Duration. 01:04:30

Watch the newest sermon from Apologia Church given by Pastor Jeff Durbin. This sermon is part of our series on "Why We Believe." This week, we are studying why we believe that Jesus is the promised Messiah. This is part one. Next week will be part 2. Why do you believe that Jesus is the Messiah? Can you answer that question from Scripture?

Comment: Not to take away from the sermon but there is also animal sacrifice in the future. I am not saying that in the OT it was not a picture of Jesus in the NT, but it still has a place in the future.

One of the more difficult aspects of the Millennial Kingdom concerns passages which make plain that a sacrificial system will be active during the thousand year reign of Christ on earth. These sacrifices are both by Ezekiel in his famous passage concerning the Millennial Temple (Eze. Eze. 43:20, Eze. 43:26; Eze. 45:15, Eze. 45:17, Eze. 45:20), but also by four other prophets (Isa. Isa. 56:7; Isa. 66:20-23; Jer. Jer. 33:18; Zec. Zec. 14:16-21; Mal. Mal. 3:3-4).

The sacrifices in the OT did not just point towards Jesus. They had an imediate function of atonment. In a sense I suppose that says something about some human beings condition still during the Millenial Kingdom.