Name: Corlin
Age: 25
Nameday: 3552.05.14
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Bicurious
Craft: Cooking
Rank: Journeyman
Location: High Reaches Weyr

Physical Description: Corlin is rather average in build and stature, and probably would be on the lanky side if not for his turns and turns spent in kitchens, surrounded by food and cooking. His posture is slightly poor, as he is prone to shrinking and trying to make himself seem smaller and less noticeable; his body is somewhat clumsy, in any arena that isn't the kitchen. He trips over his own feet, drops the ball he means to toss, over-gesticulates one minute and goes stiff the next... but put him in front of a stove or oven, a cutting board or mixing bowl, and it's like magic. Like someone else takes over for just a moment, like all his hesitation and fear falls away as the spices fly and the meat gets carved.

His hair is dark brown, cropped fairly short since coming to the Weyr, and surprisingly soft to the touch. His eyes are stormy gray-blue, almost watery, and often wide in surprise or wariness. He sports a thin goatee, which doesn't quite suit him, but he is doing his bet to make work. His one indulgence seems to be fine clothing, enjoying soft, lush fabrics and expensive embroidery...when he can muster up the courage to wear it, that is!

Personality: At first blush, Corlin appears rather opposite to what one would expect in a potential future dragonrider—he is shy, awkward, generally anxious, and easily spooked by even standard tales of threadfall. He is quite prone to freezing up when confronted or put on the spot, and tends to stutter and stumble over himself and his words any time he has an audience of more than one or two (close friends aside). He is not overtly strong, and a life spent learning to knead bread and baste wherries has left him less in tune with his body than some or most of his peers—and it shows in an all-around lack of confidence, and hesitance to try new tasks for certain fear of failure. He has a weak stomach, but has at least thankfully managed to not pass out during chores helping the dragon healers... yet.

However, despite his shortcomings, Corlin is also a deeply loyal, clever, and hopeful sort. If someone stand by him despite his failings, if a Hold or Weyr gives him a chance to prove himself (or three, or four chances...), then he will give them his all, even mustering up the will to attempt things he otherwise would run in fear from. He is thoughtful and insightful, a lifetime of anxiously imagining every possible bad outcome to a situation also giving him the skills to problem-solve and think on the fly. He is deeply kind and helpful, when something falls in his wheelhouse, and more often than not has a smile on his face, and a tune to hum as he works... or, well, tries to work. He'd like to think that, maybe, one day he can measure up.

Positive Trait List Intelligent, optimistic, loyal.
Negative Trait List Insecure, awkward, faint-hearted.


Other: Will have a flooter from my stockpile, but not sure which yet.

Candidate Specific Questions
Do you want them to have an official Search RP? Nah
Do you understand they will age every passing year regardless if you're there to RP the or not? Yes
Do you want them to have a possible Stands Impression? Nah