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β‡¨β˜Ύβ‡¨ Leveling System:
Leveling up determines how strong your character is over time by completing missions. Leveling in P&R is based on how many souls your character absorbs. Demon Weapon characters gain souls by eating them, Meisters absorb them, and Witches collect them magically. Most missions from the DWMA focus on collecting Kishin Eggs, souls that have been corrupted by evil acts and have the potential of becoming full Kishins. The Grand Order of Arcana sends witches to collect Kishin Eggs as well for the purpose of empowering the magic of the Grand Order. This often puts Witches in conflict with the interests of the DWMA. Note that a character's level determines how powerful they are while the character's star determines their rank and level of responsibility within the DWMA or the Grand Order. Your level and star do not have to be the same.

β‡¨β˜Ύβ‡¨ Level Up Requirements:
Note that these numbers stack on top of each other. For example, to get to twenty souls to obtain level three as a level two character you only need another fifteen souls on top of the five souls that you needed to get to level two.
⇨⇨⇨Level II: 5 Souls
⇨⇨⇨Level III: 20 Souls
⇨⇨⇨Level IV: 40 Souls
⇨⇨⇨Level V: 90 Souls

β‡¨β˜Ύβ‡¨ Missions:
Note that professors and higher witches in the Grand Order may grant you a mission assignment that is one star above what you can do on your own. Mission sentence requirements can also be split between you and a partner if Meister or Weapon and between two Witches working together as well. You can only split with one partner at a time. When doing missions as a group regardless of how many people are in the group the sentence requirement is cut in half. Missions requirements are halved for each partner meaning that one partner can earn more souls than the other if one partner wrote more sentences. It is advantageous to go soul hunting with others.
β‡¨β‡¨β‡¨β˜† One Star Missions: These missions can be performed by level one and above characters. One Star Missions yield one soul as a reward. One Star missions require twenty sentences total to complete satisfactorily.
β‡¨β‡¨β‡¨β˜†β˜† Two Star Missions: These missions can be performed by level two and above characters. Two Star Missions yield two souls as a reward. Two Star missions require twenty-eight sentences total to complete satisfactorily.
β‡¨β‡¨β‡¨β˜†β˜†β˜† Three Star Missions: These missions can be performed by level three and above characters. Three Star Missions yield three souls as a reward. Three Star missions require thirty-six sentences total to complete satisfactorily.
β‡¨β‡¨β‡¨β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜† Four Star Missions: These missions can be performed by level four and above characters. Four Star Missions yield four souls as a reward. Four Star missions require forty-four sentences total to complete satisfactorily.
β‡¨β‡¨β‡¨β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜† Five Star Missions: These missions can be performed by level five characters. Five Star Missions yield five souls as a reward. Five Star missions require fifty-two sentences total to complete satisfactorily. This mission level allows for the hunting of other types of souls besides Kishin Eggs including Witch and Human souls for the attainment of a Legendary Skill.

β‡¨β˜Ύβ‡¨ Star Ranks:
β‡¨β‡¨β‡¨β˜† One Star Rank: All Meisters, Weapons, and Witches are automatically One Star rank upon creation. Must obey the orders of professors and coven leaders. May be subject to examinations.
β‡¨β‡¨β‡¨β˜†β˜† Two Star Rank: Two Star Meisters, Weapons, and Witches must have a total of ten souls to attain this rank. Must obey the orders of professors and coven leaders. May be subject to examinations. Can take One Stars on Two Star missions if the Two Star is level two.
β‡¨β‡¨β‡¨β˜†β˜†β˜† Three Star Rank: Three Star Meisters, Weapons, and Witches must have a total of fifteen souls to attain this rank. Must obey the orders of professors and coven leaders. May be subject to examinations. Can take One Stars on Two Star missions if the Two Star is level two. allowed to take on other partnerships in a mentor-student relationship. May take lower stars on two/three star missions.
β‡¨β‡¨β‡¨β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜† Four Star Rank: Four Star Meisters, Weapons, and Witches must have a total of thirty souls to attain this rank. May become a professor / viewed on par with professors and coven leaders. Can take missions above level. Allowed to take on other partnerships in a mentor-student relationship. May take lower stars on three or lower star missions.
β‡¨β‡¨β‡¨β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜† Five Star Rank: Five Star Meisters, Weapons, and Witches must have a total of eighty souls to attain this rank. May become a professor or coven leader or viewed on par with professors and coven leaders. Can take missions above level. Allowed to take on other partnerships in a mentor-student relationship. May take any stars on any missions. Permitted to leave the academy for extended periods of time without permission. May pursue a legendary skill.

β‡¨β˜Ύβ‡¨ Dual-Wielding:
Meisters can wield two Weapons at a time. This typically has a drawback. When a Meister operates with two Weapon partners, the soul requirements to level up are multiplied by 1.5. The trio, in exchange, receive that third resource pool and skill tree access and cooldowns for the additional partner, making completion of missions and combat overall an easier task. Paths that remove the drawback for dual-wielding negate this requirement.

β‡¨β˜Ύβ‡¨ How To Do Missions:
In summary, if your character is at the right level and title to perform a mission of a certain level you are able to create missions and complete them on your own. As you complete missions, post them in the mission roster of your faction to keep track of them and update your profile in your profile box accordingly.

Mission Code
[size=10][b]Title:[/b] [ Name of Mission ]
[b]Link:[/b] [ Link to mission post(s) ]
[b]Level:[/b] [ Level of Mission ]
[b]Souls:[/b] [ How Many Souls ]
[b]Information:[/b] [ Mission Description ][/size]