It was more often then not that the Trespassers Wingleader A'dras would be found in the records room hunched over a table with multiple hides piled upon it. When he wasn't pushing his Wing through drills or overseeing the sweeps and reports they sent back, A'dras was doing his best to look over the charted information of the past Threadfalls. This type of work was never really his strong suit but over the years he had begun to understand more and more. Was he the best for this kind of thing? No. Put him and Gareth in the skies while Thread was falling to attack it, let him create new flight patterns and strategies for his Wingmembers to follow.

Placing the quill he had been idly holding back into the inkwell, A'dras ran a hand through his hair and let out a soft sigh. It was nice that they hadn't yet entered the part where Thread would be falling more and more frequently. Right now they had a bit more breaks, more time to prepare and ready themselves. He had found himself spending more and more time looking over older records to try and see what those who had last fought Thread had had to endure. It was a nice way to make sure things were still going the way they should, but A'dras was never one to be content with just following the old strategies. If one of his new flight patterns could work more efficiently, after practicing it, then it would be tried out during Thread as long as there was no problems created. Things had to be run perfectly after all.

Another sigh escaped the man as he raised a hand and rubbed at his eyes. He didn't know how many candlemarks he had already been seated here just pouring over all of the old documents but he wasn't going to leave yet. There was more to be learned after all.