Do you look forward to the first fight, Anakumath? Venandith certainly did. While he kew it meant danger and possible death, he wanted to fight...wanted to finally be able to save Pern and his clutchmates from the silver Thread that threatened them. He’d been hatched for that day and though it came with great risk, he wanted to be there. He worried for his clutchmates, but not for himself or His. This was their destiny, after all.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 4:58 pm
No distractions - that was something perhaps Marty had thrown herself into too fully. It wasn't just that they'd lost some of their own. She'd faltered. She'd doubted herself and it could have risked Anakumath. It left a twisted and rotten feeling around it and she wanted to root it out, destroy it, leave it no hold in her heart or her mind. "I can't imagine you being serious all the time," she admitted with a small, amused, smile. It was something she liked in Zyamel, though.

"Only the good ones," Marty answered confidently, no slight taken. Her current company would know her hospitality better than any others at High Reaches, after all. "If you two were more soot-covered I'd be admiring Pern's first black dragon," though Venandith seemed to come equipped with the confidence needed to handle being such a rare and unique thing if it had been so. It wasn't a bad thing. "We'll both have to make sure that we're ready when the time comes," and it was soon. She was reminded a few times of that. "I've been getting a little hands on with the healing and Anakumath and I are getting introduced to catching. We'll be ready in a few more weeks, I think, but..." not before it was time for their group to take to the sky with the rest.

Marty patted Anakumath's shoulder to start herding her off towards the lake, assuming Zyamel and Venandith would come along - as they had been invited.

The smallest hints of white and grey twisted around the blues and greens of Anakumath's eyes, betraying the ever constant yellows that bled across her bond with Martirae. I wish it was farther out, she admitted, I do not like the idea of leaving anybody to fall and being unable to help now. There will always be the future when I can - and I know your hard work - and everybody else's hard work - will mean I get to reach that future where I can. It was one of the things that a gold could do when she could not flame and fight as the others would. That it would not be there made her feel slightly unprepared, in a way. But everybody will fly spectacularly, It wasn't as though she was wishing anybody to drop from the sky, after all. And I will get to finally see you in action from a good spot.



Beloved Werewolf


Shy Mage

PostPosted: Sun Nov 17, 2019 1:43 pm
Zyamel gave a little laugh. “I suppose I’m not exactly of a serious mind, dutiful as I might be. You’re certainly far better at it than I ever will be.” It wasn’t a slight, simply a statement, and something Zyamel liked. Cheekily, she added, “And far prettier sight, too.” Even if the dark-haired gold rider was sporting her most serious expression, she still made a stunning picture. She was everything a gold rider should be, and her hard-work ethic and serious nature would suit the Queen’s Wing well. Far better, certainly, than if Zyamel had ever impressed to a gold. Faranth knew she didn’t have the patience or temperament for such a thing, and certainly no interest. Surely, she knew, Zheria was pleased by the match.

“Don’t give him any ideas,” she grinned, glancing her already-posturing brown. “He would have loved to have been hatched unique and broken the mold--though he assures me he already did.” It wasn’t untrue as far as Zyamel was concerned. He was the largest, most-handsome brown she’d ever seen, and he had always had a mind of his own. She loved him just as he was, though, and wouldn’t have changed him an inch. “He also says if you think he’s good looking now, just wait until he’s had a proper bath.” She rolled her eyes even as the soot-covered dragon gave Martirae a happy croon.

“You’ll be more than prepared,” she stated firmly, knowing that though they might not be fully ready in time of First Fall, graduation wasn’t too far beyond. None of them, really, were going to be truly ready when they went up, but they were as prepared as they could be without facing it head on. There’d be mistakes, certainly, but they could learn from them--provided none were fatal. “I for one can’t wait. All this tension knowing it could be any day… I wish they’d at least tell us when.” Would it be this next Threadfall? The one after? There was a mix of anticipation and fear among some of the weyrlings, and the unknown and speculation of what it would be like seemed far worse than actually doing. She knew it meant possible death or injury, and that it might be the last time she saw some of her friends and clutchmates, but there was no avoiding it. They were dragonriders, and she had long since accepted her fate. Perhaps it was cruel to assume others had done the same.

As Martirae and Anakumath headed away towards the lake, both brown and brownrider followed.

Venandith listened to his clutchmates concerns, and gave a reassuring croon. He reached out to give her a cheerful nudge--little concerned with any soot streak he may have left in his wake. You might not be able to catch us now, but you can watch and learn and observe. And you will be sweeping up the strands we fail to catch, which is mightily important and equally dangerous. He assured, eyes whirling a bright blue. You will surely be there to catch us once the time is right--and will be saving Pern even as we wheel in the air above you. Never forget that you are just as capable a Threadfighter, and just as important. You might not flame, but you shall heal us when we are injured, and shall calm us when fear drives us to madness. At the end of the day, Venandith knew that her her true destiny was to survive Thread... And ensure that Pern’s future had a chance.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 8:43 am
Maybe it was just that lingering empty spot in their ranks that made the idea of going up without being fully prepared that made Martirae sorely poke at that spot. She'd thought herself ready then - she'd not been. She hated it. "I want it sooner, rather than later." Not everybody could handle that lingering unknown for weeks. There was logic in not knowing, but only if the unknown only sat for so long. Marty wanted to rip it off like a bandaid and be done with it.

Anakumath gratefully accepted the nudge from her clutchbrother, humming as she did. It is better we focus on Thread only for now. One falling thing at a time, Martirae offered in silent assurance to the gold. There was a lot of unknown to it all. Like Hers, she would have been thankful for the bandaid to come off. She wrapped her hearts in Venandith's confidence gratefully. You will leave me no Thread to clean up, Anakumath reminded in confidence - not that she wanted to inflate his ego, it needed none of her help, rather that she believed it to be so. What I cannot do now will be left in the more skilled wings of the others, She felt better for his words - she and Martirae could only echo chamber between each other so much.

Marty removed her hand from Anakumath's shoulder as the lake drew closer, stepping ahead of her beloved to start pulling her hair back. "I'm going to need a bath of my own when I'm done with her," perhaps this was also an invitation, rather than just a statement. It was in times like these Martirae really appreciated how much more of her daily life she didn't have to worry about the logistics of. With a glance at Venandith, she couldn't help but crack a partial smile, "Think you'll just have him jump right in first?"



Beloved Werewolf

[IC RP] High Reaches Weyr

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