Just a heads up: this is just a super casual, super cruisy, low commitment thread. My brain is mush pretty much all of the time atm. There may be spelling and grammar issues, and I'm hoping to keep the topic very slice-of-life/dragon and character bants. Thanks for reading! <3

Nyaranau [HR] - 19 - she/her/hers - Weyrling of Gold Mictecath

Deft fingers wove one leather strand over the other, chocolate eyes following the braided pattern with a great sense of inner contentment. The slow rise and fall of her dragon's chest soothed her, soft dragon hide warm and appealingly scented. The bath and oiling left Mictecath practically sparkling. Somehow it helped Nya feel even prettier as a consequence. Her dragon's confidence became her own too, in some special way.

The young Queen drowsed on the lower fireheights, two sets of eyelids closed over blue-green eyes. The lean, limber draconic figure was curled around her rider as the young woman idled away at her work. Moments stretched and drifted away on the snappy, brisk breeze, shared in a comfortable silence, enhanced by their love for each other. Neither needed to speak, for through the depths of their love they knew the other so fully and perfectly.

Nyara smiled, pausing a moment to stroke her dragon's forepaw. Restdays were a gift now, to be treasured and cherished. Though winter's Fall was not nearly as bad as during summer, there were still drills and practice and domestic duties to attend to. Becoming an actual weyrwoman… Well, it was as far from the childhood fantasy games she had played with the other weyrbrats as was possible to believe. Duty was not so glamorous as an adult, but knowing the Weyr depended on her for small tasks left her feeling good. It may not have been the life she had imagined for herself in more recent Turns, but she would never trade Mictecath for the world.

Good. I would not have anybody else. The soft, musical voice danced across her mind. Nyara dimpled in pleasure. Now, my dear… I must ask if you think our quarters are perhaps too big for just the two of us? I was thinking we might invite someone to stay.

"Oh? Who did you have in mind?" Nyara once more paused in her braiding. Mictecath stirred to attention, warm affection flowing between them.

Who would you invite?

Nyara's face broke into an amused grin, and she leaned back against her dragon, chuckling. "Oh ho, don't think I don't know what you're doing…" She wiggled against that golden hide, getting cosy. As she considered options, Ar'din's face flickered in her mind's eye briefly, a reminder of her former flame.


"No, no… That boy is…" emotionally dumb wasn't a nice way of saying it, but it was all she could think of. She bit down on her words.

What about Samedith's?

"Faranie? I… Dunno." Mic held her blue brother in great affection. But Faranie was a different kettle of fish and…

Perhaps Izdubath's? Or Moirath's?

"Has this become a pop quiz about people I like to spend time with? While we're at it, I could ask about Nanuth and…"

Nanuth would make a lovely ledge companion, I am certain. All of my clutchmates would. It's you I worry for- you need to go out there and fill your heart with even more love. It would make our weyr less empty…

"Please tell me you didn't just suggest that I-" the words halted audibly as Mictecath blocked her mental poking with ease. "Oh, I see how it is. Zenobiath has you feeling broody and I'm the victim." There was no real ire in her complaining, but Mictecath had definitely caused her to think a little more on the subject, uncomfortable as it was to face. It was hard to open up to others these days… Status and power, limited as it was by sitting on the lowest rung of queenrider hierarchy, still drew those untrue and disloyal. She didn't want to risk getting hurt, and…

Well, maybe they should just spend more time away from their quarters, then.