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Hornfels Pack Playable Character

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What is this?

Old Snow is a playable character that anyone is free to RP! You can RP him with one of your own characters, with someone else's character, or even self RP. You do not need to have a character in Hornfels to play him, and you can submit your RP's towards the pack RP perk prizes.

What's he like?

Old Snow is a bit of a run down old goat, who can barely hear and can only see out of one eye (it's blue, btw). Frost dragged him in during a blizzard and after thawing out, Old Snow decided that he would live out his last days in the Hollow (much to the chagrin of the alpha). He doesn't take his achy bones too far from the den, and is absolutely useless at hunting. So he gets to play babysitter while everyone is out. Which works well for him because he can advise the little whipper-snappers on how to be good, successful wolves. Most of the advice he gives is wrong, or just utterly terrible, but he has wonderful stories and all the younger wolves adore him. The older wolves, who never had him as a mentor, tend to just shake their heads in exasperation. During the summer, when most of the pack has cleared out, he's crotchety and tends to be more irritable, getting mad at anyone in his way. But during winter, when everyone is back and he is the center of attention, he practically glows with enthusiasm that makes him seem younger than his years.

What did happen in his younger years? The way he tells it, he's traveled to the ends of Kells and back ...and has experienced pretty much everything you can imagine. How much is true? Who knows!

Need more inspiration? Think of the Basset Hound from The Secret Life of Pets.

What Rules are there?

- Play within Old Snow's personality, he ain't challenging anyone to a real fight
- Old Snow is asexual and infertile, no romance please!
- He won't be leaving the Hollow, this old bloke doesn't even hunt.
- Note that he is ineligible for any shop meta RP or any shop as a whole prizes - he's strictly to be RP'd in the Hornfels subforum.

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