BioLogos writer critiques young earth creation with logical fallacies and fails to distinguish between historical and operational sciences

by Bryan Osborne on September 15, 2021

In this article from BioLogos, the author examines the idea of “human wisdom” versus “God’s wisdom” as described in 1 Corinthians 1:18–24 and attempts to apply her conclusions to young-earth creationists’ (YECs) view of science and origins. The author fundamentally argues that YECs wrongly apply the sentiment of 1 Corinthians 1:18–24, that God’s wisdom trumps man’s wisdom, to dismiss “human learning and scientific achievement,” presumably regarding the ideas of evolution and millions of years. She asserts that YECs often counter scientific claims with the contention that those are just “man’s wisdom” and that Christians should depend on “God’s wisdom.” With this overview in place, let’s analyze the author’s arguments in more detail.

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