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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

Reply [IC RP] High Reaches Weyr
[ open drp ] Exhilaro! (Arlie/Alegriath healer visitations) Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Anxious Spirit

PostPosted: Mon Nov 25, 2019 8:29 pm
For weeks, it felt like Arlie couldn't breathe. If she even deigned to stay awake. The silver lining was that there wasn't much fuss about giving her felis: what rider wanted to exist when they couldn't feel their other half's mind? She didn't notice visitors for a long time, curled up and pretending to be too drugged to interact or sleeping. She didn't move unless the healers forced her to, until they left and she rolled back against Alegriath's small (smaller now), slowly breathing (still breathing) body. She didn't notice her nameday passing. And then she did.

She was seventeen now. Despite everything thrown at her, despite her chances having dipped the moment she accepted candidate status with her sister, despite being chosen for the deadliest work there was, she was alive. They had reached graduation, even, though they couldn't be part of the ceremony and weren't officially taken in just yet.

And finally, finally, she could feel Alegriath's warm love resounding in those thoughts. < I told you we'd be okay, love~ >

Was she? Arlie wondered as she stroked her beloved's head. Were they? Their injuries put them even further behind. It'd be almost another turn before they got to join the other ex-weyrlings in the skies...

< Don't worry about it, > the white fussed gently. < That just means they need to be really good by the time we get up there, or else they'll really SUPER silly when we show them up! And in the meantime, we can think of some games to play when they come by...D'you think the healers would be mad if we borrowed more pillows? >

Heya! Here's a drabble rp (drp) so I can handle multiple dragons visiting these two without making like 13 rps! A drp just means different "scenes" or rps are encased in the same thread and separated by titles, like you'd titled an rp! Here is an example between Pach and me, but please feel free to ask if it's confusing still!

During the Magic clutches' First Blooding, Arlie and Alegriath ran the second half and, after a strangely astounding firestone bag toss to the weyrleader himself, were too strained to fight the winds and blown straight into a huge clump of Thread which knocked them both out before they could hop Between.

The extent of their injuries is as follows:
Arlie has lost the use of her left eye, a scarred left cheek/ear, and some scoring that's healing on her shoulder. The early weeks (prior to Alegriath waking up) were spent in either utter silence or keening/crying with little communication otherwise. If she heard someone coming, she tried to fake being asleep or medicated to avoid having to talk anyone while she was distraught; she still would've done so if a dragon reached out to her while flinching. You're free to have assumed something like that happened if your character tried to visit beforehand. She's currently subdued but grateful that they both made it out okay, albeit with major injuries to work through.

Other things known about her for your rp flavor:
  • Arlie was and still is in a strained and toxic relationship with her older sister. She's been seen defending Haveli despite the latter being domineering and more than a little disagreeable to other people, because despite their differences (cough dragon cough), they're family, and Arlie owes a lot to her for being alive to begin with.
  • Was a straggler in classes at the beginning but really began to shine in the latter half, albeit quietly. Always nervous about live exercises, though. Excited to learn how to read.
  • Exuded little sister vibes out the wazoo. Secretly liked being coddled and held but never admitted it. (Out of fear Haveli would see or hear.)
  • Was roomies with W'ill and Faloth in the senior weryling stage.
  • Sturdier than her 4'9" baby looks - she grew up on a farm and is used to doing manual labor

Alegriath has lost her left forelimb, has Threadscore on her left shoulder/upper ribs, and some chewed through wing membranes that are healing nicely (compared to the others). Not that any of that has kept her down, true to her Cheering Charm theme: she's spun it as "now you have even MORE room to go cuddle against me without my leg getting in the way!" And she has so much time to make up for, wowie wow! Please tell her about every little thing that's happened please!! She'll give good cuddles if you don't mind the weird smells!!!

Other things known about her for your rp flavor:
  • A serial gift giver! She spent a lot of time thinking of how to top her previous Turnover gifts and wanted to give them as graduation presents, but now that that's passed, it's now Turnover Gifts: THE SEQUEL!
  • Always cheered for every clutchsib when Magic clutch greenflights started happening. This made for some confusing messages when she didn't want any one particular dragon to win, whoops. Well, except for the rising green, they always got lots of hearts regardless! (It's exactly this sort of love everyone behavior that's made it hard to determine if the white has been crushing for a long time or just is forever affectionate. Maybe both?)
  • Often made up games for the clutchsibs to play and attempted to drag everyone in to participate in at least one. Usually ended up as "narrator" if a group was big enough. These moments showed how well Ale functioned as a dragon that supports others, as she had a knack for knowing the types of parts someone would enjoy.
  • Grew fond of herdbeasts through many visits to the stables with her bonded and through Ingonth. She's named and loved many despite knowing they're food and even entertained a costume with her cousin to better hang out with them so they don't get so scared. For some reason keeps returning to the name "Pacha."
PostPosted: Tue Nov 26, 2019 4:14 pm

Skerath had deliberately kept away from the infirmary for some time. What was the point? Alegriath wasn't awake, and she had little interest in her rider. Iathe made a point to try and visit the girl (so Skerath could be updated on both of their conditions), but Arlie... well, she clearly hadn't been willing to talk. Iathe couldn't begin to imagine what she was going through, though she continued to visit if only to check in.

When she walked in next, Arlie was clearly awake--and so was Alegriath. Iathe said nothing at first despite the relieved smile that had unconsciously settled on her face, and took a seat. "I'm so glad to see you both awake." She finally offered, and if she was a little awkward, well. She wasn't very good at comforting people.

Skerath had needed no other reason to swoop down from her ledge, though her movements were surly and reluctant. You idiot. She growled at her small sister, her claws flexing into the ground. You were supposed to take out Thread, not the other way around. Her eyes blazed like embers, a muddy swirl of orange and red.... and perhaps, barely, the tiniest sparks of yellow.



Territorial Friend


Anxious Spirit

PostPosted: Tue Nov 26, 2019 4:44 pm

Arlie looked up from her scroll, a pen in hand, and sat awkwardly herself for a moment. It took her a moment to fight through the low, constant headache that pervaded her days and eye strain to figure out who was visiting even as she spoke. "Oh," she breathed, putting both pen and paper down and letting her legs relax. They had been serving as her desktop while she was bedridden. "Hi, Iathe."

She was very aware of Iathe's previous visits and the state she had been in during them. This added another layer of awkwardness. But Arlie was just so...tired. She didn't want to keep feeding her anxiety for once.

"I-I'm sorry I wasn't...ready. Before," she added. "Um. How're you?"

Alegriath, per usual, was much more exuberant in her greeting even before Skerath was in sight. A wave of affection and excitement reached the green, and there was nothing but blues and purples in the white's eyes once they had reunited. < Skerry~! > she chirped, as if something drastic hadn't happened between their last conversation, and that she wasn't coated in bandages and salves, and that she hadn't just been insulted. It was hard to tell if her hide had grayed from the pain given her color, but she did look like she was struggling as she tried to get up. < I did! A little! We can't all be as good as you, you know. >

Her wings opened slightly, both to try and invite her sister in and to try and balance herself.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 26, 2019 8:13 pm
bring it on

    Ingonth was far too self aware these days to bounce where anyone else could see, but the sheer force of his anticipation nearly set the air around him buzzing anyway. The moment he was cleared to approach, the blue rushed to Alegriath's side, stopping short of his cousin when all he wanted to do was bowl her over.

    Don't... do that. You're not allowed to be hurt. He hesitated for another second or two, tilting his head left and right, then gave the nearest unbandaged patch of white hide the gentlest tap with his nose.





Anxious Spirit

PostPosted: Tue Nov 26, 2019 8:52 pm
bring it on

Alegriath knew not to joke about it, even though she really wanted to. Maybe not right now, though. Later. She returned his nose boop with the gusto Ingonth wouldn't express and bounced awkwardly on the return. A frisson of pain went up her spine, but the happier colors drowned it out quickly in her eyes.

< Well, I wasn't the only one, you know, > she pointed out cheerfully. < What're you gonna do, go lecture everyone here? That's, like, Cousin Alque's territory or something. You should stay here and cuddle instead~ I wanna know what I missed! >

PostPosted: Sat Nov 30, 2019 4:52 pm

W'ill tugged his shirt away from his now-sticky back -- sticky from the healing salves the healers continued to apply, even though he was Just Fine now as far as he was concerned -- and headed straight for Arlie's corner of the infirmary. She had come out of that Threadfall far worse than he had, from what he'd heard. Still, he wasn't quite prepared for the small figure he saw in the bed, her white dragon Alegriath close by.

"Hey, Arlie," he smiled as he approached, his voice warm and soft. "How are you doing? I've missed you back at our weyr."



Tipsy Codger


Anxious Spirit

PostPosted: Sat Nov 30, 2019 9:53 pm

Arlie had been lightly dozing as Alegriath retold a fantastic story-game from atchling time with her clutchsibs for maybe the 500th time and started awake when she heard movement coming towards them. There was a small frustrated sound from a healer, she guessed, before Will appeared. She tried to shimmy up against the pillow she had propped against the wall and winced.

Alegriath got to greet him first, curled by the bed and looking for all the world like she wasn't healing from gruesome wounds - or at least trying very, very hard to. < Hullo, W'ill! > Her eyes sparkled. < Fancy seeing you here! Did you do a bad, you silly thing? Where's Faloth, I need to boop him for messing up! >

"Sorry," Arlie managed shyly, her throat dry. She tried to clear it. "At least you had more room 'til graduation..."

PostPosted: Sat Nov 30, 2019 10:35 pm

"It wasn't his fault, Alegriath, it was mine." W'ill shrugged and immediately winced from the pain across his shoulders from Threadscore. "I should have been more aware of what was going on and given Faloth better coordinates to come out of between at." He looked crestfallen and miserable about nearly getting them both killed.

To Arlie he offered a small smile. "It's not your fault either, okay? It's... just the nature of the job." Knowing how hypocritical that sounded after just taking the blame for Faloth's and his injuries, he shrugged again and changed the subject. "How you feeling? When are they going to turn you loose?"



Tipsy Codger


Anxious Spirit

PostPosted: Sat Nov 30, 2019 10:56 pm

Not your fault wasn't something she could comprehend, but she nodded like she did anyway because W'ill looked awful.

"Not for a long while," Arlie told him, threading her fingers together self-consciously before undoing them again, on and off. She avoided the first question. "Allie says they're lucky to get to have a headstart before we get back in the saddle." Her attempt at being as positive as her white was feeble. She wished she knew what to say to him but found herself foggy-headed, the low grade pain in her missing eye enough to fend off most strong thoughts if the medicine didn't do it first.

< Wll, you can learn from it, > Alegriath chirped. < Study up while you're here! You're smart n' stuff, don't worry so much. I'm sure Faloth knows you didn't mean it. >

PostPosted: Sat Nov 30, 2019 11:55 pm

Coiled up as he was in the healers himself, giant gouges down his right side that made it painful to move, Bossuth had woken and been depressed and far more self deprecating than usual. At first. He was no fool and with R'iz somewhat unscathed, as much as he could be having nearly fallen off his bronze when thread ate through the straps holding him onto said dragon as they fell, was able to look at the bright side and healed enough to move around with the stubborn desire to heal. It also helped that he knew he wasn't so very injured when he came across the small white form of his cousin, her rider curled against her.

He was fine even if he was a fool.

Please heal soon little cousin... Bossuth spoke quietly, not getting closer than his own length away as he said it. A hand ran under his jaw and R'iz leaned against his good side. "They'll heal up stronger than anyone."


Lonely Phantom


Tipsy Codger

PostPosted: Mon Dec 02, 2019 1:14 pm

"Oh, they've taken me off bedrest today," W'ill beamed at both Alegriath and Arlie. "But I'm going to stay here 'cause Faloth is still healing. Should be released soon though." He did look awful, as most did after a prolonged stay in the infirmary: eyes puffy with black circles under them, pale flat skin, hair in a tangle. But he was smiling and happy, and he hoped he was cheering his former weyrmate up at least a little bit.

He reached out and patted the white dragon's muzzle. "Don't worry, Allie, I studied! And once we're both out of here, me and Faloth are going to practice our betweening more. So this doesn't happen again."

PostPosted: Wed Dec 11, 2019 6:02 pm
bring it on

    He tried to keep his expression stern, but the bright blue-violet of his eyes betrayed his delight. It seemed she would live, which he had known, and she was in the same high spirits as always. Ingonth didn't think he had ever been more grateful for something in his life.

    I only lecture dragons who matter, he replied, caving to her cuddle request without comment or argument. The blue flopped delicately by her side, conceding to another muzzle nudge as well. In truth, you haven't missed much. Clutchmates fawning over each other, clutchmates fawning over other dragons, humans fawning over humans. The herdbeast pen is far more entertaining.





Territorial Friend

PostPosted: Wed Dec 18, 2019 3:42 pm

"Stop," Iathe said sharply, holding up a hand to physically forestall Arlie's apologies. "You aren't at fault and I'm not upset. I wouldn't have been..." She shook her head, deciding not to finish. "There's nothing to be sorry for. I'm just glad to see you both awake," Her lips quirked briefly at the inquiry of her own health, snorting inelegantly. "I'm fine. How are you? Can I get you anything?" She was certain the Healers had it well in hand, but she hated not being able to do anything.

Skerath rumbled a warning deep in her chest, her stride lengthening as she swept to her sister's side. Lay down. You're going to fall and then I'll be blamed for it. The compliments were dismissed as she settled herself down with surprising tenderness, tucking herself at Alegriath's side and also offering support. You idiot. She repeated, her fiery gaze now burning with an unabashedly yellow center.

Words and sentimental things did not come easy to the small green, and she did not bother to try. The fact that she had come at all said enough,

PostPosted: Sat Dec 21, 2019 2:51 pm

Arlie clammed up immediately at the motion. She didn't believe Iathe--she remembered the pain in other visitors' voices, the way some had chastised her or Alegriath for getting hurt at all and how it all weighed on her--but it was smart not to say so. "Um. Water, maybe?" she suggested meekly. Staying warm came at a price: if a fever cropped up, her many blankets suddenly became a hostile environment, the sweat both freezing and dehydrating her at once. "I-I'm glad you're both okay..."

Alegriath bugled her cheer nonetheless and nestled against her sister freely, her wing draped across Skerath like a half-cloak. It barely reached over her spine and sank even as she tried multiple times to keep it there. < I'm terribly sorry to've worried you, > the white said, pat pat pat-ing away, vibrating her usual love out. < It really was an accident. See, we were moving up to toss a bag of firestone to the weyrleader--the weyrleader! Mine did so well!! And then the wind had to go and mess everything up, siiiiiigh. But, totally okay! >

She grinned widely, incredibly proud of this joke she had told a hundred times now. < Just means I'm gonna be a master at dances in 3/4 time! Like waltzes! >



Anxious Spirit


Anxious Spirit

PostPosted: Sat Dec 21, 2019 2:56 pm
bring it on

< Everyone matters, silly. > But she was much happier with the cuddling instead and crooned, radiating warmth as she leaned against him. That was a silver lining to missing a leg: now she could do that all the time and nobody could just push her off without looking mean!

Alegriath's eyes sparkled at the news. < Oh, is everyone in love now? > she asked. < Who?? Tell meeeeeeeeeee. >

[IC RP] High Reaches Weyr

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