(This RP was started before the Horse Clutch hatching feast so should be considered backdated as such, lmao)

A nap really did sound good after everything. D'rok - Faranth, it was weird to relent to that after everything - couldn't find it in himself to rest yet, though. Shards, it had taken all his effort to not simply bring Khazariath in to bathe for the Feast with him after all had been said and done.

The newly hatched bronze sat primly on his new cot, eyes half closed as the lure of sleep called to his freshly filled belly and his carefully oiled hide. Are you sitting up so you don't doze off? he teased, smiling to himself as the little dragon drew himself up just a little more gracefully. No he defended, looking over the half dressed boy with his still wet hair. I'm sitting up because nobody else is laying down.


He'd been wide awake despite the hour, but with the lull in activity, La'hisen could feel a warm langour settle through him. Some of it he attributed to the blue dragon whose hide rippled and gleamed like dark ocean depths. Full and content, Othelloth had considered sleep but ultimately dismissed it with the Feast soon at hand.

La'hisen had scrubbed himself clean as well, his eyes unconsciously sliding to the young dragon every so often. Do you think I'll wander off? Othelloth asked, amused. Focus on your task. I am not inclined to be impatient. The same could not be said of all his siblings, but he didn't hold that against them. Indeed, now that he thought of them, he addressed the one closest to their current location. Khazariath. He hadn't forgotten that his brother thought he needed to be watched, but he was will to write off the small slight. For now.

Weary? He asked politely, knowing well the answer. No one would begrudge you for taking the time to rest. It has already been a long day for us all.


Khazariath stretched his wings in an almost casual gesture, much like a person who had laid too long would stretch their legs or back, before folding them again - a subtle way of masking that he'd not liked their previous position.

I would rather not leave Destrierth to it alone it was not about the duty of a bronze, but rather there was a certain aura to their brother that he felt was better left...well, not to his own devices. Even now he turned a tired eye on the room to look things over.

It would feel more appropriate to rest when we all do.


Othelloth suppressed the urge to snort. He surely hadn't forgotten Destrierth lauding his status as a bronze by summoning the young men to present themselves before him, nor that his own La'hisen... Well. His knew better now.

No doubt Destrierth will do what he thinks is best. Othelloth supplied lightly, the barbs well hidden within his words. Regardless, to rest now would mean missing the interactions of the Feast.

And he had no doubt there would be so many interesting new people to meet!


Mmmm. Khazariath clutched his own feelings so close to his chest, D'rok could practically feel them now. It remains to be seen. Which is but another good reason to go to the Feast. He could not keep a close eye on everybody if he was not there to keep it.

There will be a lot of new faces to meet at this Feast. Mine has already made a long list for himself, it feels. What of yours?


Only a few. He came here from Western, but I have no doubt he will fit in well and find companions. La'hisen was a private, suspicious person, but Othelloth would never allow anyone to take advantage his rider. No, His would be able to flourish now, and Othelloth had no intention of letting him remain on the outskirts.

You sound as though you intend to stay vigilant. He neither approved or disapproved, but could admire the work ethic. Do try to enjoy yourself a little. This Feast is in our honor. Perhaps even more so for not one, but three darling bronzes. Let them lap up the attention. Othelloth didn't mind.


It would be best if those who hadn't planted their roots at High Reaches yet could find them more quickly in these first few days. Othelloth seemed as though he'd pack the soil down for it himself.

I cannot know without seeing - and how grave it would be to pretend in its place. Everybody was having an eye kept on them to some degree or another.

Khazariath rose, then moved down from the cot with a graceful if not carefully choreographed step to walk towards Othelloth.

If you say that too loud, I am sure there are some who would see that it is in their honor.


Othelloth fixed his gaze upon his approaching brother with a soft rumble, hints of blue swirling through the calm green. He welcomed Khazariath's presence, though he was aware of La'hisen pausing to see what had pleased him so.

Undoubtedly. He agreed, amused. And it might be best to simply agree with them, rather than allowing them to be riled once more. Maestoth was every inch as expectant of praise and worship as Argamath, though Othelloth was more inclined to sympathize with his brown brother. Still, even with his blue hide, Othelloth knew that every inch of him was strong, capable, and more than worthy.

You, too, will have many admirers. He stated, neither resentful or wistful. This is how it would always be, but in the end, color meant little.


It will do more harm to let their egos take the blow of sharing attention they feel must be theirs alone. Ah, it would plant more seeds of discourse in the long run.

With another stretch of his wings, Khazariath sat again, content to his position on the floor. Spare the rod, spoil the child, Khazariath reminded and there was almost a hint of irony in his tone at using his brother's own words.

The idea of admirers brought a small tinge of yellow, only for a moment, to Khazariath's eyes. I will hope they are for the right reason.


The dragonet huffed a laugh. Wise words! But they will be received poorly, especially when coming from one of my so-called status. He let his tail coil around his feet, watching his brother closely.

He didn't miss that flicker of yellow, and despite himself, he felt his wings attempt to flare. As will I. Do not let them bully you for your favor. Perhaps he'd keep an eye out, just in case.


You are a future warrior of High Reaches and that makes you as wise as the rest. Khazariath defended. As D'rok held his family in esteem, Khazariath would find the same true of his own siblings no matter their color.

I won't. There is no value in it now. Khazariath would not be laying himself out upon a table to be a buffet of tender meat to be feasted upon. Especially not so soon.


I am. He was hatched to destroy the enemy and protect Pern, and he would never, ever forget that. In this, he did feel a streak of impatience. Newly hatched as he was, he wanted nothing more than to flame and fight! Khazariath had no reason to flatter him, but Othelloth truly hoped the bronze meant his words.

What better way to get close to his bronze brother, then when he was young and seemingly unimportant? Othelloth kept such thoughts to himself, but resolved to watch out for those who sought such an opportunity. We all come from a noble lineage. I would not be surprised if we were all watched a little closely.


There indeed was a future importance looming over both the young dragon and his rider, but D'rok had lived with such things looming over him that he could and would weather it. With our parentage, I would think the Weyr has little to fear for, certainly there would always be upstarts, but they were all strong dragons.

Even anxious Cordeth was nothing but a boon to their ranks.


Indeed not! Othelloth extended his neck proudly, this time to offer the smallest touch to Khazariath's muzzle. We will show them all that we are strong, swift, and able, no matter our color.

It was not a slight towards his bronze brother. Othelloth had little doubt that some might look upon him less favorably just because he was smaller than their metallic siblings.


There was the smallest jolt of surprise through Khazariath and D'rok's bond when Othelloth nosed at him, making the young bronze sit just a little taller while His looked on to make sure all was still well.

Perhaps they will even care to see. With what parents they had, there would be less eyes on them. Less concern. But would that mean he'd have to shine harder? D'rok quickly assured his fears, but it lingered still.


They may not. Othelloth dismissed such concerns with the mental equivalent of a shrug. What matters most is that we will fight as well as any of them. Better, even, if Othelloth had his say. He had no need for recognition or personal glory. He was here to fight.

The young blue paused when he felt La'hisen's touch on his mind. The man was ready, but he was content to wait if Othelloth wished to continue his conversation with his brother. I will see you at the Feast, brother. His wave of warmth was genuine, and Othelloth turned to confidently walk at his rider's side.