Haveli has been dismissed rather loudly from the lesson and had departed in quite the opposite fashion. She remained silent as she moved towards F'dral's office, guided in her mind that should she dare to even step out of line Minimuth would know, and eventually the young woman reached her destination. It was almost laughable how T'nus had responded to her simply being honest, though maybe she shouldn't have said those particular words at that time. T'nus was a level she could handle and ignore (as he'd long since dismissed her, she assumed) but F'dral was an entirely different beast.

A beast she was going to have to face now, and so Haveli took a deep breath and rolled her shoulders back. Better to put on the air of a scolded and learned candidate while she still could, right? Maybe she'd even be allowed to speak and argue her case before the hammer dropped, so to speak.

"Candidatemaster F'dral? It's Haveli." A knock was placed to let him know she'd arrived, though the woman long suspected that Minimuth had been keeping the poor man updated every step of her journey. Obnoxious snitch.
