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Fluffy Explorer

PostPosted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 10:48 am
(( okay, your word counts are up to date and I can start thinking about what my first real post will be lol ))  
PostPosted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 7:38 am
(( Ugh, I forgot to do Val's speech pattern/accent on these posts. I feel like I'm just generally rusty all around, not just at RPing or even just writing in general but life itself. Everything I write looks like it was written by some tired old man who's just going through the motions and it bothers me. I hope I can improve that as we go. ))  

Riku Redeemed

Devoted Friend

Riku Redeemed

Devoted Friend

PostPosted: Sun Nov 03, 2019 8:05 am
(( Here's some information about Val's androids and some hints at a few future plot points that need to happen so you guys can go ahead and start thinking about those. Roxas mentioned making villains for the androids to fight against so that will come in handy if you do that, otherwise I'll have to make up something to attack them later.

I'd like to slow down and improve the quality of my posts but I still feel like we need to hurry and summarize until we get all of the characters there. I guess as long as all of Sora's and Roxas's characters are there that should be enough. The last three are mine so I can bring them in whenever. I'd like to at least get Cobalt/Tungsten/Antimony/Nitrogen all there before this will feel like a real RP where we can slow down and do normal detailed scenes.

I posted last and there's no need to summarize anything so just pick up from there. ))  
PostPosted: Sun Nov 03, 2019 8:23 am
Tungsten: 324 words

(( I have some ideas... but it's nowhere near ready yet and you're wanting to hurry along so I don't know how that's gonna work. we'll probably get to the RP event that needs them before I have those characters ready. you're wanting to hurry on until all the main characters are there but the even that needs the villains happens before Nitrogen is created...

eh, well, I think I can pull this off. I have some basic stuff so I can just be vague about why they were attacked and "reveal that later as the mystery unfolds" aka mention it later when I have everything ironed out xDD the old RPs used to be all about improvising on the spot, not about planning stuff out in advance like we started doing for the GSOD comics. we should go back to the "make it up as you go and don't worry about it" style, since this is all supposed to be for stress relief/therapy, not for an audience. ))

in the beginning when Tungsten was first activated, he didn't have a personality. he would answer questions and respond when spoken to, but he couldn't form opinions of his own. he based everything on logic, as he was programmed to.

over time, things happened and he would remember them and learn from them. when Val asked him to do something, Tungsten would always obey the same as if it had been an order or a demand, but the way Val was always polite to him taught him that he was important. when his emotions were acknowledged, that taught him that they mattered, that it was important to feel. the result is he became somewhat egotistical and self-centered.

Tungsten acknowledged that Cobalt came before him and was his superior. he was loyal to Val and respected him above all others, but he also respected Cobalt and learned many things from him, not just how to do things around the property but also how to behave. for a while, Tungsten was much like Cobalt, the one he was based on, except he was a little bit cockier and more open about how he felt about things.

(( alright, to shape his personality how I want it to be, Val would have to do certain things so I'm just gonna run with this and if you have an problems just correct it in your next post I guess ))

Tungsten eventually started to become a little bit rude and selfish, and Val corrected this, teaching him to have empathy and think of others. Tungsten's personality adjusted to be more caring since that's what Val wanted of him and he would do anything Val wanted him to do, not just to make Val happy, like Cobalt's programming, but also because since Val was his master Tungsten saw him as a sort of mini-god who knew all the answers to everything and always knew what was best.

as long as it was just him and Cobalt, Tungsten was pleasant to be around. he was headstrong and cocky but he always remembered to be polite and compassionate when it was needed. it wasn't until Nitrogen came along that his personality evolved further...  


Fluffy Explorer

Sora with Wings

Friendly Explorer

PostPosted: Sun Nov 03, 2019 8:55 am
520 words

(( dont hurry on my account. i have one character there and thats good enough, i dont need all three right away. as long as we each have a character thats fine. i'd rather spend some time on cobalt first since he's kinda bland so far and that'll give me time to think about nitro and antimony more before using them for the first time. so unless riku's in a hurry to get his other character sthere, dont hurry it all along just for me ))

cobalt did not see it as his place to correct tungsten on stuff like being rude or selfish. he would help him learn to do things around the house like how to do dishes or other chores like that, but he didn't get involved with raising him or shaping his personality. cobalt was the type to just accept people as they are. he'd never been around another android before since he was the first one ever made. he couldnt necessarily remember everything about how he himself was raised since he'd been reset a few times and in the early beginning his AI wasnt very advanced, so to him it's kind of like people being babies, you just cant remember that far back. he has some other memories from long ago before val perfected his design, like earlier versions of himself, that are similar to a person barely remembering stuff as a really little kid. but tungsten wasnt born the way cobalt was. cobalt started out as a very simple doll that val improved over time. he'd been around for many many many years. tungsten was created faster since he had cobalt's design ready to use as a guide.

cobalt didn't think of tungsten as a little brother or son or anything like that since as androids they didnt have that sort of family dynamic. "blood is thicker than water" didn't mean anything to them. he didnt think of val as his father either. val was their master. he was not a dad who raises a kid for a certain period of time then sends them out into the world on their own, but rather he would always be there forever. they were never meant to ever get to a point where they would ever be independent from him. they were never going to move away from home and start lives of their own. he was a permenent part of their lives. cobalt looked at tungsten the same way, a new addition that would always be there from now on.

since val continued to treat cobalt the same and he still got all the usual attention and got to sleep with him at night ( or rather by day, since val goes to sleep at dawn ), he saw no reason to feel threatened by tungsten. val liked him and clearly wanted both of them around so cobalt did his part to help tungsten and look after him.

later when tungsten started to develop a personality, then cobalt was able to develop an opinion about him. he wasnt just a thing anymore but was a person now. cobalt has a very submissive personality so he doesnt really have a problem with selfish characters or being bossed around. that wouldnt be a reason for him to dislike someone. tungsten fixed these bad habits anyway and just like with val, cobalt had to get used to someone's personality changing. he learned that sometimes people can just change and you can never really "know somebody". this made him ever more open-minded and accepting of people since how they are now may not be permanent.

(( ugh, he still feels so bland... maybe he needs to have some kind of conflict. cuz like when u write a story and nothing bad or challenging ever happens, its boring. so i think a character who never has any conflicts with anyone comes off as boring too. i think in my pony story, mushroom is a more interesting character because she disagrees with and challenges others, and angel is boring because she just goes along with everything. but i dont think i should have to change the character so they are in conflict with others, i think i should bring in another character who starts a conflict with them. like by themselves with nobody to interact with i guess anybody's boring and it's only when u put them up against someone else that they start to be interesting...

i may need to apply this to angel's story too, if she just peacefully gets along with victory then it probably wont' be as interesting as if they had some kind of conflict... that's not how i originally planned for his personality but if there's never any conflict for a character at all they just seem bland and boring

anyway roxy mentioned tungsten having a rival he didn't get along with. maybe cobalt needs a rival of some sort as well that will force him to have reactions other than just being open-minded and accepting all the time. he needs to have a reason to disagree. he can do this with villains that threaten val but i dont think that's gonna happen very often :/ i need to think about it a bit... this is why i wanna use him more before bringing in the others right away, he isn't quite complete yet ))  
PostPosted: Sun Nov 03, 2019 9:09 am
Word Count: 75

(( Alright, since Roxas's villains aren't ready and Sora wants to focus on Cobalt for a while, then we'll slow down now and start doing more detailed stuff. ))

Val gets up at three in the afternoon and stays indoors until the sun goes down. His bedroom is in the basement and there's a maze of underground tunnels that he can use to avoid the sun and he can even travel all the way to the stable to use the indoor arena for his stallion without ever having to go outside. He takes Cobalt to bed with him but Tungsten has his own room.

(( I put in my story for dA that Cobalt usually gets up before Val and starts doing chores around the house and sometimes has breakfast waiting for him when he wakes up, but Sora can change this if he wants, and it might change anyway now that Cobalt isn't the only one responsible for getting all the house chores done. I think I'll pause here so you guys can choose who gets up first, if Tungsten is now the one who gets up early so Cobalt doesn't have to or if he's lazy and sleeps in so Cobalt still gets up early, or whatever. ))  

Riku Redeemed

Devoted Friend


Fluffy Explorer

PostPosted: Sun Nov 03, 2019 1:10 pm
Tungsten: 80 words

(( wow, okay, I went back and edited all of your guys' posts so now there's a little checkmark thing if I've counted it. when I came back after we left for a few hours I couldn't remember whether I'd counted Riku's post yet or not and I didn't want to have to go back and recount xD ))

(( also from the looks of the page you typed up, Val doesn't feel like he really needs the extra security yet until the villains arrive, which is when he makes Nitro. so until then I don't think Tungsten needs to be up during the 4 hours that Cobalt is recharging or be up while Val is asleep, but later when he starts making them for security purposes and not house chore purposes there will probably be somebody on duty at all times

I'd like Nitrogen to be the trigger that turns Tungsten into who he's really meant to be so for now I guess this is the early version of him. I guess this means he has a sort of character arc, it's just weird because the arc was kinda meant to happen before the RP ))

at this point in his life, Tungsten is really confident in himself and feels like he's really important and special, so he doesn't get up any earlier than he has to. if Val tells him to be up at a certain time then he will be, but if nobody tells him to get up then he'll just lay around because he feels entitled like he doesn't have to do anything unless he's told to ( this will change later ).

(( so it depends on when Val wanted him to get up since he won't choose to get up on his own until he has to. if Val lets him sleep in then he will but if he said "be up by X:00" then he'll be up at that time. if Val told him to be doing certain chores then he'll be doing that but if he has no direction then he'll just be milling around being unhelpful lol. so it depends on how strict Val is with him... ))  
PostPosted: Sun Nov 03, 2019 1:18 pm
103 words

(( what riku put in his story is fine for cobalt ))

cobalt goes to sleep with val but he only needs 4 hours to recharge and val needs 8 hours to sleep, so cobalt gets up before val does and does things around the house and sometimes comes back with his breakfast if he gets done early. he continues this routine unless val specifically made the second android so that cobalt could stay in bed with him the full 8 hours.

cobalt doesn't expect tungsten to help him around the house. he's been the soul doer-of-chores for many years and this is what he's used to. he doesn't feel like he needs any help.

(( i might have some ideas for a conflict for him, that he doesn't like having things change after he's gotten used to them. he likes having a schedule/routine and it bothers him to have that changed. it would go along with how val wanted to start treating him differently and he had trouble adjusting to it. so maybe i'll go back and redo that "when tungsten's personality changes cobalt just goes along with it" and have him instead have trouble adjusting and still thinks of tungsten as he used to be. this might help motivate tungsten to try even harder to change into a helpful compassionate person when cobalt, his sort of sempai superior, isn't acknowledging that he's changed ))  

Sora with Wings

Friendly Explorer

Riku Redeemed

Devoted Friend

PostPosted: Sun Nov 03, 2019 1:27 pm
Word Count: 230

Val didn't give them any orders so Cobalt (( I'm presuming? )) gets up on his own because his AI doesn't think laying around after he's fully charged is a logical use of his time, since Val is asleep and needs neither his protection nor his company. Val likes that Cobalt gets up early and gets stuff done and brings his breakfast, so Cobalt would have sensed that and it would have cemented his routine without actually being told to do these things.

He also didn't tell Tungsten when to get up or what to do. When Val gets up in the afternoon and shaves and has his shower and whatnot, he comes to Tungsten's room and wakes him up. The main reason he created this second android is because he wanted Cobalt to be with him more often, so he goes over the list of chores that Cobalt normally does and tells Tungsten to take care of it. Then he takes Cobalt with him as he goes about his day. One especially nice use for Tungsten is that he can be there at home to continue taking care of things while Cobalt leaves with Val on his trips. This way, Val will have Cobalt's protection while he's out alone and his companionship if he has to stay overnight somewhere, but his mansion won't be left vacant in his absence.  
PostPosted: Sun Nov 03, 2019 2:05 pm
Tungsten: 144 words

(( I like "Cobalt has trouble accepting change" conflict both as an issue for Cobalt and as a motivation for Tungsten to help him feel like he has to prove himself ))

Tungsten gets up when Val comes for him. he likes Val and likes getting attention and since he's based on Cobalt's original AI, he has the similar sort of personality where he likes making his master happy. he'll do anything he's asked, and when he's asked instead of told it makes him feel all important and special.

while Cobalt is with Val, Tungsten goes about doing all of Cobalt's old chores and taking over his old routine. he does things differently from Cobalt in a different order, and isn't as precise as Cobalt. he doesn't get things quite as perfectly clean or quite as neat. he only does what Val asks him to and nothing more than that. as long as Val is satisfied, he sees no reason to improve anything. at this point he's almost the opposite of what he will become later.  


Fluffy Explorer

Sora with Wings

Friendly Explorer

PostPosted: Sun Nov 03, 2019 2:51 pm
394 words

(( ah yes this is a good reason for him to start having trouble ))

cobalt doesnt like change. thats why he had trouble getting used to it when val wanted to start treating him differently. now he has to get used to this other android being a part of their lives which he didnt think was gonna affect him much but now it turns out that he'll have to change his daily routine because this guy will be doing all the stuff cobalt normally does. cobalt liked his work. he liked cleaning stuff. he liked taking care of val's place. he doesnt want someone else to be doing it and it drives him crazy when tungsten doesnt even do a very good job with it!

cobalt goes with val like he's told to keep him company and bring him things and help him with his work. he nuzzles him now and then and does whatever val works. but it bugs him to be apart from his usual chores.

when he gets up 4 hours before val and tungsten, he goes around touching things up behind tungsten, making stuff neater and cleaning up spots he missed. the stuff that tungsten put away wrong, cobalt goes around behind him and fixes it. he doesnt have enough time to completely redo everything himself so it annoys him that some things just have to stay messy.

tungsten being rude to him back when he went thru that phase didnt really bother cobalt but boy this does. he can accept anybody's personality but when it comes to doing work around the house he feels its logical to correct tungsten and help him do a better job.

(( i dont know if we're going to write out dialogue back and forth or just keep summarizing stuff? i'll put what he says and then u guys can decide whether to reply back like a conversation or just keep summarizing ))

when val gets up, while he's taking his shower and smoking and the stuff he does before he starts his day, cobalt comes down and takes up tungsten.

"when you go to do ur chores for the day, i noticed there are a few things u've been doing wrong..." he explains to tungsten a whole list of stuff that wasn't done the way cobalt does it and he seems to kinda assume that his way of doing things is the only way to do it.

(( i want to put that val never said anything about it so it looks kinda like "meh ur not val so i dont' need to listen to u wtf" but i can't post for val... can i at least say that even if val is a perfectionist who wanted things just so-so, cobalt is the one to bring it up first? then val can either not care or say something when he gets up and then it'll look like "see, he agrees with me" whichever way u wanna do it ... ))  
PostPosted: Sat Nov 09, 2019 7:50 pm
Word Count: 168

(( I don't think I ever thought about whether Val is tidy or neat but here's the ideas I came up with now that you brought it up. ))

He likes for things to be clean and orderly, but he doesn't nitpick tiny details. When he's working he tends to make a huge mess because he's too busy to put stuff away. He's always losing things and forgetting where he put stuff. This is annoying so that's one of the reasons he made all these androids. He wants to be able to focus on his work while Cobalt goes around behind him picking up after him.

As long as Tungsten does the stuff he's supposed to, Val doesn't have time to inspect everything when he's done and he doesn't want to. It depends on how lazy Tungsten is though. If he's doing an acceptable job, just not being perfect, Val won't care. If he's truly being sloppy and half-assing it then Val would have a talk to him, so pick whichever way you want it to go and fill in that reaction for him. Either way, it's fine for Cobalt to bring it up before Val does.  

Riku Redeemed

Devoted Friend


Fluffy Explorer

PostPosted: Sat Nov 09, 2019 8:10 pm
Tungsten: 113 words

Tungsten does fine, he just isn't perfectly perfect and doesn't do everything exactly the same way Cobalt does. he's a little bit insulted at Cobalt informing him that his work isn't good enough and kind offended even.

"Val never said anything to me about this," he says skeptically and almost sarcastically, suspecting it's just Cobalt's opinion and not their master's, in which case it isn't important to him. he respects Cobalt as being the one who was made first and the one he's based on but Cobalt is not his master and Tungsten thinks he only has to do what Val tells him to do, not what anybody else tells him to do.  
PostPosted: Sat Nov 09, 2019 8:15 pm
24 words

cobalt ignores tungsten's attitude.

"he shouldn't have to," he says, meaning that tungsten should do a good job without having to be told to.  

Sora with Wings

Friendly Explorer


Fluffy Explorer

PostPosted: Sun Nov 10, 2019 6:17 am
Tungsten: 72 words

"maybe he didn't say anything because he doesn't have a problem with how I do things," Tungsten says, annoyed. "if our master wants me to do things differently, he'll tell me so."

he's not worried about pleasing Cobalt. as far as he's concerned, Cobalt's problems are not Tungsten's problems. how dare he imply Tungsten's work isn't good enough! hmph! he walks by Cobalt to go get dressed and go about his day.  
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