There were nights when the darkness seemed more dark, and deep, and all encompassing. When the world seems cold and cruel. When he pulled away and seemed distant, even to her who shared His hearts. In His short life, the blue had known loss and tragedy. It shaped him, twisting him up inside... leaving small scars deep inside on his heart. Shaping him into the dragon he was. And Faranie couldn't be more proud of Hers. Couldn't be more proud or besotted. But even she knew his faults and flaws... knowing how to temper them to help him be better. To help them be better...

There were nights like tonight, when he would sit wakeful on the edge of the weyr, His busily twisting, scheming mind would settle into something like silence and he would brood... sometimes it was about his little failures. About any perceived slight. But sometimes... sometimes it would be about those that were lost. Those who should be here but weren't. Those who were a part of Him.

Dearest Heart, what troubles you so?

Flower bloom and glow, let your power shine...Save what has been lost... bring back what once was mine...

What once... was Mine.
That brief beautiful shining moment when his delicate, beautiful, perfect sister was alive.When she was with them... But like the fragile flower, once she saw the blood spot where Hers had once been she passed beyond time, beyond Between. Leaving them all bereft by the loss of her light.

What is the point of it all... Thread... Fighting... Flying... Power... Any of it? Is there any point to it all, FaranieMine? Whorls of grey and yellow swirled in the normally placid green of his eyes as he curled around the form of His as she came to sit with him. I just... Aureliath...

Faranie sighed. So it was going to be one of those nights.... Her magnificent blue would at times be subject to insecurities and fears... insecurities she still chastised herself for causing to take root in the normally confident creature. If she hadn't been so bruised and heartsore, he would never have had cause to doubt her. If only they had come together when she was younger... but there was no way to get back the lost time, nor to take back the hurt and pain they had both caused the other. And perhaps then she would be better able to soothe his anxieties. But as it was, there was not much that she could do but listen, and be there for him.

No one truly knows the meaning behind it all, my Dearest Heart. All we can do is seek to find the meaning for ourselves. She knew this would not soothe him, nor would it offer any comfort. But it was all she could offer him. We might not get to know those who were meant to be important in our lives. Your small sister would not want you to be so twisted up. She would want your happiness. She was a brightest little light, much like your favorite cousin... Don't regret... and don't mourn. She paused to look at the shadow that had appeared on his wing. The first loss. The first little scar left on his heart... well first caused by his family...

Reaching a hand, she gently caressed his neck, leading to the shadow. She wouldn't want you to forget. That is why she is here with you. And if you should ever forget it, she is there. You can look to her and remember.

'My Love, try to get at least some rest. We need to be bright and ready for drills tomorrow.'

Samedith simply sighed as his mind twisted and turned with new thoughts and plans and ideas...until he finally grew tired enough to settle down to rest.
You may not have been mine nor I yours, I may not have been enough, but sistermine... you are much missed... And as he settled to sleep, he snaked his neck beneath his wing to offer the shadow a boop.