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Ila stood proudly before his only son and one of his daughters and looked over towards his mate and she looked back at him with a small nod of his head. "As you both have learned, we have a standing alliance with the Suzat.."

'Oh great, another one of dad's long speeches about diplomacy....' Sayrip thought to himself as Seze seemed actually interested in what their father had to say. He was the youngest and really that was enough said there. The ONLY boy the girls had a better shot at being next in line than he did so he really wasn't too concerned about the whole, who is going take over after mom and dad.

"So after some long discussions between Arkani and ourselves via Bird we've decided to solidify our alliance through marriage. Sayrip, as you're our only son they have found a suitable mate for you and all we have to do is make the trip to the pride so that you two can meet. She is a little older than you, but that shouldn't be a problem."

'What?....... He was paying attention now and Seze was looking at her brother with wide eyes, and almost laughed at him but kept her mouth shut.

Tuktirey could see the thoughts in her sons eyes as he was processing the information that had just been given to him. "We understand that this is a bit of a shock and out of the blue but it's necessary for our prides survival in the future." She hoped he understood. "And you'll be able to come home and visit whenever you'd like, just as we will be able to come visit you." At least when the weather was allowing.

Seze was a bit jealous of the sudden responsibility thrust upon her brother. SO HE was going to be the one to represent the pride in another prides lands. Putting on a fake smile she did her best to be happy for him, she wanted to hold a roll like that, show she was worth sending off to do something like that. SURE, she'd miss her family but to be able to represent the pride on a level such as that was more than she could have hoped for and her brother was the one who was going to be doing that instead.....

"Why me?" The only words that came out of his mouth.

"Well, they didn't have any color suitable males yet for any of your sisters and they found a female who was open to the idea and was okay with the arrangement." Ila sait waiting for his son to argue the point.

"What about me being okay with the arrangement?" He said rather selfishly, no one had asked him if this was something he had wanted to do. Maybe he wanted to be a bachelor the rest of his life.

"You have a responsibility to the pride-"

"I don't care about responsibility! This is so unfair." He said storming away into the nearby jungle.

"Should I go after him?" Seze asked looking at her parents. Tuktirey gave a nod of her head and the pale sibling took off after her brother.

Looking at her mate she gave a soft sigh, "I think that went as well as we figured it would go. I'm sure after he's calmed down everything will be alright." Leaning into him she gave a deep thrum in her throat and felt him lean back into her tenderly.

"I just wish he could see the big picture, and how this will do so much for the pride. Yea we have a verbal agreement with them, but this marriage is a solidification of that, and we will hopefully become eternally bound with them because of what the bond would represent." Sayrip was young still and Ila knew that. It was just something that had to be done now and circumstances being what they were he was their best option for the alliance. Even if he didn't see it.

"I'm sure Seze will talk some sense into him. They're close and she'll make him come around." She had hopes for her children and knew that they wouldn't fail them.

"Sayrip! Wait for me." Seze said as she bounded after her rather fast moving brother.

"Just leave me alone." He barked at her rather forcefully, though when he saw her rather rejected look and flattened ears his face softened and he let out a frustrated sigh. "I'm sorry......"

Moving closer to her brother she gave him a loving head bump. "I wish I could trade places with you. What you get to do is such an honor!" She said trying to get him to see how big of a deal this really was. "I'd do anything to be where you are, but unfortunately I'm lacking in some valuable parts for that job." Laughing she hoped he at least found some humor in her poorly fused joke.

Rolling his eyes he scoffed a bit. "I guess the bright side is I won't have to listen to all of you girls nagging all the time." Being the sole boy with a horde of sisters was wearing on him a bit, but still. Given his being outnumbered he was well versed in how to handle each of them and their moods so maybe him going to a new pride wouldn't be the worst thing to happen. And it would seem life had even prepared him for just this.

"It doesn't mean I'm not going to miss you though...." He supposed he could agree to this, it's not like he really had a choice in the matter.

"I'm going to miss you too you know but who knows maybe I can hang out there for a while until you get adjusted and then come back later." She said with a smile as she was happy to hear that he was coming around to the idea at least. "Should we go tell mom and dad?"

He gave a small nod of his head, "Yea, I guess so. Since it seems they're going to have to start gathering a small party for us to head that way here soon anyway. So the sooner they know the better...." The two headed back towards where their parents stood to let them know he was on board.

WC: 1060