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Kiku had heard from her older sister that there is other family members out there just like Etai. So this makes Kiku want to go looking for them. Oh what if they had a cute little brother? Or another sister? Oh my that is a lot of females in one family. Maybe not a sibling but a cousin. Or their mother? Maybe their father is out there somewhere as well. There was so many ways it could go. But she is hoping for brothers. Maybe more then one. That would be so cool. Little brothers that she could teach.. But really it doesn't matter to her if what she finds is male or female. Family is just that. Family. And she will love them no matter what. So she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath as she heads out on an adventure to maybe find another family member. Oh that would be so cool if she could bring home a new family member to meet the rest of the sisters... Like all 14 of them if you are counting Etai who is their sister. Just not sure if Etai is half or whole. Not that it matters. Etai is a joy and Kiku was happy to have another sibling. Setting off on this adventure after telling her sisters where she was going. And there is a high chance that she won't find any thing at all. She knows that but still Kiku has to go. After all without trying one will never know what could have been. So slowly starting off after all the goodbyes and nuzzles. Kiku finds herself in woods that where near by. Now to find out which way she should go? Looking left and then right with a sigh as she thinks about it. "Ok right." She states as she then heads right. Making her way through trees and deeper into the woods or was this a forest?? Kiku didn't know for sure. What was the difference between the woods and a forest? Shaking her head as she gets her train of thought back on track. No no no... She can't just let her mind wander like that. It is going to cause her to get lost and she doesn't need that. Focus time. She stops as she looks up and then around again as she heads straight trying to find her way away from these trees and maybe into an opening. Maybe.... She doesn't know if there is even an end to these trees. After awhile she comes to a stop again and listens as she closes her eyes. Water in the distance. That is where she will head. Opening her eyes as she heads towards the sound of the water. It sounded big but not too big. So not a stream. Maybe a river. Almost skipping towards the sound as she comes to a stop looking at the water. Yup a river. So pretty. She steps softly up to the water and leans down to take a drink.

WC :: 506