Name: Turanves
Age: 16 Turns
Nameday: 3559.12.27
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: homosexual
Craft: n/a
Rank: Candidate
Location: High Reaches Weyr
Physical Description:
Turanves is a fairly muscular built lad who stands an impressive 6’ tall. He is slim and lean. He has small hazel eyes that don’t reveal his feelings or inner most thoughts. His hair is a straight auburn that hangs just past the bottom of his shoulder blades. His skin is fair and easily sunburned if he isn’t careful.

One thing that life has taught Turanves, it’s to be cautious. He doesn’t trust others to hold up to their words. His parents promised each time they went out to battle thread that they would return. Except one day one of them didn’t. Their father was devastated by the loss, and in less than a Turn he also took a fatal scoring of Thread. Despite his intelligence and being able to logically figure out his parent’s death weren’t his parent’s fault, he still blames them for lying and leaving. With his brother has his last surviving close relative, he’s privately afraid Tordare will lie to him too.

Outwardly Turanves comes off very humble toward everyone. He has a modest and unassuming behavior. What they don’t know about him won’t hurt. Within the privacy of his mind, he is very conceited. Turanves is determined to impress a bronze. He is better than everyone no matter what; even the Weyrleader. His brother comes in second, and everyone else are just losers. Turanves will never tell anyone what he really thinks of them.

He does have a liberal mind. Turan is open to new ideas. Even if he doesn’t agree with a person’s view, he will be willing to give their ideas a try. Sometimes he will accept an idea before he really things it through. This can backfire and get him into trouble. When he gets into trouble, he tries to use his dry humor to make a joke at his expense to get himself out of it.

Positive Trait List Liberal, Intelligent, Humble
Negative Trait List Uncritical, Cautious, Conceited

Turanves was born at High Reaches Weyr to the pairing of a brown and green rider. He spent much of his first couple of turns in a crèche. Two turns after he was born, his baby brother came into the world. All was well for the young boys. Turanves looked after his younger brother and relished in the adoration and hero worship the younger boy gave him whenever he did something.

When he was 10 Turns old, his parents got him a firelizard egg. It hatched into a mellow green firelizard whom he named Haitis. He shared Haitis with his younger brother as much as he could, for the young boy was entranced with the young firelizard. Turanves would trade favors in return for a chance to let his little brother bathe and oil the green.

A Turn later and Thread struck down their parents one shortly after the other. Their parents had promised they would always come back after Threadfall. One fateful day, their mother didn’t return after fighting Thread. Turanves waited and waited. Eventually his father showed up, grief stricken. He tried to explain to his young sons what happened, but couldn’t. He did promise he’d come back. Eight months later the same happened with their father. Devastated by the loss of both parents, he turned to his little brother as the only family he had left.

When his brother turned 10, Turanves made sure to get him a firelizard egg for his birthing day; just as their parents had done for him. He didn’t do it from the kindness of his heart, but mainly for the hero worship his brother would give him.

He started standing for clutches when he turned 14. Turanves was irritated that he hadn’t been able to be on the sands for Eveleth's and Tristreth's clutch. Eagerly he stood for the next few clutches but was equally disappointed both times and left on the sands.

Two turns after he began standing, he eagerly he awaits the new clutch. This time is special as his brother will be by his side on the sands for the first time. Clutches came and went and still neither impressed. Turanves is ok with this as he knows his bronze will come to claim him eventually.

Other: Has a green firelizard, named Haitis, floot
Sibling to Thali’s candidate, Tordare
Gave Thali a green firelizard for Tordare

Candidate Specific Questions
Do you want them to have an official Search RP? No
Do you understand they will age every passing year regardless if you're there to RP the or not? Yes
Do you want them to have a possible Stands Impression? No