Healing, he thought, might be more in his skill set. There would, unfortunately, never be a lack of need for those who could do battle against the likes of Skinwalkers, Kalona, and other ill-intending Soquili, but those who could heal those warriors would be equally important. Though he lacked the offensive abilities of a pure Angeni, perhaps his blood and hair would still serve as blessings? He would have to find a teacher for healing herbs and the like. He mused it over, pausing to lip at a patch of clover that was growing nearby. Maybe then he'd feel as though he had a real purpose in the world. It was selfish to think like that, he knew... but as far as Kaden was concerned, he certainly wasn't anything special.
It would be good to have a goal, he decided. If anything, maybe it would lead him to Soquili that could use someone like him. The open plains were lonely, and he'd realized he much preferred company, if he could. Tossing his head, Kaden broke into a trot with a pleased snort. Now all that remained was to set everything into motion.
Summer Raaven