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It was an uncomfortably warm late spring day,the temperature making it clear summer would soon be here. The sun which had just passed its zenith shone down without mercy, baking the dirt path a young heavily pregnant mare walked. The red and gold mare had never been as glad to have hooves instead of paws then she was right now. Asami walked along the too hot path as quickly as her belly would allow her, not just due to it's size but also because of the growing nausea. She was truly beginning to hate morning sickness, which despite its name rarely happened in the morning. The sooner she had these foals the better for everyone. For now all she could do was seek out her brother Hikaru, the herds acting healer for something to aid with her nausea. After some trial and error in the early stages of her pregnancy, when the morning sickness had first begun, they had found that mint tea usually helped calm her stomach.

Reaching the cave system the herd used for storage Asami sighed in relief at the coolness inside. She had been told by her brother's assistant that she would find him here. Getting her barings she headed deeper inside.

Hikaru had gotten up early today with the plan of taking inventory of the herds healing herbs. With spring quickly coming to an end time was running out to gather those herbs that only grew in spring. One of those herbs was mint, a herb they were running dangerously low on. He was sure there were others that needed restocking as well.

As late afternoon crept in Hikaru was finally finishing inventory. It had taken him longer then he had planned due to the sheer number of herbs to go through. Going back over his mental notes of which herbs they were running low on he nodded to himself. Other then the mint there was nothing that was of immediate concern. There should still be plenty of time to gather what was needed before it was gone. As for the mint he would see to that himself today. Next to the door of the cave there were some empty gathering packs. He threw one around his neck to lay across his shoulder and headed out.

Before he got more then a few steps away from the storage room he ran into his sister Asami who just happened to be the main reason for the mint shortage.

Asami stopped just short of running into her brother. She hadn't been expecting him to just suddenly appear in front of her. She stared at him in shock for a few moments before half shouting "Brother!" Her shout echoed around the caves eerily.

Hikaru shivered as he listened to the echo. There was something nightmare inducing about it. Shaking himself he gave his sister a worried look. "Is something wrong Asami?" He asked, it wasn't like her to be so jumpy.

Asami flushed in embarrassment, she hadn't meant to shout. "Just the usual morning sickness," she replied quietly scraping a hoof on the floor. "Can you make some more tea? The jar is empty." When she had gone to the infirmary before seeking out her brother the jar that held the tea leaves had been unexpectedly empty.

He hummed thoughtful to himself. There was enough dried mint left to make another batch of the mint and green tea mix he had been giving her for her nausea. "One moment," he said before turning and going back into the storage room. Inside he grabbed the nearly empty pouch of dried mint and stuck it in the pack. Grabbing an empty pouch he went over to one of the many jars lining the cave wall. Pulling the lid off of one in the middle the scent of green tea leaves filled the room. He carefully scoop some of the leaves into the empty pouch with his paw. He placed the now full pouch in the pack next to the mint. After putting the lid back on the jar and making sure it was secure he turn and once again left the room.

Asami watched from the doorway as Hikaru moved around the room. She eyed the jars and other containers piled in the room with a mix of wonder and fear. Most was gathered by the herd themselves but others were traded for. She was glad she wasn't in charge of trade, she'd never be able to keep everything straight and end up trading for something they could have gathered themselves. Seeing her brother coming towards the door she ducked out of the way.

Stopping at his sister's side Hikaru inclined his head to be level with hers. "Ready to go?" He asked her gently.

Asami sighed in displeasure at the question. She was not looking forward to going back out in the heat. "Lead the way," she replied grudgingly.

Hikaru gave her a strange look at the response but started to lead the way out. Reaching the mouth of the cave system he continued without pausing but frozen once he was outside. Having been inside all day he was not prepared for the sudden heat. He now understood Asami's reaction.

Asami who had paused at the mouth of the cave couldn't help be let out a giggle as she watched her brother freeze. The look on his face. Bracing herself for the heat she stepped out into the sun and stood next to Hikaru. "Let's go quickly, I want to get out of this heat."

Setting a quick pace Hikaru lead the way to his home where the temporary infirmary was set up. His current residence was a series of interconnected burrows dug under a large tree. Within was not only the infirmary but also his personal library and the rooms of both himself and his assistant. As he walked he glanced over at his sister to make sure she was keeping pace alright. He smiled to himself seeing the determined look on her face. 'Stubborn,' he thought to himself affectionately.

Asami fell into a trot determined to keep up with her brother's longer stride. Plus the sooner they made it to her brother's den the happier she would be.

Neither spoke as they walked, they were just enjoying being together. The siblings didn't often get time to just be. There was almost always something that needed doing for the herd. As part of the main family they both had responsibilities that took up much of their time.

Upon reaching their destination Hikaru was delighted to see a small clay jar of water out in the sun warming. He could always count on his assistant to think ahead. Motioning for his sister to head inside without him he stopped at the jar to check the waters temperature. Not quite yet but by the time he was done with the mint tea mix it should be ready. With a satisfied hum he headed inside.

Asami headed inside grateful to finally be out of the heat once more. She could happily go the rest of the day without going back outside. She sighed softy, if only that was an option but sadly it wasn't as she still had work to do. She settled herself in an out of the way spot in the infirmary and waited for her brother to arrive.

On the way to the infirmary Hikaru stuck his head into the study and after nodding to his assistant asked one of the familiar helpers to bring the water jar to the infirmary in a few minutes. Continuing on his way he mentally checked his todo list. He might have to put his gathering trip on hold until tomorrow morning. This heat wouldn't be good for the herbs anyway. Entering the infirmary he began to gather what he would need to make the tea.

Asami watched her brother as he worked. Despite his knowledge and skill with herbs Hikaru didn't believe he was a good healer but she believed otherwise. She had always been able to turn to him when she needed help. Of all of her brothers he was the one she was closest to and it wasn't only because they looked the most alike.

Hikaru finished his preparations just as the familiar helper entered with the jar. He directed the helper to pour some of the water into a waiting bowl before dropping a ball of tea leaves into the bowl. He watched the tea as it brewed careful not to let it over seep. Once satisfied with the color he snagged the ball of leaves out with a claw. At times like this he wished he had claws like a 'gryph, it would certainly make things easier. Once the leaves were out he asked the familiar to take the bowl over to Asami.

"Thank you," Asami said to the familiar as the bowl was placed in front of her. After blowing on it to cool she took a sip and sighed. Already she could feel the nausea start to recede. While drinking her tea she watched her brother clean up with the assistance of the familiar. His study might be a mess but the infirmary was always kept clean. As she finished her tea she was happy to realize the nausea was finally gone.