Ultimately, Sucurith decided while staring into his reflection, this whole mess was his own fault. He'd allowed himself to feel too much too quickly. He'd always been afraid. With his brother, for one time in his young life, he had not been afraid. To his detriment, as it had turned out. He hadn't been afraid to fall in love, but had perhaps rushed into it with too much gusto. Headknobs over tail, he'd made an utter fool of himself... and maybe destroyed a friendship in the process.

No matter what Venandith might say, he couldn't accept... certain things. It wasn't Ven's fault, and he didn't blame him. He couldn't wrap his hearts around the way things were, and he'd done it all to himself. Maybe someday when they were all older and wiser. Maybe someday when he'd figured out how to let things go. Maybe someday when... ah, but that was a foolish thought. Someday. Maybe someday.

But not today. Tucking his head under his wing, the young blue pretended, as he so often had with his mother, to disappear. Even if it wasn't true, he could at least take solace in that old pastime. He could pretend that nothing had changed. He was still the same Sucurith, after all, so why should it have? Some things were just... a little different, that was all. Just a little. And what could a little difference hurt?