This was all...hnn.

Very disquieting and uncomfortable. So many siblings and cousins taking to the air. It was getting less and less easy to ignore, but still he pretended total disinterest. Still, while no one but His would know it, Holleth was increasingly restless, and kept private tally of who made appearances and who did not. He had spent as little time as possible in the weyr he shared with Nanuth, desperate for personal space, but even now that he had his own, was plagued by restlessness.

The delicate little blue settled somewhere he deemed acceptably out of the way while others went about whatever their business was.

Moirath was bouncing around in her usual fashion looking for something, or someone, to have fun with. Veltanna was off doing boring inside things and the dragon was restless. It was with delight that she spotted Holleth and came bounding over. Almost any other sibling she would have bowled over and tussled with, but she knew it would not please Holleth.

Instead she plopped down in front of the blue, wiggling with excitement. Holleth! How are you? How is yours? Are you enjoying being all grown up?

Holleth always had a certain conflict about company, but it was rarely what he would go so far as to call unwelcome. He tolerated it well regardless, and appreciated the efforts that were made, even if he didn't always understand why anyone bothered. And he did know the restraint it surely took Moirath not to pounce upon him as she did others, and that he certainly appreciated.

He watched her excitement with still green eyes, and the barest waggle at the very end of his tail. We smaller ones have been grown for quite some time, he noted, though he knew she was referring to their graduation. Mine and I are well, though, and I suppose we are enjoying it. It is good to have our own space. I take it you are finding it to your liking?

I can decorate!! Or..have mine decorate as I tell her too... Moirath settled a little but still wiggling her tail. I do miss everyone though. It is so much harder to catch up and get to know how everyone is doing. I mean, we see each other still but I miss the days we could all sit together and gossip. She sighed a little.

But! We must make the most of the now! And think on the future. Now it is time for fighting thread, and teamwork, and, and...romance!
Now she giggled. It is always fun to guess who is after who. And with all us greens going up, who knows what will happen.

It is different to be separated further, Holleth acknowledged, though in his case he was pleased to have the space. Nothing against his clutchmates, but his privacy was very dear to him. It was good to have a space that was entirely his when he needed it, without having to seek one out and hope he wasn't found.

Is it? The blue shifted his weight slightly, the barest hint of restlessness. I had not thought to make a...guessing game of it. His tone was not disapproving - he would not begrudge his sister her fun - but there was a faint undercurrent of concern that there were such speculations being made.

Guessing is fun! As long as you don't go getting bent out of shape if you are wrong... It is more fun to have someone tell you and then talk about the one they like. But so often poeple are shy or nervous. Then encouragement is needed. She thought for a moment, her eyes going just the slightest shade towards yellow, remembering something Veltanna had told her.

I mean, I don't want to force anyone. But I like knowing and helping them! That is much more fun. Or just talking about the good things of the one they like!

Holleth tilted his head slightly, mildly curious despite how discomfitting he found the subject (and the idea that someone might well make speculations about him, since clearly at least one someone was making guesses about such pursuits). It is good that you are so happy to help those who might need it, he finally responded, diplomatic in his assessment. I am sure there are those who appreciate such earnest assistance.

What about you? Moirath looked expectantly at Holleth. Do you need assistance? She asked quickly. Then the words just rushed by. I can help! I am very good at that. And you will be so happy afterwards. Is there anything?! The idea of helping was always thrilling for Moirath and she was wiggling again. Then she seemed to realize she was being pushy and stilled. If you want. She said more slowly, almost hesitantly.

I am very flattered that you would offer me your expertise, Holleth answered with solemn gratitude, And I will hold it in mind, should I ever be in need. Presently, however, I am not - though I do appreciate it, dear sister. He did perhaps have certain challenges, but thought himself quite capable of facing them, in his own time and way. It was a very sweet thought from his clutchmate, however.

With the dozens of us there are, I am sure it won't be long before you find someone in such need, and they will be fortunate indeed to have your help.

Moirath preened a little. She knew she was very good at helping but it was nice to hear. And she did so love helping people. Okay! I am glad things are well for you but if you need help, you only need to ask! Though now she was dying of curiosity. What is well in the mind of Holleth?! She wanted to know...

With the dozens of us I hope there will be few heartaches. But if there are pains, you and I can be good ears to listen to the woes!

It would be a pleasant surprise if we had no heartaches, but it doesn't hurt to hope. There had been some obviously...amiss feelings of late, but Holleth was never one to pry. He would want the same courtesy if it were him, and so he never asked over anything he suspected to be a private matter. I do not know that I will be much sought-after as a listener. Others, like you, are better-suited I think.