Name: A'lon.
Age: 32
Nameday: 3543.10.02
Sex: M
Sexual Orientation: Bi
Weyr: High Reaches Weyr
Rider Rank: Wingrider
Previous Rank/Craft: If applicable.
Physical Description: Short, A'lon stands at a mere 5'5. His appearance is what one might call plain, a slight tan from many hours spent out in the sun each day, and a medium brown hair. His eyes are the only thing that really stands out about him, being a pale olive shade somewhere between green and brown.
Personality: What he lacks in height, he makes up for with sheer stubbornness and pride. He fully believes in the might of High Reaches, and though he is low on the totem pole he takes a great deal of pride in having any place at all on that pole. He is hard working, and reluctant to take a break for any reason.
Positive Trait List Reliable- A'lon is a man you know you can go to to get a job done. He won't slack off, even if his definition of "slacking" is quite broader than the usual.
Organized. A'lon takes his drive to follow orders into the rest of his life as well. Every one of his belongings has a place, and he will always return them to that place. He always knows where everything is. Likewise, he keeps himself to a nice steady schedule, with a little leeway written in for unexpected hiccups along the way. He can't plan for everything, but he tries.
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Negative Trait List Stubborn as a mule- when A'lon gets something in his head, then by the Thread he is going to follow through. No matter if his idea, plan, whatever-it-is fails him. That just means he hadn't tried hard enough just yet. Next time, next time will be The One.
Prideful- A'lon's sense of pride can certainly get him into trouble. He is very slow to apologize, and quick to react when he feels as if he has been slighted. Especially from a fellow Blue rider, or a Green. Though he has been known to take issue with those placed much farther than him in the hierarchy if the offence was bad enough in his opinion. His organization filters over into his personal pride as well. Everything he wears has to be just right. He has an Image to present, and if he cannot fulfill that ideal then it needs to be rectified as quickly as he is able to.

Other: Anything else you want to add?

Name: Penelth
Age: 18 turns
Color: Blue
Size: 31'
Physical Description: Penelth is a deep shade of blue, with striking bright blue scales in patches along his back, neck, legs, and wing arms
Personality: Easy-going. Penelth is content to simply follow along with what His wants to do. Following orders is easy, he doesn't have to do much thinking. But he does have to temper A'lon's more nit-picky habits when he can, though he does enjoy the very thorough treatment to keep his hide pristine. His absolute favorite task though, is Searching. There's no stress, just open sky and seeing new faces, even A'lon can't argue with that. Bringing home a new Candidate falls right in line with their duty, and hey, if a newcomer isn't perfectly presentable, they can't fault them. It's an event that many hope to happen, but most don't really expect to have their day come.
Second to searching, though, Penelth's absolute favorite activity is watching a Hatching. He loves meeting new faces- what is better than the bright young faces in each and every clutch? Nothing, that's what. He's especially eager to welcome each and every new Blue and Green to the ranks, any of them could be a part of a future wing assignment alongside him and he wants to always set off on the right claw with them. He is only mildly cautious of Browns and Bronzes, knowing fully well that they have a power he doesn't. He respects them, but it is so, so much easier to socialize with his own ilk.
Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment: User Image Drop post