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β‡¨β˜Ύβ‡¨ Character Stats Description:
Think of character stats as the unique talents of your RPC. They do not have any direct bearing on combat prowess but they play an essential role in how far you can advance in certain types of skill trees. The first stat is strength which governs how far your character can advance in skills that involve raw power like heavy weapons and certain magics. Next is dexterity which is all about fast-moving skills that require mobility. The third stat is wisdom which determines the advancement of skills that require heavy grasping of theoretical and intellectual concepts. The final stat is guts which is connected with skills that require a high level of gumption.

Outside of combat but for character flavor, the higher a stat is the more it influences miscellaneous actions like in real life. For example, a high-strength character will have recognized weight lifting prowess. A high dexterity character could be called the quickest draw in the west. A high wisdom character could be renown as a great wizard and deeply insightful character. Finally, a high guts character could be known for their remarkable perseverance and connection with souls.

β‡¨β˜Ύβ‡¨ Stat Points:
β†― Every character begins with 1 point in every stat before classes and archetypes are applied.
β†― Classes and archetypes can add points or take points away from a stat. You can take 1 point away from a stat to place it in a different stat if you choose. Stats can never go below zero.
β†― A stat is maxed out when it hits 6 points.
β†― With 2 points in a stat you gain access to tier 1 perks in the applicable skill tree.
β†― With 4 points you unlock tier 2.
β†― With 6 points you unlock tier 3.

β‡¨β˜Ύβ‡¨ Leveling Up Stats:
β†― For every level up you gain 2 additional stat points to place into any stat that you wish.
β†― You have the option to take 1 point away from a stat as well.
β†― By taking away a level up stat point you can take two additional perk points. You can take away up to two stat points upon level up for a total of four more perk points. This is all optional based on whether you choose to min/max your character.

β‡¨β˜Ύβ‡¨ Stats and Skills:
⇨⇨⇨Strength: Scythe, Projectiles, Gauntlets, Martial Arts, Cryomancy, Werewolf, Enchanter, and Soul Constructs.
⇨⇨⇨Dexterity: Samurai, Gunslinger, Knives, Kusarigama, Bloodsucker, Electromancy, Soul Leech, Street Fighting, and Soul Mirage.
⇨⇨⇨Wisdom: Pyromancy, Arcane Magic, Transformation Magic, Polearms, Cleric, Vital Striking, Soul Elementalist, Coven Magic, Soul Perception, and Musician.
⇨⇨⇨Guts: Soul Wavelength, Soul Resonance. Greatsword, Big Guns, Madness, Regeneration, Necromancy, Dark Magic, and Blunt Weapons.