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β‡¨β˜Ύβ‡¨ Madness Description:
A sound soul rests in a sound mind and a sound body. Madness corrupts the mind, which disrupts the peace of the soul and body. Madness comes in tiers, with each one debilitating the user more. Despite the damage Madness can do, it can also strengthen one's soul wavelength if they give into it. Acting without inhibitions allows the body, mind, and soul to transcend the limitations put upon them by 'normal society'. However, this kind of power will always come at a cost.

β‡¨β˜Ύβ‡¨ Tier One
The user has begun to fall under the influence of Madness. It is not possible to determine through soul perception if a soul is afflicted with tier one because the Madness is subtle. Users under Madness are able to act fairly normal.

β†― Soul wavelength attacks are tinged with Madness; wavelength boons of the user are negated unless of the Madness skill tree.
β†― Soul perception is usable, but it gives misinformation. Souls perceived, of any kind, are seen in triplicate. The three locations are given with three hundred feet of each other, but it isn't possible to discern which soul is real through soul perception alone.
β†― Soul resonance is possible, but this soul will corrupt all other souls in resonance with two posts of exposure.
β†― The user is mostly normal, but may adopt a verbal or physical quirk from the affect of Madness.

β‡¨β˜Ύβ‡¨ Tier Two
The user is under tier two madness. It becomes quite clear that the user is mad, but allies will have to act fast to get this user under control. The user will have difficulty determining hallucinations are unreal.

β†― Soul wavelength attacks are tinged with Madness; wavelength boons of the user are negated unless of the Madness skill tree.
β†― Soul perception is usable, but it gives misinformation. Souls perceived, of any kind, are seen in triplicate. The three locations are given within three hundred feet of each other, but it isn't possible to discern which soul is real through soul perception alone. All souls are viewed as demon souls. Those perceiving the user in question will feel paranoia but will be unable to determine the source of this uneasiness every time they detect the user.
β†― Soul resonance is possible but immediately corrupts the other souls in resonance with an increased tier in Madness. The resonance breaks after one post, unless Madness Resonance is gained from the Madness skill tree.
β†― Something is seriously off with the user. Their verbal and physical quirks are totally different. It is impossible to mask this misbehavior unless the user is reputably unpredictable.

β‡¨β˜Ύβ‡¨ Tier Three
The user's alliances are negated. The user has fully succumbed to Madness. If they serve anyone at all, it is the Kishin. However, some under Madness are thrown into complete and utter anarchy. The user cannot determine reality from hallucinations. Their presence inflicts hallucinations on those nearby, and full scale waking nightmares to those struck with their soul wavelength directly.

β†― Soul wavelength attacks function one level higher in strength. Other Madness skill tree wavelength boons apply.
β†― Soul wavelength attacks increase Madness tier in other souls by one.
β†― Soul perception is completely unusable.
β†― Access to non-Madness skill trees are negated.
β†― The user is not themselves. They laugh maniacally and crave violence. Nothing they do or say makes sense to anyone but themselves, if it makes sense to themselves at all.