User ImageName:Lan
Age: 23
Nameday: .05.11
Sexual Orientation: Pan??
Craft: Courtesan - Massage / clothing design
Rank: Journeyman
Location: Western hold/weyr - get back to this

Physical Description: Lan uses clothing like some people use armor, pressed and tailored and color coordinated to grab the attention in any room and keep it. His skin started to loose pigment at ten, giving him distinctive paler areas of skin and his general creed is flaunt it. He has a slender muscular and at 5'11'' certainly not the tallest individual but he's comfortable. Though he does have a habit of wearing heels to get that sharp strident click noises of a good heel on stone. He's all about grabbing attention and keeping it when he has it.

Personality: Lan is very charming and charismatic, there is always threads of thought to pick up on things and to use them for his benefit.

Positive Trait List Charming, Connoisseur, Charismatic, Independent
Negative Trait List Deceitful, Glutton, Self-absorbed, Poor team player

Other: Anything else you want to add?

Candidate Specific Questions
Do you want them to have an official Search RP? No
Do you understand they will age every passing year regardless if you're there to RP the or not? Yes
Do you want them to have a possible Stands Impression? Yes