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NICKNAMES Luci, Lulu (Mum), Luce (Dad)
AGE 14
BIRTHDAY November 9, 2044
SIGN Scorpio ♏
LANGUAGES English, Welsh

FACECLAIM Anime (Ichigo Hitofuri)
HEIGHT 5 ft 10 in.
BUILD A little thinner immediately following breaks, but otherwise healthy.
His (primarily) blue hair and gold eyes.

WAND 7 ½ inches, Alder with Porlock Hair, pliable with a smooth shaft
PATRONUS Seal (not yet learned)

MORE-THAN-AVERAGE Metamorphmagus


ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Aha! A clever one, aren't you?
I do indeed read minds, dear child
And your mind tells me where you'll fit best
And your mind is telling me you belong in

YEAR Fourth

Astronomy ~
Charms ~
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~
Herbology ~
History of Magic ~
Potions ~
Transfiguration ~
Elective ~

Astronomy ~
Charms ~
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~
Herbology ~
History of Magic ~
Potions ~
Transfiguration ~
Elective ~

Cooking Club
Fite Club



DREAM JOB Well, he likes working at the book shop...
CURRENT OCCUPATION Student. Helps under the table part-time at his local bookshop during breaks.


RESERVED Lucian wouldn’t consider himself shy by any means, but he does hold himself back in social environments. It’s important to him to keep his emotions in check if he doesn’t want any unexpected shifts in his appearance, and he manages this well, but his calm exterior can sometimes make him seem aloof and insincere to others.

INDEPENDENT Luci grew up in an environment where if he needed something done, it was easiest to learn to do it himself. That way if the outcome is disappointing, he has no one to blame but himself. He gets himself up for school, he cleans, and can even make simple meals. There’s something satisfying about completing a task all on his own, and the smile and pride in his mom’s voice as she sings his praises even better.

GENTLE Wynne has often said Lucian has the kindest heart in Cardiff. He is a calm, caring soul that looks out for others and wishes the best for everyone. He’s patient and a good listener. He will offer a shoulder to cry on and try to help lift others up when they’re down, but he won’t fix anyone’s problems for them. To Luci, it’s best to provide gentle guidance to help them on their way.

SHREWD Every child has their rebellious streak, and Luci is no exception. While he would obviously prefer a stable house with parents that ask where he’s going, he has to admit being an only latchkey child has its perks. He’s a cunning boy that knows his dodgy neighborhood like the back of his hand—who to talk to, who to avoid, and that the local book shop around the corner will let him hide out for hours on end so long as he helps shelve some books while he’s there. Still, he’s always sure to be back in time for curfew… Even if he was the one to set it in the first place.

LEVEL-HEADED It takes a lot more than a dirty look or mean name to wound Luci or even get on his nerves. Words, and even some actions roll off of him like water on a duck’s back. Lucian notices and appreciates habits, and those who keep the everyday promises. Safety comes first, and being home when you say you will be is more important than making some grand statement or gesture once in a blue moon. Lucian does has a fierce side, but it’s deep down–way deep down– and all that anger and resentment is buried beneath his entire life. Whether those skeletons will rise or be put to rest has yet to be seen.

DECISIVE There’s no sense in being wishy-washy about things. If you’re going to do it, then go do it. Sure, sometimes Luci gets stuck and might try to find an easier way around, but he doesn’t waste time with “should I/ shouldn’t I?”. Worst comes to worst, he’ll make a mess and a mistake and have to clean things up after. Similarly, in social settings, Luci has a “live and let live” mentality where he’ll stay out of other people’s business and let them make their own decisions. If people are hurt, he’ll be there afterwards to help pick up the pieces.

Sweets. He’s always been fascinated by the cutely decorated cakes in the neighborhood bakery’s window. He’d love to try one, if he could ever afford it.
The strange food concoctions his mum comes up with after a late shift at the lounge
Spicy foods, but especially if it’s a sweet/spicy combination

When adults behave like children.
The smell of alcohol and cigarette smoke, particularly on someone's breath.
Mum’s “special” brownies. He tried one once. It smelled weird, tasted vaguely like grass and made him feel sick. Never again.
Geese. They chase him at the park. They yap. They're scary.
Anything that feels sticky/slimy.

Self-sufficient and proactive.
Wise beyond his years thanks to raising his mum.

Can be stubborn when it comes to asking for help.
Has a hard time opening up.

A nice, safe, boring household where his parents are home when they say they will be, and dinner never gets cold.
To blend in with the crowd.

Dementors. He's heard stories from his dad.
His meta abilities turning him into something that he can't change back from.


EARLY CHILDHOOD Lucian was born as the only child of Griffin Burke and Wynne Valentine. Griffin was always off at work as a guard of Azkaban, while his mom sang in a jazz lounge in Cardiff. Their relationship, much like themselves, seemed complicated and messy. Griffin came and went as he pleased. He would always return home with promises to spend time with Lucian, only to go back on his word the next day after a night of drinking and wooing Wynne. Then they would argue over the topic of the week, and Griffin would go back to wherever he’s been. Wynne acted more like a sister than a mother: She only cared about having fun. She had tantrums that only her bottle of booze would soothe. She was always late picking him up from daycare. She would bring strange men into their flat weekly–sometimes the same man, but she would be a totally different woman. Wynne explained once that she and Lucian were something called Metamorphmagi and could change their appearance at will. That was why Lucian’s hair changed color depending how he felt, and why he had to carry cans of hair dye spray in his backpack to explain any unexpected changes. She said it was a gift to be used and enjoyed. Personally? Lucian hated it. Luckily growing up with his mother granted him some emotional control, and the incidents became less frequent with each passing year. Though he was good at repressing changes, he hasn’t gotten a firm handle on transforming. Wynne said that would come with age, and when he finally received his Hogwarts letter, Lucian wondered what the future may look like moving forward–not to mention, who was going to look after his mum?

FIRST YEAR Lucian was content with his sort to Slytherin. He wasn't sure what the other houses were like, but for being located in the dungeon, he really enjoyed his common room beneath the black lake.

He joined up with the Cooking Club and Fite Club. Out of Cooking Club he hoped to hone his skills and get some new ideas for what to cook for his mum and himself during breaks, and Fite Club? Well, he did live in a shady part of town. Though he's never felt particularly unsafe in Cardiff, it was better to be prepared, especially with his mum's tendency of bringing home strange men.

It was during Cooking Club that he met Galen Saylor, a fellow metamorphmagus. As it turned out, there were quite a few students like him at Hogwarts! Being exposed to other metas--they seemed to call themselves the "Metafacta"--allowed Lucian an opportunity to begin to get a better grip on his control, as well as changing his negative views towards his and his mother's ability. They were a good group of people to spend the evenings with.

SECOND YEAR Nothing special happened at school, but occasionally Lucian would get letters from his mother detailing her dates with a new man from the lounge. She seemed head over heels, so when he broke up with her over Winter break, it was no surprised that she got completely sloshed off cheap vodka and margarita mix. Luci tried to stop her from going out on the fire escape and yelling her woes to the city, but well, there was nothing he could do when she leaned too far over the railing and fell from the second floor. Luckily, she only broke an ankle. He had to get himself to the train station in time to head back for the second semester.

THIRD YEAR During a trip to Hogsmeade, Lucian got to know a boy from his year named Aurais Aurelius. Though he had seen him around, the two had never really talked, particularly because Aurais couldn't talk. He spoke in sign language with translation help from his parrot, Astyth, and when that didn't work, he used paper. As they got to know each other the boys spent more and more time together, exchanging notes from a shared notebook in classes and exploring Hogsmeade on the weekends. Eventually, Luci decided that wasn't enough. Notes and translating birds were all well and good, but what would Aurais do if neither were accessible? He wanted to be able to understand him always, so throughout winter break, he holed up in Cadi's shop and studied sign language as often as he could manage. His efforts paid off, as when Lucian signed during a group assignment in potions, Aurais was elated. The smile on his friend's face made all the effort worthwhile. For the rest of the year Luci continued to learn with Aurais's help. By the Summer, he was feeling pretty proficient!

Over the Summer Lucian started working under the table at Cadi's bookshop. He knew the place like the back of his hand and was assisting customers on the regular already, so knowing his home situation, she decided to start paying him for the work despite his age so long as he didn't blab.

Dad came to visit for about a week. It was the same as usual--flirt with Mum, promises to spend time together that were mostly not kept, then back to guarding Azkaban he went. There was, however, one night the three enjoyed together as a family. It was nothing special, just dinner at a pub and then off to a movie, but Luci cherished the rare occasion regardless.

He continued to think of that night as he made himself scarce in the middle of the trip. He would elect to ignore his mum's latest fling coming by to join his parents for a "date night". Ugh.

FOURTH YEAR (what happened your character's fourth year of school; this section will be added in after their fourth year is completed)
FIFTH YEAR (what happened your character's fifth year of school; this section will be added in after their fifth year is completed)
SIXTH YEAR (what happened your character's sixth year of school; this section will be added in after their sixth year is completed)
SEVENTH YEAR (what happened your character's seventh year of school; this section will be added in after their seventh year is completed)



Parents Griffin Burke, Azkaban guard (halfblood); Wynne Valentine, lounge singer (halfblood metamorphmagus)

Best friend Aurais Aurelius
Galen Saylor, Metafacta, Serafina Aurelius

Boss Cadi Glynn, bookshop owner (NPC)



xxxFUN FACTSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

HOBBIES Holing up with some books at the local book store.
PRIZED POSSESSION He tries not to get attached to much, since on more than one occasion they've had to sell some of his things to pay the bills.

FAVORITE FOOD Trifle and Cornish Pasties
FAVORITE CANDY Saltwater Taffy

"Blue Lips" - Regina Spektor
"I'm Not Okay" - My Chemical Romance
"Cry Baby" - Will Stetson
"Fight Song" - Will Stetson


UPDATED 5/21/23

Updated for 2059-60 school year.
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