Evanescent Twilight was the first to arrive at her childhood home, landing softly outside the grove and folding her wings into her body. She made her way quietly through the treeline hoping to sneak up on her parents as a playful prank. She caught sight of them walking on the other side of the frozen pond and decided she would wait til they came back. She looked around for maybe a tasty snack that her mom had gathered for them, and found a pile of berries on top of a flat rock. She smiled cheerfully and hurried over to the pile, taking her time in eating them and savoring the sweet juicy bites. She was so focused on the fruit that she didn't notice someone had crept up behind her.
Ethereal Starlight had always been very good at being stealthy and quiet. He had seen Eva through the trees but when he called out to her, she didn't seem to hear him. He was a very quiet stallion so his voice didn't carry that far. As he got closer he noticed she was eating some berries and wanted to get in there before she had eaten them all. Being the younger brother, he hadn't always been able to get to the treats before his siblings so he had learned through the years that if he wanted something, he had to act quick. He quickened his steps and just as he got right behind her, he let out a deep sounding "BOO!" making his sister jump and scurry away before she turned to see what had scared her. As soon she left the berries, he quickly moved in and grabbed a mouthful, and turned his eyes to meet her fuming, angry stare.
"HEY!" Eva whined, "So not cool Star. I would have shared." She closed her eyes and shook her head. "You did get me pretty good though." She looked over her brother, noticing he had finally grown into his scales and feathers. "It's good to see you"
He swallowed his mouthful of berries and smiled. "I did get you good. You should have seen your face!" He laughed and took a few steps towards her, giving her a quick nudge with his head on her neck. "It's good to see you too." He paused a second. "Where's everyone else?"
Eva tossed her head over her shoulder towards the pond. "Mom and Pops should be back soon. It looked like they were walking near the pond when I arrived. You're the first to get here other than me, so who knows where the others are."
Star huffed, "Typical. Our brothers never get anywhere on time." He looked past Eva to where he could see their parents coming around the far side of the pond and would soon be making their way back. "How about we go meet them," he nodded towards their parents, "and let them know their favorite kids are home."
Eva chuckled at that, "Yea, c'mon. Let's go." she answered as they both turned to make their way out to the pond.