The Evolutionist's Jawbone of Life
by Jeff Miller, Ph.D.

A lack of evidence for transitional forms in the fossil record that prove that ape-like creatures evolved into humans should spell the demise of the theory of evolution. And yet, a lack of such evidence has not stopped most evolutionists from unashamedly promoting their theory. Darwin, himself, conceded in his day that geology “assuredly does not reveal any such finely graduated organic chain; and this, perhaps, is the most obvious and serious objection which can be argued against this theory [i.e., the theory of evolution—JM]” (1956, pp. 292-293, emp. added). Over 150 years of fossil discoveries have not helped evolutionists in their hunt for transitional fossils, as we have documented elsewhere (cf. Harrub and Thompson, 2003; Thompson, et al., 2002). Instead of turning to the view of origins that is in keeping with the evidence, the evolutionist typically “hunkers down” and searches even harder for elusive “missing link” fossils. Enter Heidelberg Man.

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There is even those dedicated to the evolution model who think that this is a specie of man that is purely imagination.

“In reality this species should have stayed dead instead of being resurrected in the 1980s”, Juan Luis Arsuaga

“Every time I see the name ‘Homo heidelbergensis’ I feel a little queasy”, John Hawks

Secular article announcing Homo heidelbergensis' demise