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The night was warm and still, the heat still lingering from the daytime's rays even under the cool darkness of the newly risen moon. The forest that they had rested in tonight was rich with the smells of blossomed flora and a soft mist from the daytime heat and the nearby waterfalls throwing all that moisture into the air. It was a similar night like this, so, so long ago where she had been whisked away from everything she knew and loved....and where she would spend years at the mercy of that dark stallion.

Cautiously and carefully she had made her way to the water's edge and lowered her head for a long drink.

With her thirst quenched she looked along the water swirling with a low hanging mist, letting out a soft breath to push some of that moisture away from her as it wisped away. With her mother nearby she didn't necessarily feel any fear being off on her own, having acquired some well needed lessons from her wonderful friends Cuauhcoatl and Ikinya. The kind words of the little mare still lingering in her head that sometimes it was the fear of the unknown which lead to not living life to the fullest. So she took in her surroundings, hearing the small little creatures scurrying in the night to collect food. Wingbeats of owls and other nocturnal birds and possibly bats created sounds which often bounced off trees to make it hard to pinpoint.

The night was alive, but the night was calm in everything she observed, as a soft smile lingered on her dark maw. "Sapphire thinks its beautiful out..." She said softly into the stillness, while she was given a more therapeutic education on how her mental instabilities had long since effected her language and speech, it was still hard to break old habits.