Hi Everyone,

Yes this is after the fact but I do want to tell everyone about my experiences at Youmacon 2019. This year my Brother and I went on Sunday. To our dismay we had to wait an extra hour to get our tickets for the con. It was a goof on the schedule. One person thought that the change clocks back thing messed it up. Not true. Youmacon always happens around the clock change back to Eastern Standard Time. What it did though was rob my brother and I an hour of fun on the shortest day of the con.

This year the con went from Oct 31st to Nov 3rd. the website is http://www.youmacon.com. I just checked the website and they are already talking about Youmacon 2020.

When we finally got to the dealers / artists room I noticed a big difference. For the first time their were more artist / craft booths than Dealer Vendors. I Love talking to fan artists who show off their best at the con. Sometimes I come across an actual writer for one of the popular Anime and or Manga series. A couple years ago my brother and I came across one of the writers for Dragon Ball Z. It was really cool. We got to get a sneak peak of what he was going to do with the series next.

As for the vendors where we buy all of the cool stuff it was mostly figures for sale and only one Anime and one Manga dealer. I did buy the "Magic Knight Rayearth" Anime series and Fairy Tail Collection Six Box Set (Episodes 121 to 142).I Love Fairy Tail a lot and it was other Guild Members in this Guild who let me know of the series. As for the Magic Knight series it reminds me a lot of Dungeon and Dragons with all of the Magic and Evolving weapons and armor. I love the Girls and I'm still currently watching the series. If you want to see a series in a different world both of the series that I just listed I would highly recommend.

My "Best Con" moment was at the end of the day. Two of the Cosplay Guests did a panel. Their was only 12 people at the panel which gave me a big opportunity to ask a lot of questions.

The Guests were:

1. Cosplayer Exella -She is a cosplayer from England and it was her first time in the United States. I thought that it was cool that she was talking in her British dialect during the whole panel. I asked what she thought of our con and how cons were in Europe. Her answers were quite interesting. She could visit many countries very quickly like it is for us going to different states. So their would be one main Anime / Cosplay or Comic Con for each Country and each Country had a different way of doing their cons.

For our Guild Members who live in England or have visited cons in Europe you know what I'm talking about. The basic idea is still the same, Dress up as your favorite character or characters. A cheery hello to all of our Guild Members who live in England.

Exella was impressed and very happy to be at Youmacon. She really liked how people in our country embrace everything about the our cons and how friendly everyone was. She plans on visiting other cons in the United States. I was lucky to meet her at her first convention experience in the United States. It was an honor to add to her experience with all of the questions that I asked. Other questions that i asked were about her cosplay outfits and competitions. Youmacon's Main Cosplay / Masquerade Judge was hosting the panel and added some comments to theirs.

2. Captain Ghostly - He is a Full Time Professional International Cosplayer from Belgium who specializes in making armor for Cosplay Outfits.I know that our Crew members Xac (Xinitia) and our new Crew Member Bunny (oceanoracle) would have really liked to meet this guy. He mostly talked about his armor making craft.

My brother happened to Cosplay Brock from Pokemon. I had thought of making a Nurse Joy Crossplay Outfit from Pokemon. Unfortunately I wasn't able to do that. No one was willing to help me. I cant sew to save my life. The Nurse Joy wig I would have had to buy but I do have patterns to make the rest of the outfit. If anyone out their is willing to do a commission for me of a Nurse Joy Crossplay outfit for me please let me know.

For Youmacom 2020 I do want to either Cosplay or Crossplay a new character. The challenge will be to get the patterns, materials, items, and help in making the outfits. Thank goodness that I'm the Captain of a Guild with people who can help me out.

If anyone else in the Guild went to Youmacon 2019 please post on this thread and let us know how it went for you.