xxxxMAXWELLxxxELIASxxxHEULWEN xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
User Image
          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Max or Maxie (by my sister)

              AGE 14

              BIRTHDAY December 9, 2035.

              BLOOD STATUS Halfblood

              WAND 11 Inch, Chestnut Wood & Phoenix Feather Core with a Reasonably Supple Flexibility & Bent Shaft

              GENDER Male


              LANGUAGES SPOKEN English

              FACECLAIM Yata Misaki (anime) [x]

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDING Hogwarts

              HOUSE Gryffindor

              YEAR Fourth Year

              HONORS None

              CLUBS Quidditch Team (Reserve Chaser 2nd yr to present)

              BEST LESSONS
                  - - -
                  - - -

              WORST LESSONS
                  - - -
                  - - -

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ X
                  Charms ~ X
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ X
                  Herbology ~ X
                  History of Magic ~ X
                  Potions ~ X
                  Transfiguration ~ X
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ X
                  Ghoul and Ghost Studies ~ X
                  Muggle Studies ~ X
                  Wandless Magic ~ X
                  Wandlore Studies ~ X

              NEWT SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ X
                  Charms ~ X
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ X
                  Herbology ~ X
                  History of Magic ~ X
                  Potions ~ X
                  Transfiguration ~ X
                  Elective ~ X

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Land Adventurer & Student

              DREAM JOB Astronaut

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ COURAGEOUS I have a large interest in adventure and exploring. If there’s something to be found I’m going to find it hopefully at some point. I like to try new things even if I’m not sure about doing them. I try my best to be brave most of the time. I don’t let my fears or doubts stop me. In fact, I hardly ever have doubts. You can’t live life if you’re letting your mind stop you.
              ■ LIVELY I have a lot of energy. I’m always active and on the move. I’d never pass up an adventure. I like to be doing something, anything that keeps me busy really. I’m also very outgoing with others. I tend to enjoy socializing, being around others and just having a good time. Adventures are always good fun with friends. With a positive attitude and some company, you can’t go wrong.
              ■ EASY-GOING Despite being so lively with a lot of get up and go, I’m actually pretty mellow. I’m not really in a hurry all the time even with all that energy. I just like to do stuff. When it comes to others I’m pretty understanding, and I don’t push for answers. I’m not at all the type that gets angry easily. I tend to just relax when it comes to things that would otherwise cause someone to freak out or worry.
              ■ LOYAL I’m a loyal friend to those I’m friends with. There when you need me at anytime really. I try to be what I want from other people. I tried to be there for others at the orphanage while I was there. Today, I try to be there for my family and friends, and for those younger than me. I’m rather dependable and naturally good at keeping secrets. You can count on me.
              ■ DECISIVE Quick at making decisions I get pretty stuck on the decisions I make. I can be stubborn and rather determined to do what I want. They may not always be the smartest decisions, but at least I can say they are mine. I stick with my decisions most of the time. I’m not easily influenced by others but am willing to listen. I can be flexible even if I like to stick to my own plans, it just takes some persuading. Give me a good point and I’ll be open to a change of plans.
              ■ CONSCIENTIOUS With my decisions I like to do the right thing. I have a high moral compass. I try really hard to take the high road, even if sometimes I don’t know what that is. When given something to do I tend to work really hard to do it right. Sometimes I mess up, but I’ll make up for it in the end. I just need to work on my focus because I have a short attention span when it comes to lectures. Listening to someone talk only works for so long before it gets dull.


                  Christmas Time
                  Extreme Temperatures
                  Animals that are bigger than me
                  Fancy Clothes
                  Being away from Family

                  Playing in Snow
                  Playing with Friends

                  I'm Brave
                  High Moral Compass

                  I'm Stubborn
                  Remaining Focused

                  Big Dogs
                  Freezing to Death

          xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD Max Gerver that’s me was born in December after my parents (Alec a pureblood and Tessa a muggleborn) had gotten together. Though they never married they did date on and off. My dad wasn’t the settle down have a family type, he had trouble with commitment. My mum found that out when she told my dad she was pregnant with me. He didn’t want to be part of any of it. But, my mum thought she could take care of me on her own. So that’s what she did. I don’t know why she never asked my grandparents for help. I’m sure they would have. We didn’t have much and as it got colder I guess she realized I was better off without her. I don’t think I believe that…

              At three weeks old I was left on the steps of wool’s orphanage with a folded-up letter. It had my name on it and shared what I was doing there and how much she loved me. I don’t know her well and I don’t know what she looks like, but I miss her sometimes. I don’t like not having a dad or a mum. But, I have Steffi and Luke and Finley. I’ll always have them, if nothing else. I made a friend in another boy at the orphanage, Reggie. When he and I were seven he ended up sneaking out. He got hurt and since then I've been rather worried about him. He's one of my closest friends, in fact he's pretty much family.

              Soon after Eion got adopted. It was hard to say goodbye but we were all happy for him. A year later Reggie and I found ourselves some luck. We were both getting adopted! Mrs. Heulwen would bring flowers weekly to the orphanage. Next thing I know I'm being adopted and I'll be living with the Heulwen's now. With a mum and dad and even a sister. Not sure how long it would last but I'll definitely enjoy it while I can. Before I knew it I had a brother! Phoenix was like me, from wool's. I like that my family is getting bigger. Two siblings is always better then one.

              SCHOOL YEARS

              Ready, eh? Well, you seem quite sure of that
              I think you'll find yourself right at home in

              First Year I was sorted into Gryffindor. I met lots of housemates. Classes were alright. All in all it was a good year. Next year maybe I'll give Quidditch a try.

              Second Year I tried out for Quidditch. Managed to make reserve chaser. It was pretty great getting to be involved even if I wasn't on the main team lineup. My sister got married half way through the school year too.

              Third Year I had electives and Quidditch. It was a lot of work. Though, some of the classes were pretty cool. Next year Phoenix will be coming to school with me. I'll be sure to look after him.

              POST GRADUATION Information

          xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
              Adopted Family
              • Aeron Heulwen (father) • Aira Heulwen (mother)
              • Nani Heulwen (sister) • Phoenix Heulwen (brother)
              • Laili Heulwen née Abrams (sister in-law)
              Biological Family
              • Tessa Gerver (mother) • Alec Mitchell (father)

              ROMANTIC INTEREST • n/a
              BEST FRIEND • Finley Archer
              • Finley Archer
              • Reggie Blake
              • Sheldon "Eion" Delacroix
              • Jet Van Asten

              • Gryffindors & Classmates
              • Anyone from Wool's

              ENEMIES • The dog that hurt my friend
              PETS • Feline named Toby [x]

xxxU P D A T E Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

UPDATED 07/13/20

■ Age, Year, and Bio Added

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