I took my kid to gaming conventions since she was 9 and we've always had a blast. There are always a few costumes in the mix and they are fun to look at. Generally they wore the outfit to get attention and love it when we admire them.

As for my parents, I know my dad would be uninterested in these conventions, and my husband, too. They don't like crowds and are not terribly interested in anime, cosplay, gaming, or meeting celebrities. Mom is a gamer (board games and card games, though, not table top as much) and she likes exploring new things. But she's nearly 80 and walking is difficult for her now, so I don't know she'd enjoy it. Plus she would rather spend time with her husband than go anywhere with anyone else, even me. We have gone on a few trips just the two of us, but rarely.

I never thought about my own parents. My dad died when I as 13, but part of me wonders if he would have enjoying Gaming at cons. He always had to have the latest gaming system and he would play with us. He also liked comics too. I also know he would have supported me with making costumes and stuff since he would see it as skill-building.

My mom on the other hand was around for me to start going to cons. While she's not going to go to a con with me, ever, she is also the one who supported me learning to sew and making costumes. She was also the one who set me up for my first con. She had a family friend mentor me for my first con.