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Tanabe's KASA Misadventures

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2022 5:55 pm
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          The blow struck to Tanabe was powerful enough to send her careening and rolling along the ground. The girl was winded, hunched over on the ground while she tried to regain her breath. Her ribs weren’t broken, but she could feel that it wouldn’t take much more pressure before they snapped. “Get up.” Tanabe gingerly lifted her head to look at the man speaking to her. The Minister of Security, Mano Chiassa Raiu, stood well above her. The upper half of his face was masked, but the stern frown he carried was more than plain to see. Why him? Tanabe thought to herself. And why me? She remembered seeing him during Satoshi’s tour of the KASA facilities. But what did the Minister of Security want with her? The young girl was too busy thinking that she’d forgotten the order to rise. Tanabe rose to her feet shakily, holding the spot that Mano had struck her.

          “You will find that my KASA training is leagues tougher than the training you and your peers went through to become shinobi.” He continued. “Surviving that strike was the first test, but you are far from ready to be a proper agent for Amegakure. You lack the resolve.” Straight to business, and not one to sugar coat his words. The rumors Tanabe had heard about the security Minister had been accurate so far. “Come.” He turned to walk away, hands clasped behind his back, and lead her further into the facility.

          It took her a second, but soon Tanabe caught up to the masked man. Walking behind him, something he’d said was stuck in her head and she couldn’t take her mind off of it. “Sir, may I ask you something?” Mano silently nodded and Tanabe gulped. Her surge of courage to even speak had faded, and fast. But she needed to know, if her success in KASA depended on his words. “What do you mean that I lack resolve? I’ve… I’ve had to do things. Unspeakable things, just to prove myself to this country. To Lord Satoshi. To just be a shinobi.” It wasn’t intentional, but Tanabe could feel her hands ball into fists from frustration. The flashes of memory of the people she’d killed in the war on Iwa. The classmate she slaughtered just to graduate. All flooded her mind as Mano stood there, telling her that she lacked resolve. “When… when does it end? What more do I have to do?”

          “It doesn’t.” Mano answered simply. He had stopped walking so he could turn to the young Uchiha. “Tell me, why did you become a shinobi? You can say it was for Amegakure, but I already know there is more. The motivations of human beings are selfish, inherently. We do things because of a gratification more immediate to us than patriotism. It is why I, and many others, are here today. As well as any other shinobi in other villages.”

          “For… for my family, sir.” This wasn’t the reaction she expected from the head of KASA, so it took her a second to form her thoughts and words. “We were from the Cistern Sector, and I thought that being a shinobi would give my family a chance to finally survive, sir.”

          “I see. That certainly is a noble response. But it is not enough. True resolve, true dedication, requires you to give up those things.” Tanabe gasped as Mano continued to speak. “KASA specializes in intelligence and security of the village. In order to protect this country, including its citizens, from outsiders one must truly give up everything. Friends. Family. Even the feeling of the ‘self.’ In order for you to support and protect your family to the fullest, you, Tanabe Usamomi-Uchiha, will have to disappear from them. Is that something you think you can handle?”

          Mano didn’t wait for her to answer before turning away and continuing to walk. Tanabe, now trapped in thought at his words, stood still. The thought of leaving her family made her blood run cold. They’d already lost a daughter, and Tanabe remembered how they took it. The crying, the desperation, the fear. It was a set of memories that Tanabe would never forget. And to say nothing for how they could react to losing another. And how could she even think to hurt them like that on purpose? And what about Amaya? If Tanabe left them, it would certainly hurt them…

          …Wouldn’t it?... Would they notice? Taanabe took steps after Mano, after having made her mind. Her fingers absently rubbed against the oni mask that rested on her head. She knew how frequently she changed into Takano, and just how different she acted. It, in a sense, was like ‘Tanabe’ stopped existing. And, as far as she knew, no-one seemed to notice. It made sense: Tanabe knew just how much of a wallflower she was, hiding within the shadows of other people. Doing just enough to stay safe. Maybe this was also what Mano meant when he said she lacked resolve. By letting her fear hold her back, would Tanabe even be able to protect the ones she loved? The Minister’s words floated through her mind. ‘You, Tanabe Usamomi-Uchiha, will have to disappear…’ Tanabe didn’t like the thought of leaving her loved ones. It hurt her too, and it made her blood run cold to think about being alone. But was she being selfish, trying to hold on so tightly to her desires? That she would choose them over doing everything she could to protect them?

          “... And you will be staying here during your training.” Mano’s words pulled Tanabe from her thoughts. He led them through the compound, explaining the details of the girl’s KASA training. “Soon, your training will begin to reach depths further than most shinobi. You will be given a new name for you to use, and we will teach you the ways of truly being a shadow. To blend in to any society, deal a deadly blow to that country, and disappear into nothing. This will keep Amegakure safe, and by extension everyone in the village. That is the reason we, as KASA agents, exist. And our job is to shield our village from the downpour of its enemies.”

          “This room will be your living quarters.” Mano stopped and gestured at a room. Tanabe looked inside and saw rows and rows of beds inside a long room. It was a dreary sort of place, and the people inside moved lifelessly, shuffling around like zombies. “While we will be training you to fill your role privately at times, all other times will be spent among your peers. You are now Amegakure, and you all will live as one and then die as one. Specifically for your training, we will be focusing on strengthening your Doujutsu.” Tanabe blinked and turned to look up from the room and to Mano. “The Sharingan’s ability to copy information, and the Byakugan’s wide field of view, are tools that will be infinitely valuable as a spy for Amegakure. But never forget, a spy’s greatest tool will always be their mind. Now get some rest. Soon, Tanabe will cease to be. And you will be known as Tachiwaru. You have three hours to become acclimated to your new quarters before your training begins. Make good use of your time.”

          Mano walked away after that, leaving Tanabe by herself in the door frame. It took a few seconds, seconds that felt like hours, before she finally took her first steps into the room. It almost felt like stepping into an entirely different world. The moment she passed the threshold, the young shinobi could almost feel the door slamming shut behind her, but when she turned to look she would see that no such thing had happened. Tanabe had no gear, nothing to call her own, as she sat on the edge of the one empty bed. She didn’t notice this until she’d made the motions to put things away, and the true purpose of Mano’s three hours became heavily apparent. Three single hours for Tanabe to truly come to terms with what she was giving up. The young Uchiha flopped down onto the bed and stared at the ceiling, and she could feel a slight pressure on her head. Tanabe reached up to the source and removed it, pulling her mask off of her head. The girl stared into its eyes for an eternal second, before laying down on the bed, curled up around her mask.

          Well, she did have one thing.

          And so Tanabe Usamomi-Uchiha faded away into Tachiwaru and her training would begin. Mano hadn’t been kidding when he said the training for KASA agents would be tough. Tachiwaru’s days were filled with lessons after lessons after training after lessons. She and the other agents in her bunk were only given sporadic rests. They seemed almost at random and, with no clocks inside the facility, Tachiwaru had no idea how much time was actually passing or even what time of day it was. She was merely moved from one task to the next. It took a toll on her mentally, and the constant strain on her eyes through her Doujutsu wasn’t helping. As per Mano’s orders, Tachiwaru was to have either her Sharingan or her Byakugan active at all times, increasing her stamina and proficiency with both. The particular training Mano had come up with was simple.

          During lessons, whoever was in charge (whether it be a group lesson or solo), would randomly hold up a finger. Tachiwaru would have to use that as a signal to switch in order to see the instructor generating chakra into a number, and then call out that number. If she was too slow (which she almost always was) then the young shinobi would immediately be punished with harsher training. If the time of her tasks carried on long enough that the next block of lessons would begin (as KASA ran on a tight schedule) she would simply have to work with the time she had to complete the same lessons as everyone else. If this cut into the very infrequent rests they would get, her resting period would simply be cut short or nonexistent. Tachiwaru could recount many times where it felt like she hadn’t slept in days because of this. One such example of this was a lesson that required Tachiwaru to ingest poisons, so that KASA agents can build up tolerance. This act, after consuming six different kinds of toxins, threw the girl to within an inch of her life. She survived, just barely, thanks to medical treatment. But once she was conscious again after a nondescript amount of time, Tachiwaru was forced to carry on with her training.

          The lessons provided by the KASA instructors would be easily explained by saying they were refining the knowledge they were taught as regular shinobi. Perfecting the art of stealth and secrecy. How to retrieve information on a target without being detected, while also protecting valuable information from being stolen with the use of codes and hidden meanings. Training in combat was meant to drill into Tachiwaru’s head so that it was not meant to be drawn out. Only engage if she could end it in a matter of seconds, and for that decisive strike to be without hesitation. In addition to all of that, Mano would be overseeing Tachiwaru’s combat progression personally.

          Today was one such sparring match. Tachiwaru, under her usual mask of Takano, would slam their weapon down as they lunged at the KASA head. The giant spiked club whiffed, crashing into the floor with a loud clang as the impact left a small hole. The masked Mano was fast, having merely stepped to the side with a motion that Takano only caught because of their active Sharingan. Takano would release the weapon and utilize Mano’s close distance to attempt disabling his chakra network. Takano would strike, light but incredibly fast blows, at the Minister of Security. Each strike was aimed precisely at the man’s tenketsu points, something that the young Uchiha could point out in their sleep at this point. However, that knowledge wouldn’t be able to help them against Mano’s superior speed. He would step away or block, carefully avoiding Takano’s palms, at speeds the younger agent could barely comprehend. One particular dodge gave Mano enough time to silently hold up one finger. Takano’s reaction was immediate, their focus shifting just as their red eyes faded to white. The masked shinobi would see the chakra form along their mentor’s finger and… “Six!” They snarled through clenched teeth as they tried to pressure the gap between them. But their focus was split by the task of seeing the number, allowing Mano a swift punch to the young girl’s face.

          The blow knocked Tachiwaru’s mask off as she was sent rolling along the floor. “Why do you continue to hide?” As Tachiwaru struggled through the pain, managing to push up to her elbows and knees, she would see Mano entering her field of vision. She waited until he was inches from her and then, with a growl, shot to her feet. An effort of will and the Fuuin on Tachiwaru’s arm erupted into smoke. She swiped her hand as a tanto appeared in her hand from her seal, aiming her blade to cut across Mano’s face. He ducked back just enough for the slash to miss, and then wrapped his arm around the arm holding the weapon, twisting it at an angle that shot pain through Tachiwaru’s arm. It was enough to make her feel as if her bones were about to snap, at which point she dropped her weapon. With his free hand, Mano sent another blinding blow, this time at the girl’s ribs. “You’ve hid behind that mask for as long as you’ve been a shinobi. It is shameful. You think it provides you courage, but all I see is cowardice. Someone who lacks strength in their own convictions.”

          As the man let go of her arm, Tachiwaru stumbled back while she gripped her midsection. Something was broken for sure, and as pain shot through her body she did her best to not show any more signs of injury than she already did. “Then what do you want me to do?!” She yelled back. Mano’s words pushed Tachiwaru far past the point of composure and silent obedience. Her weariness, her pain, and her anger all came to a boiling point, exploding after ages of pressure. “I work, and I study, and I train every day to prove myself. I’ve given you my family… and my friends… I’ve given you everything I have! How much more do you want?!”

          “I want you to stop running!” Mano’s voice filled the room like thunder and hit Tachiwaru harder than his punches. She stood, panting from her own outburst, and stared at the man as her eyes went wide. “Do you think you can just run from the consequences of your actions? Everyone has given up something to do what needs to be done. You can’t perform your duties as a shinobi and also pretend they never happened. As a shinobi you are tasked with killing in defense of your country, and there’s no hiding from that. The moment you decide to be a shinobi, it means you’ve made the decision to kill or be killed. You put your entire existence on the table as a ninja, and your enemies do the same. So I want you to look directly at the people you kill and never take your eyes off of them for a single second. Embed their faces into your memory and never forget them. Because I promise that they will never forget you.”

          “So once you make peace with the type of person you are, Tachiwaru, as the type of person who will kill to get ahead-” Mano disappeared in the blink of an eye and only reappeared directly above the young Hyuuga with his fist raised back. She gasped and used every ounce of energy to roll out of the way of the strike as it came crashing down. The blow cratered the floor, shattering the stone beneath the Minister before he rose to his feet in the center. “-You will be able to allow yourself to grow, to give yourself the power you need to get to the top.”

          “Y-... you’re wrong!” Tachiwaru shouted. With a burst of chakra to her feet to propel her down into the crater, she rushed Mano as fast as she could. She swung her palms out, striking at him with ferocious speed, each blow carrying devastating amounts of chakra. She needed one, just one, hit to connect before she could rupture his insides, destroy his chakra, and make him stop talking. “I only wanted to take my family out of poverty! Out of the Cistern to where it’s warm and dry and safe!”

          “Liar!” Mano grabbed Tachiwaru’s forearm just before one palm strike connected with his stomach. He slid his foot into hers to disrupt her balance before throwing her over his shoulder. He stomped his foot down with enough strength to shake the ground, but Tachiwaru managed to roll away. “If that was all you wanted, then you would have just graduated! You wouldn’t have slaughtered dozens in Earth Country! You wouldn’t have come to Lord Satoshi’s call to the KASA facility! And you wouldn’t have accepted becoming an agent of KASA!” As Mano spoke, he continued to chase Tachiwaru by stomping the ground, up until she managed to roll and safely jump to her feet. Small sparks of green electricity charged along the Minister’s body as he glared at the girl through his own mask. “If you only wanted safety, then you wouldn’t have risen to the challenges and stations offered to you. You chose to go deeper, you chose to try and get more power through KASA! That’s the truth of who you are, and if you can’t accept that then you might as well be dead, Tachiwaru!”

          Mano moved, but his movements seemed slower than before. She didn’t understand how or why, but she wasn’t going to let this chance slip her by. She ran forward, meeting Mano in the middle, as her tanto was recalled to her hand. She could see the man prepare another punch, and see its trajectory, as she closed in. Tachiwaru ducked underneath the strike at the last second and swiped her blade at the man’s midsection. The metal cut into flesh as she passed by him, causing blood to drip into the ground from the wound. Tachiwaru began to pant as she made it out of the collision on the other side, opening her eyes to reveal her Sharingan had formed, along with an extra spoke along the center. “There’s nothing wrong with wanting power.” Mano’s voice forced Tachiwaru to turn and face her mentor, to see him standing tall despite the bleeding gash on his side. “But denying yourself the truth behind why is a sin I can’t forgive. When you are no longer burdened by uncertainties, you can start to find real power. Your solo training is done for now, you have two hours before your next lesson. Dismissed.”

          Tachiwaru left the moment she picked up her mask, but she didn’t rush out. Her eyes had a distant look to them and almost looked like the girl was in a trance. The words of Mano echoed in her mind as she walked back to the barracks. Just who was she, really? Tachiwaru held up her hand, examining the blood that dripped down her fingers. It was all she could focus on as she walked. Tanabe Usamomi-Uchiha was a quiet girl that did everything she could to stay out of the limelight. She wanted the best for her friends and family, and had even killed to do it. ‘Well, that’s not entirely true… is it?’ She thought to herself. Tanabe had specifically created the character of Takano in order to cope with the murder that she’d been forced to do, but at the end of the day it was still her. Tanabe had shed the blood of her own classmate, and the fight with Fujita would never leave her mind. And against Mano just now, all the young girl had wanted was for him to stop talking but she’d gone against him with lethal force. ‘Was what he said true?’ Had Tanabe been merely suppressing her killing intent, just to feel secure? Tanabe had always thought that she was real and Takano was fake, but now Tachiwaru had to wonder. Had Tanabe just… been another mask? Created to become a more digestible version of herself for other people? But to what end?

          Ever since her sister had disappeared, Tanabe had felt an unending loneliness. And despite everything in the Ame Academy, she’d still been able to make friends. Amaya, Inoki, Sochi. She’d felt a sense of safety in the craziness of Ame with them. Like a semblance of a normal life in the village of rain. Tanabe had never wanted to lose that, which was what drove her to pursue more power within the shinobi system. Mano was right about that, now that Tachiwaru thought about it. She didn’t need to join KASA. Her family was already safe in the Sky. And joining KASA had only been presented as an option, it hadn’t been forced upon her. And there had been no way for her to know the important role KASA held in protecting the village at the time, not the way Mano had explained it. Tanabe could have turned it down, grown stronger on her own without the level of bloodshed she would experience as an assassin. So that led to a rather important question for the girl as she stood just outside of the door to the barracks.

          Just who was she? If Tanabe had merely been a mask she wore for other people to accept her… then who was she at her core? Tachiwaru looked around the hall she lingered in like she’d awoken from a dream. If Tanabe had been fake, then that would mean KASA had given her her name. That would be the simplest solution. But who Tachiwaru was was still yet to be determined. But the realization made her feel… lighter? It was hard to explain. But the young KASA agent had suddenly felt something loosen in her gut. Was it freeing? It definitely made everything easier to swallow, that was certain. There was one thing Tachiwaru knew about herself, one thing that had truly remained constant: Her desire to protect her loved ones. Even if Mano was right that she didn’t stop when she could’ve, Tachiwaru was here now. KASA’s goal aligned with hers in the broadest sense. Protecting Ame meant protecting her family. And Amaya. Even if they never realized it. And she didn’t care if KASA and Ame were merely using her as a tool anymore, because the feeling would be mutual. As long as Tachiwaru met her end goals, it didn’t matter what she did to get there. She didn’t even care if used everything

          However, in her thoughts, Tachiwaru soon realized she’d walked far past her barracks. She looked up to see where she ended up and before her was a door. It was small, unassuming. If it wasn’t for her Sharingan, the shinobi wouldn’t have thought anything of it. But she could see, clear as day, chakra signatures and movement. She couldn’t make out enough details about the other side, but a thought passed through her mind. It was small and fleeting, but it made her heart flutter briefly as a lump formed in her throat. Had she found the way out? Leaving the KASA training hadn’t even been a thing she thought about doing. But here she was, separated by the rest of the world by a few inches of metal. A cold pressure formed in her palm and the girl blinked and looked down. Her hand was curled around the door handle and she hadn’t even noticed. Tachiwaru could leave and go back to her family. To her life. As crazy as it was in Ame, it wasn’t anything like it was in the training facility. She didn’t know how much time had passed since the girl had joined, but she did know she missed her family dearly. Tachiwaru shook and gripped the door handle more tightly until her knuckle turned white, as tears began to roll down her cheeks. She desperately wanted to open the door, and yet her muscles were locked up and refused to move.

          ‘Do you think you can just run from the consequences of your actions?’ Mano’s words played in Tachiwaru’s mind loud and clear, enough that she jumped and looked behind her. But the hallways were as empty as they were vast, forcing the young shinobi to feel small for the first time since being here. ‘You have hid behind that mask since becoming a shinobi. It is shameful.’ Was… was she subconsciously trying to run away again? It was something she was used to doing, so it made sense that her reflex would be to hide. But Tachiwaru wasn’t going to run away, not anymore. She’d decided that, in order to be stronger. For her parents. For her sister. For Amaya. Even if they didn’t know about the sacrifices she’d make, or the work she would do, to keep them safe. It was a job without glory, Tachiwaru knew that. But despite knowing that what she was doing was logically the right thing, the girl couldn’t help but feel remorse. Painful guilt fueled by a desire to see her loved ones again, as she was used to seeing them as Tanabe. Before Tanabe disappeared like the mask that she was. It was an exhausting effort of will, but Tachiwaru was finally able to remove her hand from the door. She couldn’t leave, not yet. She had a job to do and she would see it through to the end. So Tachiwaru wiped her tears away with her sleeve and stood upright as she went the way she came, back to her barracks for any amount of rest before her next lesson. Tanabe was gone, and she needed to accept that Tachiwaru was all that was left. The scared, timid little girl would be eroded from existence, whittled down to nothing but a mask, and Tachiwaru doubted anyone would miss her.

          ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2022 5:56 pm
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          How long had it been since she’d even thought about escaping? Time held no meaning inside the KASA facility so it could have been anywhere from a day ago to an eternity. All that truly mattered was the training everyone had been put through. The number of agents had dwindled over time, as those who couldn’t make it were killed in some form or fashion. Tachiwaru had stuck it out, and her reward would be more work. A mission, specifically, with a full fledged agent known simply as Miru. Miru was a taller woman, easily in her mid-twenties, with yellow eyes and red hair tied into a ponytail. She led Tachiwaru with confidence as she explained their mission. “Ame is missing a valuable item, stolen in the dead of night by one of our enemies..” She explained. Her demeanor was far more casual than Mano’s was, Tachiwaru noted. But she held herself with such an air of authority that even her lazy smile couldn’t diminish.

          “What’s… what is it?” The girl eventually mustered up the courage to ask. It was a struggle, as part of her thought that maybe she should have known already. This question just earned her a lazy smile and a look from Miru.

          “It’s a pot called Gōyoku na Tsubo, and the power it holds is extraordinary.” Miru explained patiently. It almost made Tanabe feel a motherly presence from the agent, something she hadn’t felt in a long time. “It doesn’t seem like much, but they say that if you look into the pot then you’ll see whatever it is that your heart desires most. So, naturally, if someone wants secrets of the village then this pot becomes a valuable tool. At least that’s what our captain said.” Tachiwaru’s mind began to wander just a bit as she thought about the possibilities. What would the pot show her, the girl wondered. Was it something that would even be achievable? And, if so, would the girl possibly be able to take it before returning the pot. “Hey, don’t be getting any crazy ideas now.” Miru scolded Tachiwaru teasingly. “The curse of this pot is fatal. If you try to grab whatever it shows you, then the post explodes with enough force and shrapnel to kill you, even if someone uses a jutsu. Like it’s honed into the very souls of whoever looks into it.”

          Tahciwaru could feel confusion form on her face for an instant which brought out a small laugh from Miru. “Don’t act so surprised. I am the best sensor in KASA. I could even read your thoughts to you like a bedtime story… Tanabe.” The red haired woman smirked playfully as Tachiwaru felt her heart skip a beat. How long had it been since anyone had ever called her that? It took her off guard and it felt odd. Like she’d taken a step just too far in relation to the next step she was going down. It almost surprised the young shinobi enough to stop her, but she managed to muscle through the reflex. Miru turned away but Tachiwaru could still see the edges of her smirk. The Uchiha wasn’t as well trained as the woman was, maybe, but Tachiwaru got the impression that Muri felt proud of herself. Or that that was her favorite trick to do and she always got a kick out of it.

          “So what’s our mission exactly?” Tachiwaru asked as she tried to shake that feeling from a bit ago. “Get the pot back and-?”

          Miru opened a door once the pair got to it, allowing them to walk out into the Rain. “Kill them, of course.” She strapped her KASA mask to her face and Tachiwaru followed suit. The smell of the rain filled her nostrils and was surprisingly comforting, like talking with an old friend. The pitter-patter of it on the tops of the roofs that the pair traveled by was much louder than she remembered, too. Tachiwaru had never really liked living in Ame. It was a village that had beaten her down, taken from her. Filled her with despair. But the moment she felt the fresh air of the outside, the girl felt a mix of elation and melancholy. She enjoyed it, sure, but it was soured by the knowledge she would have to return to the confines of the KASA training facility.

          “How’s it feel?” Miru’s voice pulled Tachiwaru from her thoughts as the two came to a stop. The red head didn’t look at her partner as she knelt down. Miru traced her finger along the tile of the roof, leaving behind a faint red glow of chakra that Tachiwaru would see with her Sharingan. It might have seemed uncaring at first, but the woman’s tone was soft, something that the younger agent wasn’t used to. “It’s your first time out since you joined, isn’t it? I imagine it must feel quite different.”

          Tachiwaru was hesitant for a moment. Was this a test? Was she supposed to say ‘no, I love it inside the KASA facility and the work we do. I don’t need the outside’ to show her loyalty? It definitely caught her off guard and put her on edge for a moment. But something about the way her superior asked managed to wash away that feeling. Besides, it wasn’t like Tachiw aru could actually lie to her even if she wanted to. “It feels… like I’m back home.” She began. Wrestling with the exact feelings was difficult for her, so it took her some time before she continued. “But like everything’s changed. And I know nothing has, but everything still feels different. So I guess it’d be more accurate to say that it feels like coming back home, but seeing that someone else lives there. And that everything’s moved on without you. And…” Tachiwari paused, digging her fingers into her clothes as she bit her lip. Some feeling akin to sadness began to rise up in her, pulling her somewhere like a magnetic yearning. “...I desperately want to see my family again… But I don’t even know if they would recognize the person I’ve become…” Tachiwaru shook her head and tried to loosen her grip on her uniform, but couldn’t get her fingers to unfurl.

          Miru sighed and a dome of faint, green chakra surrounded the two of them. Tachiwaru didn’t notice at first, only looking up once she realized that the rain had stopped pouring on them. “That seems to be how most people feel after their training.” She replied. Tachiwari noticed her eyes flitting around, seemingly at random. Like she was looking for something. “I have a sister, one that I would do anything for. And we see each other every day, but I feel like I’m miles away from her. It’s hard, especially when she’s my driving force. But if I don’t keep going, then who knows what’ll happen. Tell me, Tachiwaru.” Miru planted the tip of her finger onto one of the roof tiles before looking up at the young Uchiha. “Will you continue to protect the ones you love, even if they no longer recognize you?” Tachiwaru was silent for a moment, so Miru continued speaking. “Our job is a thankless one. There’s no medals, there’s no glory. Not even any recognition from it all. Our deeds, and eventually ourselves, will fade in obscurity. And maybe, just maybe, the ones you’re trying to protect will find out, and they will turn on you for it. I’ve seen it happen too many times, and it drives shinobi to the brink of existence. Is that something you feel like you can handle?” The downpour of rain began to pick up, cascading around the barrier in a light torrent. “There they are.” Miru tapped her finger decisively against the roof tile “Three miles out from here, and two miles away from the exit of the village. We have to stop them from leaving, and fast.”

          “Hold on.” Tachiwaru spoke up, causing Miru to pause as she rose to her feet. “I… don’t know if we should cause a commotion inside the village.” The young Uchiha formed some quick signs before placing her hand to the roof, summoning a small murder of crows within a smoke cloud. “It would bring us a lot of attention, when we should be discreet.” Maybe Miru was right, but Tachiwaru had gone too far to turn back. Even if her friends and family disowned her, she would take solace in knowing that her actions kept them alive and safe. She couldn’t lose anyone else, hurt anyone else. Not since her own sister disappeared. So to that end, the young agent would strive to succeed. To go up and up, all the way to the top. She had to. “So we should pursue, but wait until they’re a safe distance away before engaging. Does that sound good to you?”

          The young girl’s sudden spike in confidence took Miru aback, but only for a few moments, before her lips turned into a small smile. “Yeah, sounds good. Lead the way.”

          “You say that like you’ll get the chance.” A voice called out from the rain. The duo looked around and in an instant they were surrounded. Tachiwaru clicked her teeth and shifted to a defensive position as she looked around. It was hard to make out details in the rain, even with her Doujutsu. But it wasn’t hard to figure out that they were working with the thieves.

          “Go.” Miru’s words made Tachiwaru blink and turn to her superior. Despite being surrounded, the red haired shinobi seemed unbothered by the situation. “I can handle these jokes with my hands tied behind my back, you go after our target. I’ll come check on you when I’m done here. Understood?”

          Tachiwaru nodded and dashed off into the rain, using her own speed and perception to navigate through the small crowd. A few tried to take swings at her, but were instantly struck down by a bolt of fire and lightning, clearing the path for the young agent easily. As explosions crashed behind her, Tachiwaru removed her rebreather and slid on a familiar red and blue oni mask.

          Finding and catching up to her target wasn’t too difficult. After they had entered the nearby outcropping of trees, Tachiwaru curved around to cut the thief off. “Not so fast!” She yelled, blinking into existence before him. For emphasis, she dug her giant spiked club into the earth with a dull clang and spread her legs to take a more solid stance. The look of shock on the man’s face brought out a loud laughter from the girl, deep and growling, and far too robust to be fitting of an assassin. “What? Did you think some small fy would be enough to stop the mighty Takano?!”

          “Maybe not, but now there’s only one of you. And I can handle some punk kid.” He snarled, holding the box he was carrying away from her.

          “You sure?” Tachiwaru lifted her hand from her club and snapped her fingers. In an instant, the two of them were surrounded by blurring figures, all moving this way and that. The speeds they dashed from made it hard to notice details, and the movement patterns were seemingly at random. “Did you think you could do what you’ve done and not have most shinobi sent after you? Like Ame just sent its only two shinobi after you?” Tachiwaru laughed as Takano, jabbing a finger at the thief. “You must be dumber than ya look!”

          The man growled, shaking. He was obviously frightened, pushed back into a corner. Tachiwaru’s display began to cause his fears to boil, until something came to an explosive point. The man’s free hand flashed as he charged at the young girl, letting out a yell as he brandished a short blade. What happened next would be faster than lightning. Electricity chirped among the moving figures, like a thousand birds, before dashing to the thief. There was a bright light up impact and once it faded, it would reveal Tachiwaru. She was crouched to the side of the man, holding the box with one arm while her other was cloaked in white lightning. The man, her target, let out a pained screech as the arm he’d be wielding the knife with was sliced right off, spurting red blood that mixed in with the rain. Takano-Tachiwaru, unmoving, faded as their body melted into a flock of crows as Tachiwaru’s Genjutsu wore off. Within seconds, the man’s screams faded and he fell to the ground with a wet flop.

          She let out a breath, her knuckles turning white as she gripped the jar. The fight hadn’t been too exhausting, but her heart was racing. She did it… Tachiwaru had retrieved her objective. She relaxed her stance and held the jar out, examining it for the first time. It was simple in its design, and if it was a powerful artifact, it would be hard to tell by its appearance. Tachiwaru almost didn’t believe it. Her Sharingan saw no chakra resonating from it, and for all intents and purposes it was just a simple jar. Was it really worth all of the hassle these thieves had gone through to get it? And was it worth the trouble her and Miru went through to get it back? Well, there was only one real way to find out.

          Tachiwaru gulped and did her best to calm her nerves. She was nervous about opening the jar, about what she would see inside. And what might happen if she tried to take it. There was no guarantee that the KASA agent would be able to resist. But what if this was a fake..? Tachiwaru gingerly ran her fingers up to the wooden lid of the jar and slid it back carefully before she peeked inside. What the girl saw wiped any doubts she had, but they were replaced with shock. The jar itself wasn’t that big, but the young Uchiha was looking down into the container and inside was a full sized Kage hat that fit perfectly inside. A quick look made it clear that the hat belonged to the Amegkage. It confused the young girl… just why was the Amekage hat inside the jar? Was that truly something she wanted? It had to be a mistake.

          “Hey there amateur~” A growling voice echoed within Tachiwaru’s mind, almost laughing as it spoke. It was taunting her, like the vocal equivalent of dangling a toy in front of a cat. She gasped and locked up, dropping the jar into the mud. Takano speaking to her on their own was a recent development and still managed to chill her to her core. “Try not to overthink it. You’re always going on about protecting people, and who protects the village?” As he spoke to her, the jar rolled and the Amekage hat almost tipped out into the mud. “You want to climb to the top? Then you better be prepared to do it over a mountain of corpses. If you show even an ounce of weakness, I’ll be taking the controls and do what you don’t have the strength for.”

          “Tachiwaru!” Miru’s voice pulled the girl from her thoughts, and she could feel Takano’s presence in her mind fade away. It was only temporary, but it was a nice relief. The blonde girl shook her head and let out a breath that she didn’t know she was holding as her partner jogged up to her. The young Uchiha glanced down to the jar as a reflex, hoping Miru didn’t notice the hat, only to see that the jar was empty. There were a few congratulations coming from the older agent, but Tachiwaru didn’t hear them exactly. The words just went in one ear and out of the other as the two collected the jar and went back to the KASA facility. The contents of the jar and Takano’s words had given the girl a lot to think about. Miru offered to file the report, letting Tachiwaru return to her barracks. She stripped herself from her gear and laid down on her cot. She wanted to get at least a little bit of rest before her next assignment. But Takano’s words kept her awake, and Tachiwaru could just stare restlessly at the ceiling for a vague amount of time.

          Sometime later, she would be face to face with her boss. Mano. The two circled around each other in one of the arenas in a training room. The man’s instructions echoed through the girl’s mind while they paced. “This is your final test. Use whatever you like but come at me with the intent to kill. Or you will die.”

          Her Sharingan watched the man’s every movement. Kill the man that could move faster than light. Sure, easy. No problem. It felt like Mano was looming over her, his masked face staring down at her. “If you hesitate, I’ll be running the show!” Takano’s taunting words flashed through her mind. That’s right, she couldn’t show even a moment of weakness. Not when she was being targeted from as many sides as she was.

          So she dashed forward, closing the distance within the blink of an eye. Tachiwaru knew she wasn’t as fast as Mano, but she knew that she had improved. The girl was banking that Mano wasn’t ready for her growth, since he personally only evaluated her a few times. The younger KASA agent flicked her arm as she closed in, aiming a stabbing knifehand into the man’s chest. Her free hand quickly went through a series of signs at her side, out of view of her opponent. Tachiwaru took in a large breath as Mano responded to her stab, knocking the arm away as he stepped to the side, readying a fist to counter. But Tachiwaru had thought a head and, with only a minor adjustment, exhaled a large ball of flame at Mano.

          It wasn’t enough to damage him, but it was enough to make him take a hasty retreat. His movement didn’t result in a solid dodge, momentarily making him lose his balance. Tachiwaru capitalized on the slip up, going in to sweep Mano at his legs. With Tachiwaru’s Doujutsu, Mano fell in slow motion. The girl flicked her wrist, summoning her club from a seal on her arm, as she flipped forward. She used her quick flip to slam her club down with as much power as she could into Mano, and subsequently the ground. Her club hit her mark, hitting the ground with a slightly ground shaking thud. First and dust clouded the arena as Tachiwaru rose to her full height. She knew it wasn’t over, but she didn’t want to risk entering the cloud.

          Her patience was rewarded as sparks of electricity burst out around the impact point, fully formed bolts of lightning hitting the ceiling. Then, in an instant, it stopped. The resulting power quickly dispersed the smoke, revealing Mano. He looked mostly unharmed, except for some messed up patches in his clothes. “Somehow you’re still missing your resolve.” He said as he casually brushed himself off. He let out a breath, one that held a resonating chime to it, as sparks shot through his body seemingly at random. “Stop holding back or you will die.” There was a burst of electricity and Mano disappeared. Tachiwaru flinched and instinctively slipped her mask over her face, with just enough time to react to the man’s movement. As he reappeared before her, he swung his arm to slam the back of his hand into her face. Tachiwaru ducked it, but just barely, but was instantly met with a foot to the face. The kick knocked her into the air, leaving her open for a grab, Mano reaching out with both hands to grip her shoulders.

          Tachiwaru circled her arms, forcing Mano to let her go before he could throw her. The girl focused a bit of chakra into her feet, briefly solidifying a foothold in the air. This gave her a platform to kick off from, using it to spin so that her heel would be brought down on her trainer. Mano moved out of the way, but the foot crashed into the ground with a heavy slam. “You want me to stop holding back?!” As she spoke, Tachiwaru’s voice became more rough, louder and far more intense. Takano hit the ground once they had taken over, and jabbed their thumb at their chest proudly. “Then don’t complain when I mash ya in with th’ floor!” They pressed their offensive, gathering chakra into their palms as they unleashed a flurry of blows, with full intent on disrupting the man’s chakra network.

          Mano met the blows easily, his own arms blurring as he knocked the hands away, carefully avoiding the palms. One such block knocked the masked girl off balance, allowing Mano to follow up with a powerful roundhouse kick. Takano held her hands out, using the kicking leg as a vault to jump over the kick. The leg went right under her, but Mano snapped his leg back. This second kick blindsided Takano, sending them flying away before they hit the ground, skidding while crouched. “Everything you do is too slow. Even trying to switch between your Doujutsu as you attack, that takes too much time and focus. Costing you precious seconds that you need in combat. Your hesitation stems from one simple fact. You are scared.” Mano quickly rushed down Tachiwaru, overwhelming her with a series of mastful strikes. She was able to just barely dodge, but the man offered no moments for her to breathe, let alone counter. “I do not know why you are scared to use your full strength, but it is holding you back while you are trying to move forward. You are placing a rock on the cart, and wondering why the horse can’t move it.” She faltered, giving Mano a crucial moment to knock her into the air with an uppercut. He shook his head as she crashed to the ground. “I do not care which one of you is in control, so long as you produce results. I do not have time for KASA agents who keep themselves from doing their jobs. Understood?”

          Tachiwaru shakily rose to her feet, eyeing Mano through her mask. “He’s right, you know. And I don’t know about you, but I’m not going to let myself be killed because someone weaker than me is in control.” Takano’s rough voice taunted Tachiwaru within her mind and she did her best to shut it out. “You can borrow my engine all ya want. But I’m getting tired of you scratching my ride. So step up, or I’ll step in.” The words faded and the girl sighed, closing her eyes as she took a second to calm her nerves. Fine, if she was going to be pushed into a corner like this, then she would show both Takano and Mano that she had what it took.

          Tachiwaru let out a breath she was holding while she focused chakra into her eyes before opening them. Mano let out a quick gasp upon seeing her new eyes, with two main differences. First, there was a third spoke along the wheel. It was evident to him that Tachiwaru had jumped up another level. But secondly, and more noticeably, was that there wasn’t a single drop of red within her Sharingan, all of it having been replaced with starch white. “I see… forcing you to change them so quickly for so long helped you learn how to harness them both at the same time.” More lightning sparked around his body, filling the air with a heavy presence. “Let’s see if it is enough.”

          Mano dashed forward, and this time Tachiwaru could actually track his movements. Her eyes darted around the room just as the man did, giving her full visual clarity. The girl was momentarily astounded at the sheer difference between the previous doujutsu stages and this one. It allowed her to nimbly duck out of the way of one the man’s incoming lariat strikes. She moved underneath the arm before turning and swiftly jabbing the man’s back with her fingers. It wasn’t enough to shut down his chakra network, but it helped. Mano recovered swiftly before turning to retaliate. Tachiwaru was once again on pure defense, ducking, dodging, and weaving around the flurry of blows that Mano threw at her. It looked like she was doing well, until one blow landed true. A straight punch sank right into her stomach with enough force that the first appeared out of her back, covered in blood. With a trembling hand, Tachiwaru gripped Mano’s arm as she looked him in the eyes. Then, in an instant, her body dissolved into a flock of cawing crows.

          The Genjutsu took Mano by surprise, and he wasn’t expecting the real girl to step into his field of vision. She stared at him with a cold stare before forming a single handsign. It was with that and an effort of will that the tags she’d placed on his body began to sizzle, one for each time she’d simply made contact with the man with her hands. Tachiwaru’s cold, black and white eyes watched without flinching as the tags exploded with violent force, destroying the portion of the arena Mano had been on. She doubted that many other people could survive a blow like that, but something told the girl that Mano wasn’t out for the count yet.

          “Congratulations.” Mano’s voice came from the cloud of smoke before it disappeared. His clothes were torn and his body was bloodied, but if any of that bothered him then the man was good at hiding it. The masked man crossed his arms over his chest, scowling at the young Uchiha through his mask. “You’ve finally given me some resolve. True resolve. You’ve passed your training, and have even earned a little break. We’ll be in touch with your next mission. When you leave here, you will reprise your role as ‘Tanabe,’ and you will never speak of anything regarding your true life as a KASA agent. Am I understood?” Tachiwaru simply nodded after she removed her mask. “Good. Dismissed.”

          Returning to the world outside of the KASA training facility felt… odd. Tachiwaru felt almost like an outsider in her own home. Much like her mission with Miru, except this time it was a permanent feeling of looking in from the outside. But she wouldn’t complain. It was her duty, after all. One she would perform without complaint. As she left, Tanabe still had some questions. Like why the jar showed her the Amekage hat. But, for the meantime, she would enjoy her illusion of freedom while she could. Even if it was brief.

          ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅

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