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Log Book of Akiyama Daisuke

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Katze Allemon-Schatten

Dapper Romantic

16,025 Points
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 3:06 pm
Introduction and General Details

My profile, apparently: here

Voice recognition sample

My birthday: November 11

Marital status: Married (permanently) to Akiyama Heisuke

My home address (you do not need it) : 1316 Ombre

Myers Briggs Personality: Logistician: ISTJ-A (93, 57, 83, 92, 67)
PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 9:05 pm
Family & Relationships

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Husband: Heisuke Akiyama
    Age: 42
    Status: Alive
    Notes: He is best husband and Daisuke is practically glued to him.

Father: Kapitän Wilhelm Amsel
    Age: 41
    Status: Alive
    Notes: __

Mother: Himiko Amsel
    Age: 40
    Status: Alive
    Notes: __

Brother: Nils Amsel
    Age: 22
    Status: Alive
    Notes: Lives in Kyoto and is in school to be a lawyer.

Sister-in-law: Sayuri Amsel
    Age: 23
    Status: Alive
    Notes: Studying to be a pediatrician.

Nephew: Heisuke Amsel
    Age: 6 months
    Status: Alive

Nephew: Daisuke Amsel
    Age: 6 months
    Status: Alive

Friends & Others

- Akiyama, Heisuke
    Status: Alive
    Level: True Love / Husband
    Thoughts: Heisuke is my true love. We met under somewhat awkward circumstances and have had a rough patch or two, but no matter what happens we love each other and stick together through anything. He lifted me out of darkness when I was trying to bury myself alive (figuratively speaking) and no matter the weight of my survivor's guilt and other factors, his tenderness and unwavering support makes me stronger than my problems. Though I am very possessive of him, I inherently trust him no matter what so I do not have to worry about suspicion and jealousy with him. I am doggedly loyal to him and will protect him no matter what. I simply can't imagine an existence without him.

- Harmaajärvi, Timo
    Status: Alive
    Level: Acquaintance
    Thoughts: The kid seemed a bit nervous and perhaps lacked in self-confidence, but he is polite and listens well. He was attentive to Hei-chan's needs but did not make himself too familiar nor did I ever catch him gawking. He shows potential as a friend, so as long as Hei-chan continues to like him, I will give him the benefit of the doubt.

Katze Allemon-Schatten

Dapper Romantic

16,025 Points
  • Perfect Attendance 400
  • Fantastic Fifteen 100
  • Forum Sophomore 300

Katze Allemon-Schatten

Dapper Romantic

16,025 Points
  • Perfect Attendance 400
  • Fantastic Fifteen 100
  • Forum Sophomore 300
PostPosted: Thu Jul 15, 2021 9:07 pm
Character Development Questions

✻ What is your OCs go to comfort food and drink?
-Is their comfort food based off their cultural background, or was it something often made for them by someone else- do they make it themselves or will it never be the same if they dont order it from Ann in that small shack of a restaurant downtown. Was the recipe thrown together and simply works, or was it created from a very specific recipe. Have they added variants to the dish or drink, do they prefer it hot or cold. What about the dish or drink comforts them- they temperature against their hands, the steam rising to their nostrils, the cool color that reminds them of a midsummer's day.

I guess my comfort food is Großmütter Amsel's Thuringian sauerbraten. I don't know what she puts in it, but I've never tasted better. She has said it was a recipe she inherited from her mother, but she made several alterations to it over the years. I think it was particularly special to me because she would always serve it the first meal we had together. I didn't get to visit them as much as I would have liked, so the time we did spend together was extra special. Also, I was kinda a grandmother's boy on both sides of the family.

✻ Describe your OCs smile. Be as detailed as possible.
-Do their smiles begin on the left or right on their lips, does their smile emphasize their crows feet, a dimple, a wrinkle. Does their smile light up a room. Is it obscured by facial hair or oral jewelry. Are their teeth crooked, yellow, chipped- do they show their teeth at all when they smile. Do they hide their smile by biting their lip or covering their lips with their hands.

I don't smile all that often, not that I'm unhappy it just isn't a position my face naturally falls in to. I have what one might call a "resting passive face." Not nearly so unpleasant as its b***h cousin, but not particularly expressive either. That said, I can genuinely smile, and on those rare occasions it is a subtle thing. Right corner then left, and the corners are pretty much the only part that moves. Nothing else moves mechanically, and all that romantic stuff about sparkling eyes or glowing is beyond me. I could say it about my husband, as I think of him in romantic terms, but not about me.

✻ What are your OCs comfort gestures or self-touch gestures? (Common comfort gestures include rubbing the back of the neck or gripping their own arms.) Can they suppress these gestures , what would cause them to, and what events most provoke the use of these gestures?
-Even the most confident of characters have their achilleas heel. When someone has encroached on their insecurities, is their comfort gesture representative of falling into themselves, making themselves smaller. Is it aggressive from an outside perspective. Is the gesture obsessive, sporadic, repetitive- or slow, calm, methodical. Is it noticeable or supple, cause mild pain or soothe the pain caused from whatever provoked discomfort.

Yes, I am one of those who grips my arms, though unfortunately the more intensely uncomfortable I feel the more I dig my fingertips in. At one time that might have hurt, but I have a much higher pain tolerance these days. I think it stems from being a loner my entire life and feeling like I had to take care of me (though that was not true in the slightest). Also, when you are in a foxhole or behind cover, you want to make yourself as small as possible. Yes I can suppress it, but I only do so when it is imperative I look tough.

✻ Does your OC work so that they can support their hobbies or use their hobbies as a way of filling up the time they aren’t working?

I work so that I can assure a good life for my husband. Maybe if I earn more than enough to keep us cozy, I'll pursue other interests of mine, but making sure he has all that he wants and needs is top priority.

✻ How does your OC handle eye contact and why?

I maintain eye contact because that is generally what one is supposed to do while in a conversation? Maybe because I grew up military that's just a given for me. You always maintain eye contact when a superior officer is speaking to you.

✻ Describe your OC in three words. Now let them describe themselves in three words. What experiences would have caused the difference in these answers?

Level-headed, resilient, & devoted
Analytical, loyal, & novice
I believe analytical and level-headed are two different approaches at the same theme as are loyal and devoted. Resilient versus novice I believe can be summed up as follows: prior to the war, I had my life figured out and it was going in the direction of professional football (soccer, as some call it). However, given my injuries, those plans, un modified, became impossible. It took longer than I would like to admit, but with the support of my husband, my family, and my friends, I was able to put myself back on a track. In that way some might consider me resilient, but the track I am on is not the one upon which I had started. I ha never imagined I would ever end up in a steady relationship much less married, but here I am in this new situation and I love it.

✻ Do they get out of bed on the right or left side?

Either. But if you're standing at the foot of the bed looking towards it, I'm usually on the left side. Only changes if that side is really close to the wall. I can just keep my leg further away and try to hop along, but it is a thousand times easier if I just take the side that has a human's width of a path.

✻ How does the image your character tries to project differ from the image they actually project?

I think I can be a but more insecure than I let on. That and I am not quite so passive. Otherwise I'm not sure how exactly people perceive me.

✻ How does your OC cry?
(loud, unapologetic sobs, silent whimpers- or anything in between. Include their body language, whether their tears drip from the left or right tear ducts of their eyes, and whether they are comfortable crying in front of others.)

That almost never happens, especially not when others might notice. Left tear duct is a bit more fecund, but the right one still works too. I'm generally as silent as I can be as I don't want to draw attention to myself.

“A tongue has no bones but it can break a heart.”
✻ Take the quote above and narrate, from your OCs pov, the first and most notable experience that comes to mind pertaining to this quote. If the characters agrees with the statement, have them defend it's validity or if not, have them refute with an argument.

"Eww you're the gay one!? I thought that was Nils? I spent all this time sucking up to you just so I could score with your brother and he's not even in to guys? What a waste of time! I never want to see you again you a*****e."
That's how I was turned down the first time I asked someone out. I was a sophomore in high school at the time and it had been seven years since I had a crush on anyone. I can laugh about it now, but at the time it hurt like hell and I all but gave up on romance.

✻ Make a list of 5 things your protagonist does not want to do.

Well I don't want my husband or I to die or lose control of our bodies, but I believe those are a bit obvious of choices. So even if those are the top things, perhaps I'll make a list of less dreaded but less obvious things:
1) I don't want to have unfinished legal work if/when I have to hand power of attorney over. It may seem morbid to update my will and advanced directive at least once per year, but it brings me peace of mind to know that in the event of a calamity my loved ones won't have to worry about whether or not I would have wanted something or not. Everything will be laid out so they can concentrate on their healing process.
2) I don't want to have anything to do with the military ever again. I served once, it screwed me up badly for a long time, not going to try again.
3) I don’t want to have to start up physical therapy again. Little exercises at home are fine, but full-out therapy? Please no.
4) I would really rather avoid any overly crowded places, such as Times Square. Neither my husband or I do well with that much anxiety.
5) I don’t want my possessive and jealous tendencies to scare him away. He seems to be fine with (maybe even like) how things are going now, but I worry I might get worse. I prefer being with him everywhere he goes, but I don’t have to. I don’t stalk him and I only text a few times while he is at work (well, unless we are both free), but what if I get to the point that I can’t let him leave my sight? I’d definitely need to commit myself before things get that far.

✻ Which of these does your character prefer and why? Stability or novelty? Honesty or charity? Safety or possibility? Talent or effort? Forgiveness or vengeance?

Stability vs Novelty: I don't like chaos and I don't like being unprepared. I'm open to trying new things, especially things I know about in advance, so long as I know I can always escape to comfortable familiarity.
Honesty vs Charity: Saying things like "it's not so bad" or "it could be worse" is too vague and euphemistic to be of any value when analyzing a situation. I'd rather be told "your leg was amputated just above the knee" than "you're alive and that's all that matters."
Safety vs Possibility: Tilt at windmills and though you may be cast among the stars, you might also be dragged down into the mire. Leave the windmill alone and though you shall not reach the stars, you'll at least be able to keep your feet on the ground and push forward.
Talent vs Effort: I knew a guy who just seemed to have a knack for math, so he rarely ever studied or paid attention in class. His sister, on the other hand, had the worst time with numbers but she worked hard to improve. They took college entrance exams different years, but she took them first and passed with flying colors. He took his a few years later and barely squeaked by. Moral: talent can get you only so far, but effort will take you all the way.
Forgiveness vs Vengeance:
You know, the whole "eye for an eye" thing is a huge misquote. They're not saying "if someone takes your eye you should take theirs," rather they are saying "if someone takes your eye, take no more than what they took from you." Vengeance, at best, demands an eye for a stolen eye, but more often than not it will take the whole face. Forgiveness, on the other hand, makes the perpetrator feel even more shitty and this more likely to make it up.

✻ When your OC puts their hands together, which thumb is on top?

Left thumb because I am left-handed.

✻ How much do they rely on their minds and intellect, versus other approaches like relying on instinct, intuition, faith and spirituality, or emotions? What is their opinion on this?

I rely mostly upon my intellect, which is a perfectly reasonable approach I think. Instinct is useful for split second decisions, especially if those instincts are trained, but as for less hurried decision making it is too irrational. I suppose intuition has its purposes, but I find such guesswork highly unsatisfying and will not use it unless absolutely necessary. Used to be my emotions would only take control when I was angry or sad, which lead to very rash decisions. Since I met my husband, I have been trying to let more positive emotions guide my mind on occasion. It is a work in progress, but I have been known to do something just because I was happy. I have no sense of spirituality, so that one is completely out. As for faith, does faith in my husband count? Because I have limitless faith in him and trust him implicitly. If he says I must do something, then it must be done.

✻ At what phase in their life did your OC have the healthiest, most positive view of themselves and why?

That would probably be today, but when tomorrow comes it shall be that day. In ways I regarded myself highly from the time I was a toddler until I was about 20, but I believed I was only good for a few things (namely football). Nowadays, through Hei-chan’s love and support, I’m starting to believe that I’m more than just an asocial multilingual former athlete. Apparently I’m a good lover and husband, and I’m the exact right kind of different to balance with my husband.

✻ What is something that would make your character fly into a rage?

There are a few things I suppose, but the first that came to mind is if someone were to start getting physical with my husband. If it was a fight, I know he can take care of himself, but I’ll be damned if I wouldn’t jump into the fray and maul all targets. But if they were trying in a more sexual way, there’s no guarantee he could find an escape route, and I don’t think he would knock someone’s lights out for seeing him as someone he isn’t. He’s just too sweet and caring that way. I, on the other hand, would willing rip that person’s eyes out and bash their skull in. What can I say, I’m a bit overprotective.

✻ If your character was going to get arrested, what would be the most likely reason for it?

Second degree murder, because some a** wouldn’t take my husband’s “no” for an answer.

✻ When people look at your character, is there some assumption they might make about them just by appearance? Is that assumption correct?

I think people often believe I’m depressed, cold, and/or soulless. I’m not. I’ve been very depressed before, but I got through it and I’m better now. I wouldn’t say I’m cold exactly, just asocial and reserved. I’m also terrible with social cues and most other socializing. And I do have a soul, I just don’t wear it on my sleeve.

✻ Does your character’s family affect your character in any way?

✻ What is some random affectionate thing that your character always does to their lover?

Both of us are very touch oriented in regards to affection. If we are close together (physically) I make sure to hold his hand, or have my hand on him, or whatever form of touch we can get away with. If I'm working on something and just passing by, I will generally initiate some form of contact such as giving him a quick kiss, or at minimum brushing against him. It isn't a grand display that takes a lot of preparation. It is just a small display that I can do many many times per day to show him he's my one and only.  
PostPosted: Thu Jul 15, 2021 10:33 pm
Getting to Know You

What is your favorite color?
xxxShades of purple, generally speaking. But if I had to pick a single shade I would say lavender as that is the color of my husband's hair.

When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up?
xxxProfessional football (soccer) player

What’s your most favorite place that you’ve travelled?
xxxProbably Wildensee. It's a lake in the Alps between Bavaria and Tyrol.

If you could get on a plane tomorrow to anywhere, where would you go?
xxxWhatever alternate Kyoto my brother is in.

Are you closer with your mom or your dad, and why?
xxxProbably my mom as we are both more reserved and cerebral, so it is easier to talk with her.

How many children do you want, and why?
xxxTwo maybe? Twins, perhaps? It is something I will need to discuss with my husband. I love having a sibling and can't imagine how lonely it must be without one, hence why I would not wish such loneliness upon a child.

What is your favorite meal (savory and dessert)?
xxxHmm, for savory it would be Thuringian sauerbraten with a side of knödel and red cabbage. I don't normally do desserts much, but I guess my favorite would be nama yatsuhashi.

What is your go-to movie or TV series?
xxxDoes the World Cup count? I apologize in advance to my husband when that is coming up as I know my attention will be mostly on the games.

What is your dream career?
xxxProfessional football player. I cannot go the standard route, but the Special Olympics are nothing to sneeze at.

If you had to get a(nother) tattoo, what would it be and why?
xxxI probably will get another one at some point, but I do not know what yet. Either Hei-chan and I could get matching/set tattoos or I would get something in honor of him. Why? Because he means the world to me and meeting him was the greatest turning point in my life.

Would You Rather

Would you rather a beach, forest, city, or farm?
xxxYou forgot the verb. I am going to assume you meant "would you rather live in a..." for the sake of answering this. I would prefer a forest as I find forests to be rather peaceful. It is amazing how removed one can feel from the insanity of modern life, or of civilization for that matter, when one is in a primordial forest.

Would you rather eat a can of dog food or lick a fresh dog poo?
xxxWhile dog food does not require the same levels of quality assurance as human food does, it is still regulated and must meet certain standards. Hence one is decidedly less likely to cause illness.

Would you rather be blind from birth or turn blind as a teenager?
xxxBlind from birth, I think. I could be wrong, but it seems easier to manage the longing for something you never had over that of something you once had but have lost.

Would you rather lose all of the memories you’ve made to date or not be able to make any new memories?
xxxLose all to date. My family could easily fill me in on what I have already experienced, sans the war, and though they would not be my memories, at least those people and events would still be available in my mind.

Would you rather always be overdressed or always be underdressed?
xxxI'm already perpetually overdressed.

Would you rather go without the internet for a month or go without showering for a month?
xxxI do have a husband to consider, you know. I doubt he would be pleased with my lack of bathing. Also, in what situation would that ever be the options given?

Would you rather only be able to shout for the rest of your life or only be able to whisper for the rest of your life?
xxxWhisper. I'm quiet and reserved by nature already.

Would you rather be stuck in a room for an hour with 100 non-venomous spiders or 100 non-venomous snakes?
xxxThat one is easy: 100 non-venomous spiders. As far as I am aware, the only way spiders can harm humans is via venom. Thus a non-venomous spider, while potentially disturbing, could not kill me. Some snakes, however, prefer to use constriction to disable their prey, which does not require venom at all. Thus being stuck with 100 non-venomous snakes might mean being stuck with 100 constrictors which would definitely kill someone. Ergo, spiders is the non-lethal answer.

Would you rather have your own private island or have your own private jet?
xxxA private island where I can get away from all but a select few people.

Would you rather live the life of fame and wealth or live in Harry Potter’s world?
xxxI am not familiar with this "Harry Potter" therefore it would be ill-advised of me to select that option. At least I can foist the fame onto Nils and split the fortune with him. Wealth is very useful indeed when one is trying to assure a good life for many decades on end.

Raunchy (This is R18+, don't read if you do not like questions about anything sexual)

What is your favorite sex position?
xxxHei-chan put down missionary, didn't he? Then I will pick that one too. Frankly the vast majority of my knowledge comes from him, so his tastes inform what I know.

What is your ultimate turn on?
xxxYou should ask my husband, he knows that better than I do.

What is your biggest turn off?
xxxPeople who aren't my husband.

If you had to have a fetish, what would it be?
xxxWhatever the term is for someone who is obsessed with hair. I confess I still marvel at how Hei-chan can manage those kilometer long silken locks.

Have you ever been sexually attracted to the same sex?
xxxYes. Hei-chan is a member of the same sex.

What is the hosttest sex dream that you’ve had?
xxxI'm not very creative personally, so my dreams are not nearly as "hot" as what my husband comes up with when we are awake and together.

What is your signature move to get someone turned on?
xxxAsk Hei-chan. He's the only person I have ever tried to turn on.

Would you prefer bondage or whipping?
xxxFor myself? Whipping. I start panicking when I can't move. That I would do to my husband? Whichever one he asked me to do.

What is something that you want to do during sex, but you’ve been too afraid to try?
xxxNot too long ago the answer would have been sex, but now...I can't really think of anything. I tried using porn as a study aid, but it was so unrealistic and staged that there were very few points I could take from it. If I ever come up with something he would like but we've never tried, that would be the answer to this question.

What makes you feel most comfortable during sex?
xxxHow close and encouraging my husband is. Despite being the top (somehow) I derive pleasure from his pleasure, though I also want him to claim me as his in whatever way he prefers. So as long as he is happy and there is no question as to whom I belong, then I am comfortable and happy.

Super Deep

How do you think that you will die?
xxxHopefully whilst protecting my family.

If you could pass on only one of your attributes to your children, what would it be?
xxxMy drive, I suppose. It was shaken for a while, but overall once I commit to something, I will do it no matter how difficult.

What is something from your childhood that has shaped you into the person you are today?
xxxI know my brother isn't "something," but he is incredibly important to me and who I have become. I would have been an aggressive hermit were it not for him. He always did his best to make me get to know people and branch out. And when he knew I needed a break from that, he always indulged me in my interests.

Would you rather know that you had 3 months to live, or die instantly?
xxxI would like to know. I find comfort in planning. With a three month notice, I could arrange all of my affairs (maybe take out a lucrative life insurance policy on myself) to ensure that my loved ones are provided for. I nearly died instantly once, and there is no way to describe the horrid feelings I felt as I thought about what might happen to my family.

Do you believe in soul mates?
xxxI'm married to mine.

What are you most insecure about?
xxxMy capabilities. Both what I physically can do with my never-again-one-hundred-percent body, and what my insufferable cartoon abilities might try next.

What would your perfect day look like?
xxxIf I knew I would be working hard to create it. I do not know all of the details, but family would be involved and I would be practically glued to my husband.

What are you afraid that people see when they look at you?
xxxAn angsty young clown with a dismal and useless future ahead of him.

What is the saddest that you’ve ever felt?
xxxWhenever Nils would visit when I was in my catatonic state. He could feel how I was suffering and I knew that it must have been making him feel horrible. Not only did my intuition tell me so, but when he would speak to me there was a sorrow in his voice I had never heard before. I wanted to cheer up so he would feel better, but alas I could not.

What is the happiest that you’ve ever felt?
xxxProbably the moment my nephews were born. Hei-chan and I were in the waiting room, but I could still feel Nils's panic and excitement the whole time. It was overwhelming, but it was a moment I will never forget.


Katze Allemon-Schatten

Dapper Romantic

16,025 Points
  • Perfect Attendance 400
  • Fantastic Fifteen 100
  • Forum Sophomore 300

Katze Allemon-Schatten

Dapper Romantic

16,025 Points
  • Perfect Attendance 400
  • Fantastic Fifteen 100
  • Forum Sophomore 300
PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2021 1:16 am
Another Questionnaire

1: Who was the last person you held hands with?
xxxAnswer: My husband.

2: Are you outgoing or shy?
xxxAnswer: Reserved, actually. I have no problems standing up to people, but when it comes to sentimental matters I become nervous.

3: Who are you looking forward to seeing?
xxxAnswer: My husband. However, if we are only counting people we have not seen in a long time, I would say my nephews.

4: Are you easy to get along with?
xxxAnswer: If by "get along with" you mean unlikely to start a commotion, then yes. However if it means amicable, then no I am not.

5: If you were drunk, would the person you like take care of you?
xxxAnswer: It has happened once already, and yes he did.

6: What kind of people are you attracted to?
xxxAnswer: I have no type. I've been attracted to only three people in my entire life, and they are all quite distinct. Currently I am only attracted to my husband.

7: Do you think you will be in a relationship 2 months from now?
xxxAnswer: So long as even a sliver of my soul remains, I will be in a relationship.

8: Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
xxxAnswer: I guess my mother and sister-in-law. Most of my social circle is male.

9: Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
xxxAnswer: No. I never speak of Hei-chan and my sex life as that would be a violation of trust, but sex in general doesn't bother me.

10: Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
xxxAnswer: As one would assume, that would be my husband.

11: What does the most recent text that you sent say?
xxxAnswer: So long as it is made by you every dinner is blissful.

12: What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
xxxAnswer: "Jee Veerey" by Bloodywood, "Say You'll Haunt Me" by Stone Sour, "Desperadoes Under the Eaves" by Warren Zevon, "Ode an die Freude" by Beethoven, & "Sakura Sakura" (Traditional)

13: Do you like it when people play with your hair?
xxxAnswer: No. Except when Hei-chan does it.

14: Do you believe in luck and miracles?
xxxAnswer: I'm a very logical person, so my first instinct is to say no; however, I'm trying to become more upbeat so I shall leave it at "I'm trying to."

15: What good thing happened this summer?
xxxAnswer: I married my true love and we have a home to ourselves.

16: Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
xxxAnswer: Repeatedly.

17: Do you think there is life on other planets?
xxxAnswer: With the universe's constant expansion, the eternal creation and destruction of planets, and the adaptability of living organisms I feel it is safe to say that yes there is some form of life elsewhere besides the waterbears which were sent into space.

18: Do you still talk to your first crush?
xxxAnswer: Indirectly. Every now and again he will send a letter or postcard to my father (my father was his commanding officer) and every single correspondence includes something along the lines of "say hi to Daisuke for me" or "hope to see you sometime." I suppose that isn't much, but it does feel nice to be remembered.

19: Do you like bubble baths?
xxxAnswer: Only if there is a Hei-chan in it.

20: Do you like your neighbors?
xxxAnswer: I don't know them. As long as they don't get too "friendly" with my man, things should be fine.

21: What are your bad habits?
xxxAnswer: I used to smoke and I do still get nicotine cravings from time to time. I tend to get pissed off when I'm in pain or my body isn't working right, so instead of taking the hint I'll instead work it harder. I suppose my possessive streak isn't so much of a habit, but I do feel a need to assert our connection whenever people start eyeing him.

22: Where would you like to travel?
xxxAnswer: Besides places where I have family, I suppose I'm open to most anything.

Questionnaire provided via jpg by Whiters4 on discord.
PostPosted: Sat Oct 23, 2021 4:13 pm
Yet Another Questionnaire

1 ) Who is the early bird/Who is the night owl? We are both morning people.

2 ) Who is the big spoon/Who is the little spoon? None of your business. [[ed. It changes, but he is physically smaller.]]

3 ) Who hogs the covers/Who loves to cuddle? Neither of us hog them. He is more of a cuddler than I am, but I like it nonetheless.

4 ) Who wakes the other one up with kisses? Hei-chan wakes me up, especially when I'm having a nightmare.

5 ) Who usually has nightmares? Me.

6 ) Who would have really deep emotional thoughts in the middle of the night/Who would have them in the middle of the day?

7 ) Who sweats the small stuff? Depends on the nature of the stuff.

8 ) Who sleeps in their underwear (or less)/Who sleeps in their pajamas? None of your damn business.

9 ) Who makes the coffee (or tea)? Hei-chan. That man can work wonders with everything.

10 ) Who likes sweets/Who likes sour? Hei-chan definitely likes sweets. I have no preference.

11 ) Who likes horror movies/Who likes romance movies? Neither of us like horror movies. Hei-chan likes romance movies better than I do.

12 ) Who is smol/Who is tol? I believe you meant to write "small" and "tall." In which case, Hei-chan is the taller of us, but I am not much shorter. By the way, the antonym of "tall" is "short."

13 ) Who is considered the scaredy cat? Neither of us.

14 ) Who kills the spiders? I remove the spiders from our domicile. There is no reason to kill them.

15 ) Who is scared of the dark? Neither of us.

16 ) Who is scared of thunderstorms? Not scared so much as I find it triggering.

17 ) Who works/Who stays at home? We both work.

18 ) Who is a cat person/Who is a dog person? Cute and cuddly is Hei-chan's department.

19 ) Who loves to call the other one cute names? -_- We both do.

20 ) Who is dominant/Who is submissive? None of your damn business. [[Varies.]]

[color=color1][align=center][size=14]Yet Another Questionnaire[/size][/align]

1 ) [color=color2]Who is the early bird/Who is the night owl?[/color] [color=color3][i][/i][/color]

2 ) [color=color2]Who is the big spoon/Who is the little spoon?[/color] [color=color3][i][/i][/color]

3 ) [color=color2]Who hogs the covers/Who loves to cuddle?[/color] [color=color3][i][/i][/color]

4 ) [color=color2]Who wakes the other one up with kisses?[/color] [color=color3][i][/i][/color]

5 ) [color=color2]Who usually has nightmares?[/color] [color=color3][i][/i][/color]

6 ) [color=color2]Who would have really deep emotional thoughts in the middle of the night/Who would have them in the middle of the day?[/color] [color=color3][i][/i][/color]

7 ) [color=color2]Who sweats the small stuff?[/color] [color=color3][i][/i][/color]

8 ) [color=color2]Who sleeps in their underwear (or less)/Who sleeps in their pajamas?[/color] [color=color3][i][/i][/color]

9 ) [color=color2]Who makes the coffee (or tea)?[/color] [color=color3][i][/i][/color]

10 ) [color=color2]Who likes sweets/Who likes sour?[/color] [color=color3][i][/i][/color]

11 ) [color=color2]Who likes horror movies/Who likes romance movies?[/color] [color=color3][i][/i][/color]

12 ) [color=color2]Who is smol/Who is tol?[/color] [color=color3][i][/i][/color]

13 ) [color=color2]Who is considered the scaredy cat?[/color] [color=color3][i][/i][/color]

14 ) [color=color2]Who kills the spiders?[/color] [color=color3][i][/i][/color]

15 ) [color=color2]Who is scared of the dark?[/color] [color=color3][i][/i][/color]

16 ) [color=color2]Who is scared of thunderstorms?[/color] [color=color3][i][/i][/color]

17 ) [color=color2]Who works/Who stays at home?[/color] [color=color3][i][/i][/color]

18 ) [color=color2]Who is a cat person/Who is a dog person?[/color] [color=color3][i][/i][/color]

19 ) [color=color2]Who loves to call the other one cute names?[/color] [color=color3][i][/i][/color]

20 ) [color=color2]Who is dominant/Who is submissive?[/color] [color=color3][i][/i][/color]

Katze Allemon-Schatten

Dapper Romantic

16,025 Points
  • Perfect Attendance 400
  • Fantastic Fifteen 100
  • Forum Sophomore 300

Katze Allemon-Schatten

Dapper Romantic

16,025 Points
  • Perfect Attendance 400
  • Fantastic Fifteen 100
  • Forum Sophomore 300
PostPosted: Sun Feb 13, 2022 2:26 am
21 Questions

1: If you could dis-invent one thing, what would it be?
xxxAnswer: Firearms. Erasing war would be preferable, but I believe it is too inherently human to go away.

2: What do you think is your guilty pleasure?
xxxAnswer: I don't believe I have one. I cannot think of anything I like which is particularly illegal or harmful to others, and that is what determines whether one should feel guilty or not.

3: If you were given a chance to change your career, what could be your dream job?
xxxAnswer: Probably something involving football (soccer). I absolutely love the game.

4: What is your opinion on fate?
xxxAnswer: I can't say I believe in it.

5: Who do you look up to as a role model?
xxxAnswer: My husband.

6: If you could only speak one word today, what would you say?
xxxAnswer: No.

7: If you could wedgie any historical figure, who would you pick?
xxxAnswer: Why would that be anyone's desire?

8: Would you rather live in a roller coaster park or a zoo?
xxxAnswer: Zoo. They close earlier.

9: Would you rather copy and paste in real life or undo in real life?
xxxAnswer: Undo

10: Would you rather have a boring conversation or eat your least favorite food?
xxxAnswer: Most conversations are boring.

11: Would you rather have an introverted significant other, or an outgoing one?
xxxAnswer: I'd prefer the husband I have.

12: What are qualities you really enjoy in a friend?
xxxAnswer: Loyalty and honesty are appreciated. I don't have many friends, so it is a touch hard to generalize.

13: If you could change one thing about your upbringing, what would it be?
xxxAnswer: The heavy militaristic influence.

14: In your opinion, what makes someone a good person?
xxxAnswer: How they treat others.

15: Have you ever cried at a movie?
xxxAnswer: No.

16: Who from your past do you wish you had stayed in contact with?
xxxAnswer: I've kept in contact with those I wish to continue a relationship.

17: When you first meet someone you're attracted to, what do you first notice about them?
xxxAnswer: The way the light hits them.

18: Do you have tattoos? If not, do you plan to get any?
xxxAnswer: I have one.

19: If you had all the money in the world, what would you buy first?
xxxAnswer: I would have to give most of it back or else the world economy would falter and hundreds of millions of people would die.

20: What is your biggest fear?
xxxAnswer: Failing my husband. That or going into a catatonic state again.

21: Would you consider yourself as someone who is mentally and physically healthy? if not, how would you improve?
xxxAnswer: I suppose I'm as healthy as I will ever get. Still have a little spinal damage and am missing part of a leg, but there's nothing I can do about it. I suppose I could magically lose the PTSD, but I don't see how.
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