The Region of Suimin

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The Suimin Region is a region of the Pokémon World that seems to be focused around the idea of "sleep". Even the name "Suimin" itself is Japanese for "Sleep". The names of the islands and locations are also various words translated into different languages, or drawing from different mythologies.

The Suimin Region: a group of islands that were once abundant and flourishing in the world. Thousands of years ago, both Cresselia and Darkrai were worshipped and celebrated as the founders and deities of the islands themselves, bringing peace and tranquility to all that were blessed to be under their protection. Although this all ended when two groups that were deeply dedicated to these two decided to battle each other, resulting in the first bloodshed the Suimin Region had ever known, before evolving into a full war. Many years passed, and more lives were lost as more blood was shed during this war, dubbed "The Great Moon War". The reason for the name being that the moon had either disappeared, or appeared only as a crescent (in reference to Darkrai and Cresselia, respectively). The two "Guardian Deities", abhorrent at this sight, decided to put all those that were on the islands into a deep sleep, never to be woken again, and burying what were once great towns, shrines and even castles beneath the islands themselves, never to be revealed again. Before doing so, the Deities chose seven islands to serve as "triggers" for the destruction of the islands as a whole, should these dangerous people and Pokemon be woken again.

Many years passed, and new travelers founded the Suimin Region, seeming to be completely sparse of any other human life. They decided to build their new homes here, and came across all sorts of history of what may have happened to the old civilization. These findings went down into both history and legend, eventually becoming the "Legend of the Seven Islands".

Oneiro Island

The "Island of Dreams", as it has been called by many, and usually the first place that many travelers arrive at. Oneiro is the island where all Trainers get their start, being the location where the Professor of the region has their lab. This island also highly reveres the Legendary Cresselia, believing that the Pokémon brings them blissful dreams every night. Oddly enough, the island has a historically long record of its citizens never suffering a nightmare. Its capital, The City of Villfarelse, is where the Professor's lab is located, and where a shrine dedicated to Cresselia exists. It seems to be a bountiful island, full of lush grass and many different towns.

Mardröm Island

The "Island of Nightmares", as it has been referred to as by the people of the Suimin Region. Many do their best to normally evade this island, unless they live there or are taking the Island Trials or challenging the Gyms. The reason for this is due to the fact that those who come to this island usually fall into a deep sleep for days, plagued relentlessly by horrific nightmares. Many believe this is due to the fact that they stopped worshipping the Mythical Darkrai, and that this is the cause of their nightmares for the past many years. Its capital, the City of Nuit, has a broken down shrine to Darkrai which is need of serious repair. The appearance of the island itself also seems to be from a nightmare, with dead grass and trees lining the beaten paths. Pokemon run wild and free wherever they wish here, making it dangerous to traverse.

Nemuke Island

The "Island of Drowsiness", a place where the citizens seem to always be in a state of half-asleep. Although oddly enough, it doesn't seem to affect travelers, making many believe it to be a strange hereditary disease that runs all the way back to the island's founding. It seems to affect most of the Pokemon too, making almost any Wild Pokemon that travelers come across appear to be in a deep sleep. Its capital, the Castle of Zalisménos, is said to be a castle that once belonged to a King that ignored the wishes of both Cresselia and Darkrai, causing the pair to curse its citizens to never have dreams nor nightmares again, placing them all under a spell of being neither awake nor asleep.

Adranés Island

The "Island of Dormancy" is the island where many secrets seem to lay... dormant. There are many ancient buildings and other types of ruins which seem to be lost and buried beneath both age and vegetation. Although these ruins seem to differ from the ones far beneath the island itself, seeming to have something to do with certain types of Pokemon. Although the citizens don't try to find out, for whenever they cut back the forests and bushes, they always grow back almost thicker, as if the island itself is hiding these secrets from them.

Hypnos's Mountain

Hypnos's Mountain is usually overlooked by both travelers and those undergoing the Island Trials. The only thing really noteworthy here is the small town located at the southern base of the mountain, which has one of the Region's eight gyms on it. The interior of the mountain itself seems to be off-limits, as all those who wander within are never again seen, come out battered and bruised with no memory of what happened, or fall into a sleep that they can only be awoken from by an outside force.

Konsui Island

The "Island of Deep Sleep" is one of the more dangerous islands to dwell on or try to live your life on. Every year, for one whole day, the entire island is completely empty. No one in their homes, no Trainers partaking in Island Trials or Gym Challenges... absolutely nothing. The reason behind this is due to a proven fact that those who stay on the island for an entire year fall into a seemingly permanent slumber, never to be woken up again no matter what is tried. Many believe it to be a sickness, or radiation from some sort of powerful underground source. But as of now, no cure has yet been found for these people. Even taking them off the island doesn't do anything.

Requies Island

The "Island of Repose" and one of the last islands that is visited due to its overall relaxing atmosphere. This island is usually the place where those of Suimin decide to spend their days in retirement, under the spell of peace and tranquility the island seems to emit. Oddly enough, it seems to only take effect if you decide to give into its pull (whether subconsciously or consciously) but won't affect you otherwise. To be broken free from this "spell", those affected can be taken off the island to regain their senses. As such, a guide usually travels with Trainers, to make sure that they don't accidentally give into the island's desire.

Champion's Respite

The final stop for those that have challenged and beaten all seven other Gyms or passed all other ten Island Trials. This is where Suimin's Pokemon League is located, and where the final Gym and Island Trials are. After completing these final challenges, Trainers must climb over the mountains to reach the center and walk along the "victory road" that leads to the Suimin League itself. A gigantic building, that seems to be almost castle-like in appearance and looms over all would-be challengers. Although there are many other locations all around the island, these are rarely ever explored.

Veternum Forest

"The Forest of Dreams" is an enigma, even to the people of the Suimin Region. No matter how they try to approach it, they're unable to reach the middle of the island. The giant trees that block the way seem to be unable to be burned down, cut down, or even rammed through. And even if you reach the island from the sky, you'll suddenly black out, and appear just on the edge of the island, outside the forest. Although oddly enough, many claim to have visited the island in their dreams, and even nightmares. Although if their claims are true or not have yet to be proven.

Deiridh Scíth

The "Final Rest", and headquarters for Team Awakening. Access to the island itself is top secret, known only to the members of Team Awakening. Access by sea is impossible due to the raging waves that surround it, threatening to swallow any who dare to approach deep beneath the depths of the waves. And access from the sky will cause the gale force winds to blow you even further away, or down into the sea itself. This is where Team Awakening plans to make their plans a reality.

Sandman's Plains

The Sandman's Plains are actually more of a desert, with the headquarters of Team Carbo being hidden within the center, surrounded by a thick covering wind and sand. So far, no one has been able to get deep into the Sandman's Plains (except for Team Carbo) due to their skin being cut by the sands and winds, causing heavy injury and forcing them to turn back. Even powerful vehicles that were thought impenetrable were cut up by the sand and forced to retreat. This is due to further analysis revealing all sorts of gems (even diamond) are mixed in with the sand.