Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 8:19 pm
This is a private RP between Ramiel ( Nayci) and Seance ( Uta) --------------- The night was beautiful tonight. The moon casting a voluminous glow against the river, and grass below Ramiel’s glide from above as he made his way back home to his family. It had been a long day to say the least. He had taken up the job of helping a nearby herd with relocating further west. It wasn’t so much his strength they needed to move, but have him as a guide, and protector. The lightning from his wings provided just the amount of light they needed as they traveled through the night. Being the son of the Angeni of Lightning indeed had it’s perks. However, Ramiel wasn’t ridiculous enough to be cocky about his heritage. His mother certainly saw that he was humbled as a child.
‘You come from angelic blood, but we do not use that connection to harm, or be better than others,’ Elysia would tell him, ‘it’s unbecoming of our breed. We must use our heritage for the greater good. It’s what the spirits would expect from us, and it’s the right thing to do.’
As a child he didn’t quite understand what she meant. But as he came into young adulthood, it eventually made sense. Especially with his siblings. He was always the first one to help his blind sister. Help their father gather what they needed for their stores of food. Protect his older sister as they would play in the woods. And learn from his mother’s mate the art of hunting, but treating that hunt with the utmost respect. Honor and respect was always at the core of everything their family did, and stood for. Ramiel always did his best to encompass those values.
Quietly, he dipped his wings to glide downwards toward the ground, his wings crackling ever so slightly with his electricity as the breeze flew through his feathers. His landing was light, barely touching, as he trotted to a halt in front of one of the various ponds that made their home along the trail home. The soreness of his body had begun to catch up with him. And if there was anything he knew well, was that he needed to listen to his body. Sound body provided a sound mind. And the sound mind made sure that he was always mindful, no pun he intended, of everyone around him.
The pond before him was on the smaller side, but no less beautiful. It’s crystal clear waters provided an almost pure mirror effect as he came close. His mother had taken to caring for the various plants, creatures, and things surrounding their territory, this pond included. Honovi would gently joke that she did it to overcome her fear of water. For that, Ramiel was proud of his mother. She had done an incredible job at preserving, and enhancing their territory. To him, their territory was the most beautiful thing he had ever had the pleasure of viewing every day.
He bent his head down and drank deeply, sighing in contentment as the cool water soothed his throat, closing his eyes briefly. The crickets nearby providing a song of pure virtue to his ears. Although, a rustle nearby did catch his attention. Opening his eyes, his sight caught the ethereal glow of a creature not too far from him. At that moment he couldn’t help but become entranced.
Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2020 10:03 pm
Séance preferred the night, especially when the moon was full and bright. Where the sunlight was harsh and bright, there was something softer about moonlight. Where some might find fear in night and shadow, it was in the darkness that the mare felt most at peace. The world was often at its quietest during night, and allowed her time with her thoughts. Like a spectre, Séance drifted through the world, giving no thought about where her hooves might take her.
The scent of water had caught in the wind, causing the young angeni to change her position. Though she saw little--her thick bangs often keeping her half-blind--the mare gave a shake of her head so she might at least peek out at the world. A few small spiders, gifts from her father, and guardians since she was a filly, also helped guide her--tucked near her ear, ever whispering warning and direction. She had become quite adept of moving about with limited or no vision, which was just as well; even without her bangs, she simply did not see well.
Perhaps it was why she was known to be aloof and distanced, even among her siblings. She had always been a serious mare--unlike her playful older sisters. While she adored her family, she had always kept herself detached, like someone outside looking in. She kept her emotions and feelings locked away, and though gentle, was more or less known to be subdued. Any passion or great feeling in her was kept firmly to herself--but that was just as well.
Step by step, her wings tucked against her side, Séance stepped down to the pool of water. She was unaware of Remiel's approach, lowering her head so she too, might drink. It was only with the whispering of her resident spiders that the mare came to realize she was not at all alone. Pausing in her drink, she lifted her head, letting her bangs fall back over her pale-green eyes. "The spirits tell me I'm not alone," she spoke, hoping to call out the stranger, or whoever might be out there. It was unlikely her little spiders would be seen, tucked within her hair. "Is someone there?" She asked serenely, not at all concerned or overly worried...
At least not yet.
Nayci Sorry for the delay! I'm still getting a bit of a feel for her. She's not totally blind... just likely very near-sighted.
Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2021 7:47 pm
If there was one thing that Ramiel was not, it would be bumbling fool of epic proportions. However, apparently, tonight was not that night. It was like he was staring at the moon itself on a clear summer’s night. Pure, and almost ghostly. A specter gliding across the ground. The perfection of the moon incarnate taken within soquili form. Although he was quite a bit of ways from being a tiny young colt, his mind was almost taken back to those simple, and dream like times. Such a divine being in the world….it almost felt like he was unworthy to be in their presence. But yet, here he was, very much alive, very much in the present, and very much in front of the most incredible soul he’d ever come across.
Wait, the divine was speaking, he needed to find his words. Quickly shaking his head out of his very apparently stupor, turning a noticeably light shade of pink at probably being caught staring, he answered in kind.
“So sorry if I startled you Miss. I was not expecting company around the edge of my family’s territory tonight. Although, it is probably the clearest it has been in quite some time. An exceptional go to for exploration if the soul feels inclined.”
If he had to be honest with himself, he was glad his words didn’t come out as a horrific, jumbled mess. He would not be able to live with himself and probably die of embarrassment. His sisters would, no doubt, never let him live it down. And he did not even want to think about his mother. That was a whole other scenario for another time. But alas, he was getting ahead of himself again. He would not be able to live with himself and probably die of embarrassment. Although he couldn’t help but be concerned that he may have overdone it still.
Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2022 1:09 pm
Séance's ears focused on the voice of the other. She had not been aware she was so close to another's territory, though she supposed it wasn't unusual; the downside of flight was that often one missed markers or signs that the land was no longer free to roam. "I did not mean to trespass," she apologized, "I'm afraid my travels parched my throat, and the allure of water drew me near. I won't be long," she assured, just in case Remiel wished her away.
Certainly, the stranger didn't sound as if he was, but one could never assume. Even if she wasn't on his family's territory, there was always a risk of drawing too near, or ones presence quickly overstaying their welcome. She was far from her home, farther than she'd traveled in some time, so she was, perhaps, a bit overly cautious. It would not offend her if the stranger wished her away. "It is a beautiful area though," she complimented, giving a small shake of her mane so she might peek out from behind her half-blind gaze. "What brings you so far from the heart of your herd?" She asked, deciding that if she was about to encroach upon it, then he was potentially about to leave. Was his soul feeling inclined to explore? Or was he simply making rounds, to spook off any who dare trespass?
Nayci Sorry for the delay! -dusts this rusty lady off-
Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2022 6:15 pm
Ramiel couldn’t help but smile brightly at the fact she was taking the time to converse with him. Many who traveled through his family territory were quickly to move on, giving little time in which Ramiel could get to know them or offer them assistance should they require it. Plus, it had the added bonus of him seeing the world without actually being there. Ramiel had quite the thirst for knowledge and a spirit for exploration. Alas, he was currently homebound for the most part, assisting with his family affairs and keeping his sisters safe.
"It’s truly no problem. Take your time and rest if you need. You’re more than welcome here,” he responded, “My family like keeping our herd land open to those who need it. A safe haven if you will. You won’t find those who prowl in the dark nearby. They know to keep away from my mother's Will. Well, either that or they’re petrified that she’ll shock them to death. I’m surprised you haven’t come across her since entering our territory. Her radar for new people knows no limits as far as I know. Either way, you’re in good company.”
Ramiel tilted his head up to towards the night sky to stare at the stars above and continued, “there was a small nomadic herd that required some additional assistance for their elderly and ensuring everyone moved successfully. They were on their way towards their ancient ancestral grounds and requested guidance. I was all too happy to oblige them. Mother was too but her mate was insisting on her taking rest due to her pregnancy. So, it fell to me instead.”
He looked back down at the moonlit mare mare in front of him, his glowing golden gaze curious, “are you far from home? Is there anywhere you’re seeking specifically? I may be able to help if you’d like.”