Article by Scott Hubbard

Christians worship a big God with a big mission that will one day reach this whole big world. Yet for all of his bigness, our God has a remarkable love for the small. He sets his eye upon small people in small places during small moments (Psalm 33:18; Matthew 6:4). The Son of God, who “did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped,” even became small to save us (Philippians 2:6–8.).

Yet some of us, for one reason or another, embrace the bigness of God and his mission without likewise embracing his love for the small. And then, finding ourselves unable to escape the small, we can begin to chafe and mutter. We are big dreamers hemmed in, behind and before, by a small job, small church, small town, small life.

We may need to hear again the word of the prophet Zechariah, spoken to a people captivated with the big: do not despise the day of small things.

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