The melting snow had left the Weyrbowl slushy, and while Anakumath could be spared the worst of it she couldn't help but want to fuss over all the little Weyrlings that were stuck slogging about in it. Just as she and her clutchmates had been too small to fly when it had come before. It made the higher peaks above the bowl more appealing - and it seemed many other dragons had thought the same. But she'd not had the heart to ask for a place to settle in herself. She knew she'd have been given it for asking. Instead, she'd waited for a morning where she could find a nice spot of sun and bask in it.

It had taken a few days, but the young queen was content to settle in the spot now that it was there, without having to force anybody else out of it. Perhaps there were more drills that morning in the fighting wings. Anakumath peered down below to get a better look.
