It was dark. There was no moon to light the way tonight. The Great Lion was sleeping, his eye closed and the Mwezi hidden from his sight. Tayny had never thought too hard about this time of the month, always staying close to home and not doing too much as most of the pride did, but the more time she spent with Shida the more she noticed his mood tended to hinge on the moon cycles. Whenever the Great Lion's eye was completely open or fully shut her friend was at his worst. He was quiet, withdrawn, and more pessimistic than when the moon was waning or waxing. Since today was a day with no moon she figured it might be a good time to find Shida to cheer him up and make him realize his happiness didn't have to hinge on the time of the month.

It wasn't hard to find him. Tayny had come and gone from Shida's den and had a feeling he'd be there, hunkering down for the long, dark night. Her paws moved silently through the trees as she wove between foliage and lions, smiling at those that noticed her. Everyone was more subdued on days like today but she knew her friend would be even moreso.

Tayny was right, of course. Shida didn't care for days with no moon, nor did he particularly care for those when the Great Lion's eye was completely open. He kept to himself even moreso than usual on those two days, generally staying in his den so as not to be a burden to his pride. He knew that in order to join their ancestors among the stars he had to work harder than anyone else to gain favor from those of higher classes to have a chance when he passed...but since he was cursed at birth, would the Great Lion even look at him when his time came?

"Shida! Shida, you in there?"

The now-familiar voice of Tayny made Shida groan. His friend was incessant and joyful and he really didn't want her here right now, but it seemed his near-silence didn't deter her. Tayny poked her head into his den with a grin and swatted at his tail.

"There you are! Come on, come on. Come out, Shida!"


The refusal startled Tayny enough that she fell silent and froze. Shida had yet to deny her anything she asked - granted, her requests were hardly outlandish - so to hear that word leave his mouth was shocking. She opened her muzzle to say something but shut it again, speechless in her surprise. Her silence caused Shida to glance in her direction, one golden eye peering over at her. He was waiting backlash of some kind, physical or verbal, and he flinched slightly when Tayny finally moved forward. She paused when she saw him recoil slightly and she lowered her head, ears pressed flat against her skull.

"All right," she said quietly, her usual jovial tone calm and quiet. "We can stay in here." She moved slowly but steadily until she was beside Shida and laid down, tucking herself against his side. Shida's body was tense as Tayny scooted in closer but once she settled he relaxed just a bit. They remained silent for a while until Tayny couldn't help herself. She had to say something!

"Why are you so glum this time of the month?" She understood why during the full moon. The Great Lion was looking down on all his subjects but the slaves were never seen. But during the new moon? She waited patiently as Shida worked up how he wanted to word his reply, not rushing him at all.

"It's a tougher time for the pride as a whole. The Great Lion isn't watching so there's a greater risk of danger," he murmured softly. "I just don't want to remind everyone of that danger." As a cursed cub it was impossible to walk through the pride without reminding his pridemates of the months that had gone by without their god's gaze upon them. Tayny gave a little 'ah' of understanding, though she was quickly trying to work out how to turn Shida's worries around. It was tough, though. He posed a fair point.

"Well. You don't remind me of danger," she said after finding herself at a loss for things to say. She nudged his paw with her nose to try to reassure him. "I think you do your best to help out the pride and maybe everyone else has been a little standoffish towards you. And I mean...I guess that's their right, but I think it's kind of silly. As long as you're contributing you have worth and value. Which is why I think the queen changed the rules regarding the high class." If slaves had to work their tails off to end up in the good favor of those of higher classes it didn't make much sense for those with favor to lay around all day!

"I'm not sure I believe you, but I appreciate what you're trying to do," Shida said after a moment. He knew Tayny was just trying to cheer him up but a lifetime of hiding away during a new moon wasn't going to change overnight. Tayny could see she wasn't going to make much headway, but she didn't move. Maybe just hanging around her friend would help him realize he wasn't some contagious disease that could be caught and spread through the pride.

"I think the Great Lion is kind of silly to not look upon you," she said after a few more moments of silence. Shida's heart skipped a few beats at her admission and he lifted his head to look at her in silent question. Tayny shrugged slightly but pressed on.

"You're kind, you're thoughtful, you try your best and sure, you're kind of a glum guy, but if that's your only shortcoming I can be cheerful enough for the both of us. I think you deserve his gaze." Shida didn't speak. Couldn't speak, really. Hist throat constricted with emotion and he simply laid his head down again, though he did rest his paw atop Tayny's in thanks. At least someone in the pride that wasn't his mother and siblings thought he was worthy of the Great Lion's protection. Tayny didn't speak again. She simply laid beside her friend, offering him silent comfort through the long, dark night.

WC: 1071