The flight had been rough, with dragons not surviving. Normally the wings would be lucky enough to come away with bruises, maybe a few burn scars, but there had been death among the ranks. The news always hit Soui heard, this much Museth was aware, so when the young woman asked to be alone for a bit once Fall was over it was allowed without any question.

The white dragon had been lucky enough to avoid any type of injury, even so much as a wing strain, and so she kindly avoided her usual walk among the healers in order not to cause any sort of issue. Normally she and Soui would be in the thick of it, offering encouragement and help to whomever needed it, but not today. Today Soui would sleep it off without dinner as she processed her thoughts and Museth would sit silently, alone.

It was moments like this that she wished she was a bit more sociable, at least outside of the infirmary and the wing. Museth had plenty of acquaintances and colleagues, as she was by no means aloof, but there was also no one she felt there was enough of a connection shared between them for her to arrive unannounced. It would be in her best interest then to wait and see who came by, which the young dragon decided to do.
