The sun was just rising when he returned from his patrol, the time when most were beginning to wake and start their day. His nose pointed out that the kitchens were already at work preparing breakfast, the rumble from his stomach told him it was likely a good idea. V'kenti always had a little bit of a harder time when he flew night patrols. It wasn't that he felt like he was about to pass out but quite the opposite. His body and internal clock knew it was time to rise when the sun did so it was at war with his mind on when he should sleep. Previously, the answer almost always used to be 'wait, get some work done, then grab a few z's before the next patrol'. That might have worked this time as well but he was about to have a few off days she he needn't worry about patrol. He also didn't have to worry about all the other work he used to have to do after patrols.

The man sighed as he remembered his short time as a wingleader. The position had been incredible, sure, but so had been the worry for each and every one of his riders. It had taken a lot of his skills and willingness to get things done to do that job, but he had loved it. In the end, though, he had always taken any injuries to the flight personally; as if he himself had failed them by not being a good enough wingleader which in turn caused him to step down. Since then, it made something clear in a way that it had never been before; he missed his wing's company. Interacting with them daily, working on things alongside them....he missed that. Don't get him wrong, he wasn't lonely persay, he still had Lestenna and of course his ever present better half Takarath. And yet now he actually wanted....friends. He'd always been a loner. Always one to focus on the job at hand. Always one to overthink things that, while it may have helped him as a wingleader, it often made him a poor friend. There was A'ye, who was really one of the only people he'd consider a friend, but they had history, so their relationship was more than that. V'kenti thought on this while idly chewing on some of the fresh baked bread. He could try to bond with his new wing more outside of wing duties.With another sigh he finished his small breakfast. A Weyr wasn't built in one day, he'd think on it some more when he had the time. Well, who was he kidding, he seemed to have all the time in the world compared to before. It felt almost hard to keep himself as busy as he was then, as he'd like to be. They always say all good things must come to an end, if only it didn't have to come so quick.