It took Waysm longer then he cared to admit to realize that they had been walking in circles. It didn't help they only traveled at night with Juda giving no input on where they should be going. Thankfully it wasn't all bad. Juda kept them safe and even provided food for him. Even then when Juda was away from him, Waysm hesitated to even think about running away. He was malnourished before meeting Juda and the lion looked to be in good health.

Waysm nibbled away at the meat in front of him as he thought of an escape plan. Juda's 'nice' act was growing thin as both of them knew time was being wasted. Hopefully Juda would just give up and leave Waysm alone.

“We haven't found your home yet.” Juda stated. “In fact we seem to be getting closer and closer to my pride. Close enough for my pride mates to see me and wonder why I haven't dragged you home with me.”

Messing around with Waysm had been entertaining at first, but it quickly became clear how lost the cheetah was.

“My pride they'll need me-” Waysm started again with the lies, but Juda just rolled his eyes.

“I am certain that I am the only one to have ever called you prince, unless you try that lie on every creature you meet. I doubt that though because you don't seem to skilled in lying.” Juda stated in a bored tone.

Waysm looked at Juda with his mouth agape.

“If you never even believed me then why did you make me lead you around in the dark woods? You wasted so much of our time.” Waysm said angrily. His mind was thinking of where he could go where the lion couldn't follow. This was the last time he could escape.

“What can I say? I was bored and the thought of having a sweet prince in my life made me feel all warm inside.” Juda explained. “And honestly I took a liking to you almost as soon as you spoke. I have plans on making my own clan, my family, and having you apart of it would be ideal. Having someone around who is pretty and entertaining would be nice.”

Waysm's ears lowered as he remembered his old pride. He was an entertainer who would sing. It always made him self-conscious, especially when his older brother who criticize him for not taking up fighting. The fact that he took no incentive to get better at fighting made him feel all the worse now.

The idea of Juda wanting him to be apart of his clan though didn't seem bad. The lion proved to be capable of keeping him safe and well fed. He still didn't trust Juda, but joining a pride at this point seemed better then getting caught and potentially being killed.

“If I joined you what would I have to do?” Waysm asked.

“Well my prince, I'm afraid you will have to leave your cushy royal life. But in exchange I can promise you that as long as you serve me, I will always keep you safe and fed. Your duties will be including being a story teller, though you will have to brush up on those skills, tend to my cubs if I ever have any and minor task like being a messenger.” Juda explained, leaving out the most important task of all. With Waysm considering going with him willingly, he didn't want to mention that the biggest role he would play would be providing blood when it was needed. He rather let his prince learn about that when it was time.

Before Waysm could respond, Juda's ears perked up and he glanced around. They were no longer alone. There was rustling in the bushes not far from them. He looked Waysm in the eyes and shushed quietly.

“And what do we have here? One of the so called vampires?” A lion approached once Juda and Waysm got silent. He looked from Juda to Waysm back to Juda. “About to enjoy a snack?”

“Leave us. We have no interest in you.” Juda said standing up, making sure to block Waysm from view.

The other lion laughed. “But that doesn't mean I'm not interested in you. Your little group took over this land and are parading around trying to convince everyone to join you so you can drink their blood or whatever you do. I'm just here to put you in your place.”

“Stay behind me,” Juda hissed to Waysm.

The lion attacked Juda and the fight began.

Waysm watched for a little bit before realizing that this was his chance to run. There wasn't going to be another chance. He thought on Juda's offer though. Joining the pride meant he would have a simpler life, but he would be safe. Right now Juda was proving himself as a protector. Traveling the rogue lands alone already was a nightmare and it was bound to get worse. Hell, getting out of the stupid dark forest was proving to be a challenge.

As he watched Juda, Waysm decided that even though he couldn't trust Juda, at least he could rely on him.

The fight ended with the other lion leaving, tail tucked between his legs and Juda having a fresh scar on his face. He looked at Waysm with a surprised smile.

“You're still here my prince.” He said, approaching the cheetah. Playfully he bowed. “It was an honor to protect you.”

Waysm shook his head disapprovingly. He wondered if Juda was ever going to drop the whole prince thing. It would be embarrassing to try to explain it to anyone.

“I thought about it and I think I would like to join you and be apart of your clan. It's been a long time since I had a place to call home. As long as you keep me safe and I'm happy I think I could call your pride home.” Waysm said. He tried to keep the uncertainty out of his voice, but he couldn't help it. Hopefully it would all work out though.

Juda looked at him, happier then he had ever seen him.

“Don't worry my prince. As long as you are with me, I will keep you safe. That's my word as a knight of Igazi Laphakade.” Juda responded. And he meant it. He knew that some slaves in the pride weren't treated to kindly, but he wouldn't let anyone hurt his prince.”Stay close to me and I will show you around the pride and you can get familiar with your new home.”

Waysm nodded and followed Juda, hoping he made the right decision.

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