......she was going to be fostered. Fostered, like some sort of fresh child in the creche who desperately needed an adult to help them survive. If Haveli hadn't been struggling to keep herself under control and not scream she might have had the energy to sass whomever she was expected to meet and appreciate and whatever else F'dral had said. Honestly Haveli had sort of Betweened as he started talking, the sudden terror overcoming, and now she sat and waited.

Or stood, or paced, or pretended to keep her calm. Spite chirped overhead, the green flitter rather obnoxious as she sensed her owner's unease. A wave of Haveli's hand kept her from landing and a hiss saw to the firelizard leaving. It would have been nice to actually have the company to keep her nerves from fraying and Haveli cursed at yet another rash action. Today just seemed to be her lucky day in which she carried a flamethrower and burned everything in front of and behind her.

Hah, with those sorts of skills maybe they should stick her in the sky already. The thought was bitter and unfunny but it prompted the corner of her mouth to twitch as though it wanted to smile. She wasn't going to be anywhere near the sky, or the sands, or anything else, for as long as the Powers that Are had anything to say about it. This was to be her last chance, a way to actually make her socialize and breathe and open up and.

Someone was coming and Haveli stood her ground not too unlike a herdbeast that had been cornered. It was not going well.
