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The pathfinders had blazed new trails and found new routes for the nomadic herd to traverse and camp. Such was the area her beloved herd had come to settle, for a time. Tents and dens were being set up and for Vasilija, currently engaged in a stint as a Dz'olana, a guard or warrior for the Baxt vai' datha, she was on a patrol. Shrunk into her tiny size, the moth mare flitted amongst the treetops in an ever expanding circle, to get the lay of the land and to get a sense of what dangers may lurk around this new camp location. She needed to be vigilant. Older paths and familiar stomping grounds carried the knowledge of what troubles the mare might expect. The odd big predator, if especially dangerous kalona or shifters or others were known to move through those areas, what natural formations foals or the inexperienced may have trouble with, those were knowns. An entirely new place meant unknowns, meant there were potentially surprises that might mean harm to her family, to her herd.

The shadows were beginning to lengthen as the sun began to sink below the horizon and the air carried with it the subtle promise of cooling autumn air beneath the more humid warmth of late summer when the winds shifted just so. Still in her shrunken state, Vasilija fluttered down to land on an upper branch of a towering pine. Off in the distance, she could see the first flickering glimmers of the fire lights of the camp springing to life. A little smile passed briefly across her features before she refocused on the darkening forests around her. It was good that they were settling in. Better that than pressing on into the dark without a clear idea of their destination. Her feline tail flicked low behind her as she passed toward the end of the branch, scenting the largely still air.

From this elevated vantage point, Vasia could catch the occasional whiff of the wildlife that passed through. Deer, a couple of foxes, the sounds of birds settling into their own roosts for the night, nothing of note so far. It was a bit early to have to worry about bears needing to gorge themselves before the winter. So far she hadn't heard or smelled any wolves, but that didn't mean they weren't around someplace. They could have a vast territory, especially if it were to maintain a pack. Solo wolves weren't too much of a worry. They very likely wouldn't bother approaching the herd with its numbers, though if signs were picked up the vulnerable would have to be cautioned to not go off on their own, just to be safe.

The mare lingered and listened from various perches for a time before flying further out, broadening her patrol range once content that the new distance felt safe. After nearly an hour of patrolling, Vasilija lay perched near the top of an old larch tree, letting her focus float back and forth across the deepening gloaming of this unfamiliar place. Thus far, her shift had been uneventful though, judging on how some dark, low clouds were starting to blot out the views of the stars, it appeared a storm was brewing off to the north west. The wind was largely blowing head on so it was looking like the weather would likely turn in the night or by morning at latest. This fact didn't worry her. By now, many would have bedded down for the night or were near enough to their tents and dens that they'd be able to tuck away comfortably.

Her deductions didn't linger too long in the fore of her mind. Vasilija had her hooded cowl, her extra fluff, and had experience riding out weather when her duties required her to do so. Aside from that, the evening felt calm, at least for a time.

The wind suddenly shifted, carrying an unseasonable chill with it, and causing the tree branches to rustle and sway violently. Something felt off. Shaken from her perch by the movement of the trees, Vasia took to the air, fluttering in sweeping arcs to try to either soothe the prickling worry that clawed at the pit of her gut or pinpoint what might be causing it. She didn't have to search for long.

"You do not belong here..." A low voice whispered raspily from somewhere behind her. Vasilija whirled around in the growing dim, eyes narrowed in intense focus, her heart pounding in her chest. The mare was sensitive to spirits, having always been able to perceive them, to hear them, to communicate if they willed it. This, if that's what it was, felt different. "None of you do."

Out of the corner of her eye a dark shape slipped behind a copse of trees. "Leave..." The voice drawled out, as though a breath on the wind, half heard and fleeting. "This place is mine... You were not invited. I would have remembered such an offer,...outsider," The voice spat, it's tone nigh accusatory.

Pinning her ears back, the warrior witch kept high in and above the trees, trying to follow the shape to try to get a better eye on it, if she could. "We are merely passing through. My people simply need to rest for a few days and we won't even need to take from the land. We have our own supplies and food. The only thing I could possibly think of that we would need is to drink of the waters here. That is all."

"You and your people aren't wanted here. I can make you leave and, from what I can see, you don't look like you can stop me." It taunted darkly. "What are you going to do, little moth? I don't think much..." Horror settled heavily in her gut as she realized it's general path was meandering back toward where her herd had set up camp.

"Watch me," She growled under her breath and tore off in an arc back towards the heart of camp. Without her zigzagging path with pauses in between like earlier, her route was much more direct, taking even less time with the stormfront at her back. Dropping to the ground, she had no trouble making her way to her tent.

Once inside, she frantically dug through her stashed collection of herbs and incenses. The commotion caused her mouse companion, Biti, to emerge groggily from their already set up bed. With an inquisitive head tilt and alerted wiggling of her ear, Biti asked what she was looking for so insistently and wasn't she on duty right now?

"Yes, Biti, but this is important! I need some of our resin incense, some of our dried mugwort, rosemary, lavender, if we have any, and vervain or nettle."

"What's going on, Vasi," Asked the mouse as she hopped up to perch on the edge of the box where the warrior witch kept some supplies in case of emergencies.

"I'm wanting to erect some extra coverage for everyone. I need to sprinkle them into the fires. The resin especially will help produce some fragrant, cleansing smoke that would help waft herb smoke up and out too."

The brown mouse processed the information and spoke quietly. "Those as herbs for cleansing and energetic protection. If we're out of those, rose and chamomile may help...Are we safe?" She asked after a bit of a worried pause.

"If I have anything to say and do about it, yes. Go back to bed, Biti, and please don't go outside. I'm going to take care of it." Or try her damnedest. Her heart was hammering away against her ribs, causing her pulse to roar in her ears, but she kept a brave, determined face on for her diminutive friend. "It'll be okay. I'll see you in the morning..." She dipped low to give her a gentle nuzzle to encourage the mouse to return to the nested bedding. When her friend hopped back down and returned to where she had been tucked, Vasilija hurriedly gathered all she was able to. Outside, the winds howled. She could hear the whipping of unsecured fabric tent flaps, the creak of straining ropes. Tools ready, the mare tore around the camp, sprinkling in some resin incense and herbs into the coals and fires that guttered in the approaching storm. The incense began to produce wisps of thick, aromatic smoke; the herbs crisping and curling into themselves as they turned to ash to be carried away on the wind. Vasilija did this until she ran out of supplies and fires to sprinkle them into.

Once again, she took to the air. The streaks and flashes of lightning in the approaching thunderhead briefly lit up the forest below. The first patterings of cool rain peppered her face. Vasia flew headlong into the storm, fighting the winds, eyes and ears peeled for the dark shape of the threatening...entity? That was all she could think to call it. There was another flash of lightning and she caught sight of it. It's black mass looked large as it wove between the trees. Shifting to her full size, to lend more weight behind her dive and to help drive her point home, she tucked her wings back in controlled freefall, her claws primed for her landing. She didn't know what exactly it was, but Vasilija was prepared to do battle with whatever was threatening her people. She met her mark, the impact stinging her skin through her coat as she fell heavily upon it. "I will die before I let you harm them, fiend!" She shrieked. "I won't let you have them!"

The world was quiet and so dark, the trees still. Rain fell in drenching torrents now, even they seemed distant.

The voice was close when it broke through the quiet after a few long, tense moments. Too close for comfort, but she remained still, body drawn taut like a bowstring. "...Hmmmm. That won't be necessary, I think. You're an interesting creature with a few tricks of your own, it seems. I think I'd like to observe you for a time...Farewell for now, little moth." There was a rushing of air, feeling almost as though it took the air from her lungs with it in it's departing. Sounds seemingly returned to the world. The wind felt less biting, more like that of a standard cusp of early autumn storm. Her claws were sunk deep into the earth as she remained there panting, wide eyed in her desperate fury.

A nearby voice regrounded her. Someone called her name, their tone concerned. "Vasilija? Is everything alright? You seem rattled."

The mare turned her head, focusing in the dim to spot the familiar face of a fellow dz'olana, a stallion edging into his middle age. She sighed, sheathing her claws as she rose from her attacking pose. Scanning around with eyes and her mystical sense both, she shook herself. The prickling worry of impending danger had gone. "I can't say. I think so... Would it be alright if we finish out the night's patrol together? There's something about this area that has me on edge is all."

The older male nodded amicably. "S'fair. I lack your wings so we won't cover quite so much ground, but I'd welcome the company."

"Oh, that's okay. Right now, I'd welcome the company too."

[WC: 1896]