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Datura was tending to some of the flowers that she was planning on allowing Bakkhos to relocate, when she believed he was ready to upkeep them on his own. She just had such a strong connection to the flowers that she couldn’t help but want to make sure they’d be well taken care of once they left her care. Most wouldn’t think twice about that kind of thing, she on the other paw cared a great deal. She knew it was a bit of a silly notion, but she really didn’t care what anyone else thought. She was who she was and that was that.

Relocating a couple of rocks to form a wall, she wanted to create a bit of a barrier from the melting snow. She’d managed to create a bit of a green room of sorts, with the help of some nimble handed familiars. It was crude but it did the job and allowed her to grow plants even if the weather got cold. Smiling she was pleased with the sprouts. She knew what they were but she was going to test his knowledge a bit and see if he could recognize the different kinds of plants yet. She wasn’t making things very difficult, she had a few separated by type so they’d be easier to identify.

She was just waiting for him to arrive.
WC: 214

Bakkhos had eventually decided that spring was his favorite season. It was the time that life came back into the world. Flowers bloomed, and animals had their young; but mainly it was for the flowers. He could smell the warmer winds and the tingle up his spine let him know spring was almost here. Bakkhos wondered if his adoptive parents would have another litter of foals this year.

The stallion had made arrangements with the mare who'd introduced him to flower growing to continue his lessons during the winter. He'd always looked forward to them despite the slog through the snow to get there. Now that it was spring, he was doubly excited. Finally he could start putting into practice everything he'd learned over the winter. His family and the graves would never lack for flowers again while he was around.

With a spring in his hooves, Bakkhos headed towards the field were Datura grew her own flowers. He hoped everything was ok. A really nasty late winter snow storm had come through and he'd worried it might have harmed her delicate plants. As he got closer, he called out to let her know he had arrived. "Datura!"

WC: 198

She was glad for the green room, if not for that she would have lost all her plants. She had managed to cover some of the ones growing outside of it in leaves before the storm got too bad but she wouldn’t know how many were killed by the snow until it thawed completely. At least the ones she had planted for Bakkhos were unharmed. She gave a rare smile and then frowned. She had much enjoyed teaching him over the winter, but soon he’d have all the knowledge he would need and he would likely be gone.

Though, perhaps not. Maybe he’d still come and visit or have questions. He was a fast learner and she was proud of how much work he had put into this. It was nice to know someone cared as much as she did about nature. His familiar voice called out and she felt her ears swivel to gauge the direction of his travel and potential distance. Smiling once more she exited the greenhouse and waited patiently for him to come into view.

She was excited to help him relocate the blooms here once the weather was nicer. Right now the sprouts would die if they were moved so hopefully in a few weeks time they’d be brought to their new home. “Bakkhos! I’m glad the weather didn’t keep you stuck somewhere.”
WC: 228

He approached and saw her waiting outside her greenhouse as she called it. The idea of growing plants in winter awed and amazed him each time he saw it. Some day he'd have to build one for himself! He'd have to remember to ask her advice on that too. For now, he wanted to get his garden up and running. He'd been working so hard last fall before the snows had hit with winter and now as the ground started to thaw.

"It very nearly did!" He laughed. "That was some storm wouldn't you say? How did you fare? Did your plants survive?" If her plants had been harmed, she might not have enough to give him now. Not that he would ask her of that. He'd simply have to search for wild ones that he could move in instead. Which might be a fun idea even if her plants had survived. He could have two gardens, one for wild and one for cultivated.

"I've been working the ground as it thaws like you said. I've got a nice pretty big area ready once the weather warms up a bit more."

WC: 191

She was glad that the weather hadn’t hindered him too much. “Hopefully it’s behind us now and we won’t have anymore surprise snow storms.” It hadn’t been too much of a surprise as there was fair warning if you paid enough attention to such things. She just hadn’t expected so much snow. She wasn’t one who disliked it, she just hoped it hadn’t killed too many of her plants. The layer of leaves had, she hoped, protected them, but only time would tell. She gave him a small smile, “I won’t know until more of the snow melts. I managed to cover many with some leaves before the storm hit its peak.” Many plants survived through the winter to grow in the spring but the sudden snow could have killed them.

Hopefully not. “I managed to survive it myself. As you can see.” Giving a light laugh she tried to make a joke of sorts. “I am pleased to hear that! I’m sure the sudden cold front made it a bit difficult. The ground tends to get so hard sometimes.” Even she had issues when the ground turned to stone it would seem.

“Are you ready for todays “test” of sorts? I promise it’s nothing crazy.” She said with a warm smile as she gestured for him to enter the green house.
WC: 222

Bakkhos nodded fervently. They did NOT need more snow right now. He was so done and over winter already. Getting snowed in was not his idea of fun. Sometimes he felt he drove his family to distraction during the winter. Well spring was here and he could get out of their hair for awhile.

He nodded and made a note. Cover plants with leaves before winter. "I hope they did alright. Does it always take this long for the snow to melt? Or is it because this storm was so bad?" Maybe he was just antsy to go and get things done. He wanted to see his garden become the beautiful thing he knew it could be. Right now he only had a bare plot of earth. Bakkhos took a deep breath to slow himself. He wouldn't rush it.

He gave a tiny snort of a laugh at her joke. "Yeah, I couldn't do anything with it while that storm was going." And then he had to go back over places he'd already worked once the ground started to thaw again. He perked his ears at the mention of a test. "Sure!" Bakkhos was curious at what she'd planned and eagerly stepped into the green house.

WC: 206

"It was definitely a great deal of snow at once. As long as the weather stays consistent it shouldn't be more than a few days before it's gone." Hopefully that was reassuring to him.

"All of these will go home with you, I'll help transport if you would like that. But bbn ot until the weather is more stable and they're a little more durable. I would like for you to identify each group of flower we have here. There are six groups in all." Even if he got some of them wrong it wouldn't mean they weren't going to go with him. She just wanted to see where he was when it came to identifying them.
WC: 117

A few days for the snow to melt. He had waited all winter, he could last a few more days. Bakkhos stepped carefully into the green house and inhaled deeply without trying to be obvious about it. He loved the smell of green and growing things in here. Gingerly he moved so as not to step on any of the delicate growths she'd worked so hard to bring up.

His eyes went wide. "All of them? Are you sure Datura?" There were so many! He was touched by her generosity. When she described the "test", Bakkhos took his time peering at each group closely. "Hmmm lets see here. I think we have snowdrops here, crocus there, tulips here, daffodil there, hyacinth here, and peonies over there." With each one he pointed at the spot with his hoof.

After making his attempt, Bakkhos looked at his mentor to see how many he'd gotten right. "I would greatly appreciate your help in transporting them and getting them planted." Sure he could do it himself, but having company would be more fun! Plus she could give him any advice she noted about the area.

WC: 191

"Very good!" She was excited to learn that all his hard work had paid off. He'd be a pro before he knew it. "I hope they thrive under your care." She meant it. She also had some others that she w me a going to give him but those were going to wait until they were ready and she had the right moment to give them to him. She knew how much caring for the graves of those who past meant to his family and herd so she managed to find some flowers that represented that.

"I would be more than happy to help. Plus I'd finally be able to see your hard work first paw!" She was thrilled he was as excited as her about the flowers. "I have a warm drink prepared if you'd like to stay a bit?" She offered. It wasn't much but it would warm and energize you on a cool warm day like today.

He was so proud that he managed to name them all correctly! He had been a bit unsure on a couple of them, having only verbal descriptions or late growth to remember them by. Bakkhos couldn't wait to keep learning about more. These were only the early bloomers.

"I hope so too! My family is counting on me." Well maybe they weren't right yet, but in time they would! For now they humored him. "Yes you must come see it! And you can meet my family if you're brave enough." He grinned joking. "A warm drink does sound nice right now. There's still a n** in the air." Bakkhos cast one last look toward the young plants and then stepped from the green house.

WC: 124

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