User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.Being a great lover of tales, Story was eager to meet with Big Bad to discuss her idea. It was a simple idea, she felt, but it could become something quite special. Starting to grow a little anxious, she thought: I hope he loves it as much as I do. So she was on way to meet with him and give him her pitch.

Their pack leader usually resides somewhere in the pack’s heart, and that was her destination. It was a beautiful autumn morning. The air was quite brisk—just the way she liked it—and most everywhere the grasses have adopted a gorgeous golden hue. Being at the edge of the Redwood, there are few colorful leaves to speak of, only a smattering of lonely vagabonds blown in from the south. Although the trees were quite dead in this area, there was some life here. Puddles and shallow pools sport shining sheets of ice this day, though they will probably be gone before the sun sets.

Yes, this was definitely her favorite time of year; folk got closer in the fall of the year. Their furry bodies huddled together for comfort and warmth, stories flourished. By winter every toothy mouth would have a fantastic tale to tell. There is a pronounced bounce in her step, today. Her tail swaying, “Good morning!” She greets all the passers by. Ever the optimist, this lady is seldom seen without a smile. In fact she is the smiliest wolf you are likely to find.

Story has been a member of this pack for a few short months now, and she has made a point to get to know a little about everyone she meets. She collects their stories as others may collect bones or shiny stones. Her craft is one of experiences, ideas, and feelings; it’s one thing to entertain pups with a compelling lesson or riveting fable; capturing the imagination of a grizzled old wolf is another, altogether. And that takes dedication.

As one might expect, she finds him looking imposing just outside his massive den. “Umm- hey Sir!” Story sidles up to make her case. “I have an idea for that thing you were talking about earlier.” She literally cannot contain her excitement and is practically bubbling. “So, at the last pack gathering with the Sand Raiders and the Iron Hides, I heard a bunch of new stories and enjoyed a conversation with another lover of tales about collaborative storytelling.” She takes a deep breath, “We can have a get-together of sorts,” she starts, “where we can have a fire and, as a group, share a story.” Nodding she continues, “By that I mean, in a circle, with every wolf getting their say in turn, we can tell a story together.” Her voice momentarily rising noticeably in volume she finishes, “TOGETHER we all contribute to the tale, share a laugh, and have a little fun. Ooo- it could start with a long time ago when the lands were new...” Realizing that she’s probably made her point, she stops to look at him inquisitively, “So what do you think?”
