I've got some SoA here looking for plots! Pretty self-explanatory. Please tell me a little about your SoA unless they're a blank slate. Plot ideas would be loved as well! I apologize for some of the out of date bios XD;

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Grinsen | Mwezi'Johari
Fling: No thanks
Mate: Yes please
A smooth-talker and thinks very highly of himself. If his ego weren't so large he'd probably be a bit easier to be around. As it is, he's very smug and smart-alack-y about just about everything he talks about. He thinks he's a master at everything, even though the only thing he's really good at is talking himself out of trouble.

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Shukura | Rogue (Willing to join a pride)
Fling: No thanks
Mate: Yes please
Quiet and shy, Shukura enjoys helping others and being of use. She watches from the sidelines in case anyone gets hurt or upset. If that's the case, she'll go over to them to try to comfort them. She's very sweet and kind, but gets easily upset if she does something wrong or gets a stern talking-to. Her self-confidence is weak, but can grow if nurtured properly.

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Mate'moto | Firekin
Fling: No thanks
Mate: Yes please (needs to be a male of higher rank than default, she's a little picky)
Mat is a very leap before you look kind of girl. She's always getting into little fights and causing a ruckus with her siblings. She's loud, not afraid to state her mind, and very competitive. She wants to be the best at everything, even if she's actually horrible at it. Mat is headstrong and lets her emotions rule her actions rather than thinking everything through rationally. Now that she's grown she has managed to reign in her impulsive tendencies, but when she's worked up she'll let her heart rule her head.

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Hawnu | Iknimaya
Fling: No thanks
Mate: Yes please
Hawnu is a rambunctious guy, constantly being told to sit and be patient. Asking him to hold still is like asking a bird not to fly, though. He seems to be constantly in motion and getting into mischief. After growing up as something of a troublemaker, he finally found his calling in the pride: to protect it and all the creatures within it with his life. He's fiercely loyal to his family and close friends, a force to be reckoned with in matters of physical strength. His parents and siblings are incredibly dear to him and, from cub to adulthood, he's there to defend their honor or stand up for them in times of need. He's rather horrible with the ladies, getting flustered around a lioness he thinks is pretty or attracts him in some way.

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Xolile | Rogue (Willing to join a pride)
Fling: Perhaps
Mate: Perhaps
Xolile is a spitfire if ever there was one. Constantly on the move and sticking her nose where it shouldn't be, she has a knack for finding things that should probably never have been found. She can be found roughhousing with the older cubs and enjoys pushing herself to find her limits, even at the expense of her poor mother's concern. Xo's free spirit and often brash behavior make her a handful, but if you're looking for fun and adventure, she's the lion to bring along for the ride.

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Vidar | Stormborn
Fling: Yes please
Mate: No thanks
A rough and tumble guy, Vidar has his eyes set on the sky. He's big and has an ego to match, but definitely has the skills to back up his big talk. Some call him a brute, others a model Stormborn. He doesn't care what people call him, though, as long as they're talking about him. He has a huge soft spot for his mom and siblings and would do anything for them. You mess with them, he'll mess you up! His big, brutish ways don't lend well to being stealthy, though. He'd much rather leap before he looks, and that kind of brash attitude can get him into trouble.

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Mchanga | Suzat
Fling: No thanks
Mate: Yes please
Upbeat (aka pretty blank slate)

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Arkani | Suzat
Fling: Yes please
Mate: Yes please
Loyal and brave, the leader of the Hobbit pride is always smiling and very hospitable. Underneath this fluffy, welcoming exterior is an incredible warrior. He doesn't use his battle prowess often - and indeed, looking at him wouldn't suggest he was a warrior at all - but should the time come Arkani would lay down his life to protect his pride.

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Braith | Rogue (Willing to join a pride)
Fling: No thanks
Mate: Yes please
Braith had a fondness for verbal puzzles and speaking eloquently. She's quick to solve problems and is quite good at talking her way out of the trouble she often gets into. She's a curious young girl after all, she's bound to run into a tight spot or two! As she grows older maturity will become her, all of her cubhood adventures turning into lessons that further her knowledge. Under that calm exterior will still reside the heart of a cub, eager for knowledge and adventure still.

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Menkar | Firekin
Fling: No thanks
Mate: Yes please
Beach bum, chill, enjoys his new life with the Firekin but is kind of lazy by their standards. He thinks they all just need to take a chill pill.

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Stian | Mwezi'Johari
Fling: No thanks
Mate; Yes please
A very sad boy, Stian was once a prince in his home pride. He joined the Mwezi with his older brother who was made a Lord while he was turned a Slave. He doesn't understand why the Great Lion made him and his brother so different when they were born to the same parents and princes in another land.

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Ud | Firekin
Fling: No thanks
Mate: Yes please
Ud is curious and always eager to learn. He takes every fight - win or loss - and learns from it. He gained a high rank very young but has settled in nicely, finding that leadership suits him.

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Eir | Stormborn
Fling: No thanks
Mate: Yes please
Following in the pawprints of her father, Eir is a gentle giant. She values words more than actions and isn't very impressed by all the fighting and roughhousing that is common within the Stormborn. With a deep sense of helping others ingrained in her from birth, Eir will strive to be a Lawspeaker to help maintain the balance and justice that sometimes seems to be lacking within the pride she calls home. She'll be supportive of her family but won't stand for nonsense or ruthlessness, qualities she deems worthy of no living creature.

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Zander | Stormborn
Fling: Yes please
Mate: Yes please
Zander feels like he needs to be the responsible father figure in the family. Unfortunately his good intentions are a bit misguided as he isn't that great of an example of a 'responsible adult', taking after his dad as he gets older and drifting from his family. He'll take his mother's training with him, though, and will have a traditional view of males and females.

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Ithunzi | Rogue (Willing to join a pride)
Fling: Perhaps
Mate: Perhaps
Ithunzi is a passionate lion who puts his energy and enthusiasm into all the wrong things. He enjoys drawing out the death of his prey, mentally tormenting those that disagree with him or that he simply doesn't care for, and hunting jedi. His goal is to adorn his den with the pelt of all those who use the Force for good to both proclaim his power to his fellow Sith and to show off his skills in battle. He is a dangerous combination of cunning and strength and will do whatever it takes to see himself succeed.

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Cinàed (the Dragon) | Stormborn
Fling: Yes please
Mate: Perhaps
Boastful and energetic, Cinàed wants to be great. He's gung-ho and gives everything his all, but sometimes he falls a bit flat. He's not out to get anyone else in trouble, but he's not out to help anyone else climb higher than him, either.

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Pirro | Dov'Strunmah
Fling: No thanks
Mate: Yes please
Over the top, energetic, one track mind.

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Ruaka | N'ezi-ozu
Fling: No thanks
Mate: Perhaps
Ruaka is what some would call an old soul, mature for her age and known to say some rather profound things without realizing it. She enjoys the company of adults over cubs and could spend hours talking, listening, and learning. She occasionally suffers from intense yet abstract nightmares and the day after one she is generally subdued and grumpy. She loves to use her imagination and enjoys teaching others things, whether or not they're actually true. She is the shop's first reincarnation and has only just recently discovered this (it's still being played out in an RP but any she's in going forward she will know).

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Duana | Rogue (Not willing to join a pride)
Fling: Perhaps
Mate: Perhaps
Not very nice >>;

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Rusalka | Skiringssal
Fling: Perhaps
Mate: Perhaps
Speaks common and the language of the Nergui, but now that she's in a new pride and learning more about the gods she once sought to kill she's speaking the language of her former pride less and less.

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Citrabanu | Firekin
Fling: No thanks
Mate: Perhaps
Mostly just looking for duels, but other plots are an option. Focused and goal-oriented.

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Hinto (they/them) | Ela'wadiyi
Fling: No thanks
Mate: Yes please (male)
Hinto is rambunctious cub, full of energy and life. They love to sing and dance and explore, learning new things about the world around them. It's rare to see Hinto down or sad and they are usually the one to lift the spirits of those around them, whether its through jokes and playing or a being a quiet, listening ear. On those rare occasions where Hinto is hurt or upset, they prefer to be alone and will avoid contact with anyone to mull over their problems on their own and will try to keep those who wish to help at bay. As they grow Hinto will need to learn that it's okay to be sad, mad, or upset, and that no one will think less of them for being the one that needs support rather than being the strong pillar for their friends and family.

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Ancerus | Stormborn
Fling: No thanks
Mate: Yes please
Blank slate!

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Meishin | Rogue (Not willing to join a pride)
Fling: Perhaps
Mate: Perhaps (god only)
Still pretty blank as I haven't played her yet. Mysterious and quiet, mostly looking for plots that don't involve cubs as I have plans for her in the near future, but don't let that stop you from tossing ideas!