While Martirae was set to some task inside, what seemed to be work on some record or another, Anakumath was left with some time to take in the sight of everybody who was bustling about the Weyrbowl. Candidates set to chores, dragons and their riders washing off in the lake after a hard day at drills, the workers who provided the necessities of life that said riders didn't have time for - she loved them all.

A gentle nudge to Hers, the young gold dropped from her ledge to go take a closer post in the sand. It was, after all, a good time of day to check in on everybody.

It might have just been a phase, but over the last couple of weeks, Ingonth and his rider had been spending a lot of their free time at the infirmary. The blue rarely went out of his way to compliment his fellows, but after feeling a little bit like the weyr's punching bag, he had a powerful need to tell some greens and blues they were beautiful. It wasn't hard to look at their ruined hides and missing limbs and see how much stronger their sacrifices made them, and even when it all made him shudder a little, T'rin was there to cover his reflexive sarcasm with flirting and good-natured banter.

Still, Ingonth needed more frequent breaks than his human, which was how he found himself boldly sidling up to his golden cousin and booping his cheek against her neck in a draconic air kiss.

How does it go, Anakumath? Have they inducted you into the Gold Society and taught you all the most deeply held secrets of the weyr?

Ingonth's gesture was answered with an eager boop of Anakumath's snout against the top of her dear cousin's head. Ingonth! You are looking very well! she hummed appreciatively, taking a long moment to look him over with the appropriate amount of awe - which was a lot. He was a fine looking dragon, after all!

Ah, to admit they taught my any secrets is so admit there are any, she answered with a hint of humor in her voice, eyes whirling with pleasant greens and blues. I have been taking well to my new wing, however. To be kept so close to the rest of the golds was calming to her anxious nerves, soothing in a way time with her siblings and cousins had grown to be over the last turn.

What of your wing? I should think they are quite pleased to have as fine a pair as you and yours!

His eyes swirled a brighter blue not only when she played along, but also at her appreciation. It was so nice when others acknowledged what he already knew to be true.

My wing is a wing. Despite appearances, I know how to blend. And I'm... patient. He wasn't. Everything will be fine. His eyes hadn't lost their cheer even though his mindvoice held some bite. Wonderful, even. I daresay I will even be asked to lead someday, though I'll have to turn them down. T'rin is more cut out for travel than paperwork.

It is very hard to imagine you blending in. Thought she thought the same of all of her family, it was no less true of Ingonth with his glowing personality. Ah, they'll be so disappointed. Do you and yours have lofty plans for adventure? Her eyes greyed slightly at the notion of any of her family leaving for long.

Mine has someone he wants to find, Ingonth said, brushing at the ground with a forefoot before deciding he would remain standing. I imagine that will be a long term thing. But we will stay here while we search. It's still home. Do you have anywhere you'd like to visit?

Ah. Anakumath was familiar with that thought, thinking to a father that Martirae had no closure on. I will wish you both the best in finding them, and of course, that they would be well when found. And will be happy to help if you ever need me or Mine.

Outside of a trip to Western Weyr someday, Anakumath hadn't made any lofty plans of her own. Mine used to spend more of her time wanting to make her maps. I would like to go with her to make such things.

Thank you! His gratitude sounded a lot like sarcasm, but Ana had probably been on the receiving end often enough to know he truly meant what he said to her.

Ingonth paused, glanced up at the gold for a second, then said, I've never thought of doing something like that, as he turned back to look out over the bowl. It sounds like a very useful thing to spend time on. He wondered if anyone had tried charting Between in a way that couldn't be clouded by fear or uncertainty. It felt impossible, but if anyone could do it, it would be him. You'll have to show me one when you do.

Even if it had been sarcasm, Anakumath would have accepted it gratefully - she didn't have it in her hearts to think poorly of anybody. Even those she may have been inclined to polish up a little more.

Her mother made maps. I think it is how she keeps that bond kindled alone. A way of desperately clutching to someone long gone. Anakumath could understand that sentiment. She still felt all of them. Even as short as Aureliath had been with them, Anakumath held onto her just as tightly as she did Eskharath and Aviforth. I'm sure mine will be happy to show you.
